Grizzly Gear by Camerons

Every time I see a product like this I think "MMmmm! Can't wait to gnaw on a hunk of calorie."
I know it's better than starving to death. I haven't tried this brand but the ones like it were edible. Eating becomes a chore. Like folding laundry or brushing teeth.
Decided to break this open and try it out. Had a very faint odor, nothin bad, just a little out of place, maybe from being so old. In another thread on these types of emergency rations food, it was suggested that these go better with a cup of coffee.

Very slight odor, taste a little different than Mainstay although about 75-80% of the ingredients were the same. After a partial bar I broke out another piece of the Mainstay bar for a comparison. No odor, good taste, just enough difference that, if given a choice, I would go with the Mainstay.

In the picture the yellowish one is the Grizzly Gear and the lighter-colored one is Mainstay. The coffee is Starbucks from a Keurig. Bon appetit.

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