GOAL, many P.D.'s and the CHSB are out of FA10s

Why make it a temp form? Why not just make it permanent...print it, mail it, THE END!

Because that would make sense, save the MA gunowner money & time, save the Commonwealth money, and prevent a new contract from [STRIKE]padding someone's pockets[/STRIKE] being set up.

Not to mention it would give upppity MA gunowners the idea that we can influence the slowly grinding wheels of bureaucracy in this commonwealth by banding together. They don't want us proles realizing that...
Maybe we've been going about this all wrong.

If a 2nd amendment and/or efficiency in government approach doesn't work, how about appealing to the states "Save the Earth" agenda?


That is actually a good idea. With the current economic climate the state should be looking to save money any way it can. I would like to see this offered via budget amendment as a cost savings measure.
I just got a call from an attorney at CHSB, in response to my call to the Governor's office. He said they will be posting an interim form, but seemed to imply that it would not be today. He also claimed that they were still available at police departments. He said that they will be moving to an electronic filing system, and would also either be redesigning the paper form or getting more of them printed, but those are in the future.

In other words, the calls worked.

Gun Owners Action League Executive Director Jim Wallace, and Representative George Peterson have officially petitioned House Post Audit and Oversight Committee Chairman, Representative David P. Linsky (D) to amend the current FA10 situation.

Please know that we are working very hard within the State House to resolve this situation in a manner that will be beneficial to all lawful gun owners in the state of MA.

At this time no further action is necessary, we will keep all updated when it's time to start working the phones/faxes/emails etc..


April 27, 2010

Representative David P. Linsky
Chairman, House Committee on Post Audit and Oversight
State House, Room 146
Boston, MA 02133

Chairman Linsky,

I write you today making you aware of the scarcity of the state firearm transfer reporting form, more commonly referred to as the FA-10 form. If you are not already aware, please let me provide you with a couple of relevant facts, that have been presented from the Firearms Record Bureau.

First, the contractor who was hired to produce the FA-10 forms for the Commonwealth has chosen to no longer be eligible as a state vendor. Secondly, this original contractor maintains the legal rights to the existing FA-10 forms. Subsequently, no other company is allowed to take the formatting/template from them and reproduce it. Thirdly, the state is currently seeking another company to produce a similar form, but must do so through a state approved bidding process, which is a timely process. Finally, the computer system that scans the information from the current FA-10 forms will not function with photocopies. As a result, the state has said that any photocopied FA-10 forms will most likely be rejected.

With the lack of FA-10 forms and uncertainty of when new forms will be available, the Firearms Record Bureau is recommending that transfers be delayed until forms are available or have them done through a licensed state firearms dealer through the computerized Massachusetts Instant Record Check System (MIRCS).*

As you can see from the points referenced above, this situation needs to be corrected. This is certainly an issue that certainly needs to be addressed in a timely manner, and I would be more than happy to speak with you should you have any additional questions.


Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Assistant Minority Leader
I'm perfectly content with the state NOT going to an e-filing system even though that would make sense.

I can't help but think that we would already have an e-filing system if the data they gathered was important, useful and actually served some public interest purpose. I strongly suspect that the data collected from the scanned forms is incomplete and inaccurate, and that's there's little urgency to improving the system because the data is irrelevant.
Thirdly, the state is currently seeking another company to produce a similar form, but must do so through a state approved bidding process, which is a timely process. Finally, the computer system that scans the information from the current FA-10 forms will not function with photocopies. As a result, the state has said that any photocopied FA-10 forms will most likely be rejected.
Did he mean "time consuming?"

Gun Owners Action League Executive Director Jim Wallace, and Representative George Peterson have officially petitioned House Post Audit and Oversight Committee Chairman, Representative David P. Linsky (D) to amend the current FA10 situation.

Please know that we are working very hard within the State House to resolve this situation in a manner that will be beneficial to all lawful gun owners in the state of MA.

At this time no further action is necessary, we will keep all updated when it's time to start working the phones/faxes/emails etc..

Thanks for the work and update.

Kind of ironic though that the person who would be in charge of correcting this problem is the #1 gun grabber in the state legislature. [thinking]
Well, the interim form is now online at the CHSB, but it doesn't look as good as the one we produced!


Good job, guys!

From their website...

Please use this interim FA-10 form to record a firearms transaction pursuant to G.L. c. 140, §§ 128A and 128B. Please note, no alternate forms will be accepted.

Over the past 6 months, CHSB has been developing a web-based firearms transaction application to allow for the electronic submission of FA-10’s. This application is currently in the testing phase and will replace the paper reporting system once it is available online.


6 months, huh!?

Why didn't they mention anything about this from the start once the shortage problem became publicly known and people started asking questions?
From their website...


6 months, huh!?

Why didn't they mention anything about this from the start once the shortage problem became publicly known and people started asking questions?

Glad the calls worked and action was taken. As it should be.....

Who knows why they wouldn't let us know what's going on....but I'm glad they didn't it made people
impatient and pissed off and sometimes that's what's needed to get things done.
Over the past 6 months, CHSB has been developing a web-based firearms transaction application to allow for the electronic submission of FA-10’s. This application is currently in the testing phase and will replace the paper reporting system once it is available online.

This doesn't surprise me that it took a large blowtorch to get CHSB to do this. Since the "regime" changed over there, things have been "interesting" to put it mildly.

Over the past 6 months, CHSB has been developing a web-based firearms transaction application to allow for the electronic submission of FA-10’s. This application is currently in the testing phase and will replace the paper reporting system once it is available online.

I sure hope they're encrypting all this traffic. And run it on something more powerful than a 8088.
I sure hope they're encrypting all this traffic. And run it on something more powerful than a 8088.

How about making sure they don't expose the data to hackers so that some high end firearms thieves can't grab the data and hit those of us who have expensive collections....
With hundreds of thousands of gun registrations in MA how many have been used to solve a crime?

Probably not nearly as often as used by the police to confiscate firearms from those with RO's or arrested for a crime prior to any finding of guilt or innocence.
With hundreds of thousands of gun registrations in MA how many have been used to solve a crime?

I think you could safely say that the answer to that question is "NONE"

I'd love to see proof from the state of MA to the contrary.

The cost effectiveness of this program is a study in the waste that is big government.
I think you could safely say that the answer to that question is "NONE"

I'd love to see proof from the state of MA to the contrary.

The cost effectiveness of this program is a study in the waste that is big government.

And here I was thinking that this system was the only thing keeping the streets from running red with the blood of innocent children
I wonder if I have to go buy a color printer now[thinking]

Please use this interim FA-10 form to record a firearms transaction pursuant to G.L. c. 140, §§ 128A and 128B. Please note, no alternate forms will be accepted.
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This doesn't surprise me that it took a large blowtorch to get CHSB to do this.
I just got a call from Rep. Tom Conroy's office, telling me that CHSB put form up. So, I'm 3 for 3 -- Governor's office, Sen Brown's office, and Rep. Conroy's office all called CHSB and all got back to me. Hopefully Director Guida's backside is a bit more tender today than it was earlier in the week. Perhaps he'll think a bit more about "customer service" in the future, lest he spend a couple more days answering calls from irate politicians.

Since the "regime" changed over there, things have been "interesting" to put it mildly.
Really? It couldn't be, because everyone here was telling me that Romney and Kerry Healey were just as bad as Patrick. [rolleyes]
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