GOAL, many P.D.'s and the CHSB are out of FA10s

Well, the interim form is now online at the CHSB, but it doesn't look as good as the one we produced!


Good job, guys!

Hey! Their .pdf file looks identical to the one I scanned and posted a link to. The file size is even the same! Could it be that the form the FRB posted was borrowed from this thread? I'm not going to bother downloading their form since it seems identical (even down to the shading and artifacts) to the one I scanned.

If they did borrow it from here I wish I had known. I would have scanned it as a true interactive .pdf form file so that people could just type the info into the fields and submit it electronically. If an old fart like me can do it, what is the big deal?
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Hey! Their .pdf file looks identical to the one I scanned and posted a link to. The file size is even the same! Could it be that the form the FRB posted was borrowed from this thread? I'm not going to bother downloading their form since it seems identical (even down to the shading and artifacts) to the one I scanned.

If they did borrow it from here I wish I had known. I would have scanned it as a true interactive .pdf form file so that people could just type the info into the fields and submit it electronically. If an old fart like me can do it, what is the big deal?

There is no meta data. What kind of printer do you have connected to your PC (brand and model) and what version PDF maker (not the reader) do you have?
[rofl] Hello FRB: [wave]
Mr Guida,

Welcome to our world where your every action is under constant scrutiny and the slightest misstep is met with overwhelming and unpleasant regulatory response regardless of your intentions or direct control in the specific details of the aforementioned misstep.

Only we have to deal with this in our private lives - this is just your job...
There is no meta data. What kind of printer do you have connected to your PC (brand and model) and what version PDF maker (not the reader) do you have?

It has some metadata: creation time and method. And apart from that, a binary diff confirms they are the same file, as the differences are all in the first few KB of data (probably some kind of PDF header).
If they did borrow it from here I wish I had known. I would have scanned it as a true interactive .pdf form file so that people could just type the info into the fields and submit it electronically. If an old fart like me can do it, what is the big deal?

Open it with any good .pdf software, such as Adobe or Nuance, and use the "typewriter" tool.
It has some metadata: creation time and method. And apart from that, a binary diff confirms they are the same file, as the differences are all in the first few KB of data (probably some kind of PDF header).

Right, just not author, etc meta data. It does also have the scanner used, the version and plugin used, etc. I was pretty sure it was his file, I just wanted to have that info before I went for the win.

So, Director Guida. I have a favor to ask. Can you link to this one (http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=10238&d=1272396054) instead. It is a order of magnitude smaller and is a whole lot easier to work with. We will gladly insert forms in it so that people can type in it. Would you like that?
Toodles. [wave]
Right, just not author, etc meta data. It does also have the scanner used, the version and plugin used, etc. I was pretty sure it was his file, I just wanted to have that info before I went for the win.

So, Director Guida. I have a favor to ask. Can you link to this one (http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=10238&d=1272396054) instead. It is a order of magnitude smaller and is a whole lot easier to work with. We will gladly insert forms in it so that people can type in it. Would you like that?
Toodles. [wave]
Yup,good point. I was initially disappointed that the binaries were different before I realized it was just the file header.

Do you have to be a member to get at those attachments? Can someone host it off-site? EDIT: Yep, if I log out, I can't access attachments.
Looks like the same damned thing. Like they took an FA-10 and scanned it in and saved it in PDF. Hell, WE did that YESTERDAY. [rolleyes]

Since they read this forum daily, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they grabbed one of our attachments, changed the title and posted it as "theirs". [laugh]
D, I see you grabbed my quote before I edited to for spelling errors. My bad for pulling the trigger before spell-checking!
And here you all are screaming that CSHB isn't cooperative - or even responsive.............


I'm just amused, not complaining! I think it's a good move! When you need to do gun-stuff, I can't see any better group to go to than NES: Higher than Delta!

I think we can do better, and offer to redo the entire system for them. Some variation of FA10 > /dev/null should do the trick.
Open it with any good .pdf software, such as Adobe or Nuance, and use the "typewriter" tool.

I did play around with that, Scriv. I was less than succesful, and my intent was to get a legible form posted for folks to use, so I didn't pursue it at the time. To function perfectly with the hardware scanner, the datapoints have to be closely aligned. That's why the original forms have those little shaded boxes. The scanner looks for data only in the areas outlined by the boxes. To do it up properly I'd have to make the interactive fields align perfectly with those of the official form.

I'm sure it's easily doable for someone with the expertise. I'm completely self-taught when it comes to working with this stuff. I was pleased when the form I printed out from the file I scanned looked pretty much identical to the official one. As long as the printed size corresponds to the actual original size, the scanning hardware should have no trouble picking up the characters.

At least, that is my understanding of the whole process.
If the law had a sentence which read: "The executive director of the criminal history systems board shall provide such forms upon request by any resident, within X days of the request..." then you could argue that his failure to provide the forms in a timely fashion was a violation of the law.

And most certainly not a criminal violation.

I agree with M1911 on all points save one: I believe a credible argument can be made that the "director's" furnishing of a form is an effective (if implicit) condition precedent on the seller's obligation to report information on that form.
Yup,good point. I was initially disappointed that the binaries were different before I realized it was just the file header.

Do you have to be a member to get at those attachments? Can someone host it off-site? EDIT: Yep, if I log out, I can't access attachments.

I got a PM from center442. Yup, he named the exact scanner and software used. It's his.
I got a PM from center442. Yup, he named the exact scanner and software used. It's his.

This can't be a coincidence, can it?
Does anyone know if the existence of that form on the EOPS site has been announced outside of this forum?

Its on their "Forms" page - if anyone cared to look there... but I'd assume they can see that the referrals are coming from here...
I got a PM from center442. Yup, he named the exact scanner and software used. It's his.

So, I guess I'm now famous...or infamous, as the case may be. [wink][laugh] Since the file is now available from the official agency I'm going to delete/remove it from my webspace. I have a limited amount of storage space there, and that file was taking up a good portion of it.

Gee, I don't know if I can stand all this excitement at my advanced age. [rofl]
Well we do have more technical expertise (e.g. guns, gun laws and computers) here than they do at CHSB/FRB, of that you can be sure. [devil]
Too bad that PDF didnt have like a coded msg in it, you know, like steganography..... so you could somehow decode a file out of it, and maybe it would play "Yakety Sax" like on the Benny Hill show. [rofl] That should be the hold music at CHSB.

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