Gold and silver prices are down

Gold stocks (+5%) are beating the S&p500 (-0.2%), Bitcoin (+2%) and NVDA (+2%) in 2025.

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Year to date:
NVDA -10%
S&P500 +3%
Bitcoin +3%
Gold +8.6%
Silver +10.8%
GDX +16%

Past Performance Is Not Indicative Of Future Results

What I’ve been watching… The doubling of roughly 1000-2000 can suggest from after the handle breakout another doubling of 2000-4000.


Now look at silver’s long-term chart. See any similarity, albeit on a longer scale? Once we break the handle around 50 then what’s not to say the 10-bagger from 5-50 presents a path for 15 to 150?

I heard a wall street type, who is not a "gold bug", say that the 20 year gold chart is one of the prettiest in all of wall street.

FYI the 20 year CAGR (compound annual growth rate) is about 10.1%.

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Beautiful cup and handle breakout, which points to like $3400 or something, hopefully this year.
What I’ve been watching… The doubling of roughly 1000-2000 can suggest from after the handle breakout another doubling of 2000-4000.

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Now look at silver’s long-term chart. See any similarity, albeit on a longer scale? Once we break the handle around 50 then what’s not to say the 10-bagger from 5-50 presents a path for 15 to 150?

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I have two silver junior miner 3-baggers in the last year, Skeena Resources and Discovery Silver. If silver follows that chart, silver miner 10-baggers will be a dime a dozen.

Silver is tough though, cause central banks don’t buy it and it’s small enough that the bullion banks can easily manipulate it. We might get some action if it gets above $35.
If $3000 crests and holds above, maybe, just maybe we will finally see the leverage plays of miners add streams of joy to our boredom.

Yeah maybe, but I’m ok with the slow move up, makes it more sustainable. Don’t want a repeat of 2016 and 2020. I’ll be selling on the way up regardless.
Banks are struggling to keep gold under $2900, now $2903. Silver battling over $33.
There is just nothing they can do about gold. It's far too big of a market to control with paper.

Silver, OTOH, is small enough that they can tamp the price by flooding the market with paper derivatives.

Until they can't, then they have to climb out of the hole they dug. That could be soon.
In its annual and fourth-quarter Gold Demand Trends report, published Wednesday, the World Gold Council said that central banks bought more than 1,000 tonnes of gold in 2024 for the third year in a row. This accounted for roughly 20% of total demand last year.
Anyone seeing that a mine in China may have hit a 1000 tons or more of gold.
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