My prediction is that the Fed won't be able to cut back on the QE - because every time they've tried to do that in the last few years, the stock market has started to crash. And government is going to not only keep doing stimulus, they're going to try to bail out all the states and cities. So we're talking 10s of trillions of Fed and government stimulus with no end until they crash the dollar.
So my prediction of a peak of $5000 gold is really just a wild guess, cause how do you price gold in worthless dollars?
Anyway, I think gold could hit $2400-2500 this year, and $5000 next year. And it won't matter if they have a cure for Covid - the real issue is the debt explosion, and a Covid cure won't fix that. You'll get a temporary drop in gold until people realize the Fed and government can't stop the printing.