Gun Confiscation Coming in Virginia

Patriot Nurse IS Benjamin Franklin...

People are up in arms...

From the Patriot Nurse video above:

" I want you to consider that in an atmosphere of lawlessness, where you have anarchy from the top down and where you have lawlessness and disregard for the law and basic rights of citizens and the Constitution from the top down - THEY are illegitimate."

She's asserting something that I've been saying for a while in regards to the Federal government : It is illegitimate - because it simply refuses to do it's damn job. I usually say this in relation to the Federal government's basic refusal to defend the border and actually do one of it's most basic jobs: which is to protect the integrity of the borders that it claims sovereignty over. But now we have state governments - like Virginia - that are also proving to be illegitimate.

From a pure moral position: you have NO moral obligation to follow and obey illegitimate government orders. People have been doing it for a LONG time in this country - mostly out of convenience, and that has enabled the governments at all levels to just continue in this behavior.

A related topic to this is something I see discussed a lot in right wing circles - and especially among nationalist groups: and that is the urge among right wingers to somehow secede and go to some region of the country just to get away from the blue horde and their lawlessness. Most of the time what I see proposed is that everybody is going to run to one of the "red" states that aren't too blue infected yet - which is invariably some state in the middle of the country.

The problem with this is that it's strategically retarded: running away to your right wing Galt's Gulch - which is land locked and surrounded by a sea of blue , is solid recipe for failure.

And I'm not sure why the hell WE should be running away. To me this seems like a " my teenage girl is a lunatic and I can't handle her any more - so we're abandoning our own house and leaving her in charge" response. The correct response - IMHO - is to kick THEM out. I don't think the right wing should be ceding the country to the commie leftist hordes. What they should be doing - is kicking their asses OUT. If Washington D.C. and the surrounding suburbs of VA and Richmond want to go all blue - then the rest of Virginia counties should first declare themselves gun sanctuary counties. Then they should raise their own militias- and then then should all get together - declare a new capital - declare that the state name of Virginia rightfully rests with them - and boot the offending blue counties out of the state. Tell them they can rename themselves Commie Shitpile or whatever floats their boat - but they're not going to use call themselves "Virginia" - because they are illegitimate.

This is something I think the right wing and the pro-gun forces REALLY need to get their heads straight on. The urge to run away is a line to defeat. They should rather be booting out all of the blue horde areas and setting them adrift. Maybe the concept of the city state needs to make a comeback. The true Americans will retain the country - while a bunch of these blue horde areas get kicked out and have to make it work on their own. See you later NYC. See you later Washington D.C. ...... etc.
The real question is who will muster in Virginia along side the Defenders...?

I'm seeing talk of the Sheriffs deputizing everybody in the county so that they're "legally" able to own guns.

There's a bunch of talk about militias being formed as well.

If militias get formed - and they do it correctly - then EVERYBODY stands beside them because everybody is expected to serve.

I posted this over in the Why The Government Wants to Disarm You thread:

(it's from an article talking about Shay's Rebellion):

The state of Massachusetts petitioned Congress to send in Federal troops, but the U.S. Army at that time had approximately 700 men. Congress responded by promising to add another 1,340 men, but Massachusetts was supposed to raise 660 of these. Congress then made up a phony war story to justify sending troops to quell a tax revolt. There was a pending Indian war, Congress said. Few believed this ruse. The U.S. Army raised a total of 100 recruits. Meanwhile, militia members in Massachusetts were joining the rebels. Boston’s militia responded to the call; western counties ignored it. Especially revealing were Revolutionary War veterans. Of 637 veterans in the militia in Northampton, only 23 volunteered for duty. The two senior officers from Northampton who responded had between them a total of 14 days of service in the War. All of the rebel captains had at least three years’ experience. Baron von Steuben, who had served under Washington, identified the problem in an article signed “Belisarius.” Massachusetts had 92,000 militiamen on its rolls. Why did the state need military support from Congress? He provided the correct answer: the government was not representative of the opinions of the people.

I looked up the population of MA during that time - and it was approximately 388,000. So out of 388,000 people 92,000 of them were militiamen on the official rolls (not all of them I'm sure were actually "active")

That is how it should be done. Declare yourself a 2nd amendment sanctuary , reinstitute the militia - get them all trained, get them all armed - and tell the government to eff off. The population of Virginia right now is something like 8.5 million . How many of that total are people living out in the renegade counties? I'll take a rough guess and say 1/2. But let's say it's 1/3 just to be conservative. That's 2,833,333 people.

If they had the same ratio of "militia" on the rolls as MA had in Shaws Rebellion era - that would make for approximately 708,000 people in the new Virginia militia.

The "government" would have an extremely hard time dealing with that I think.
I read in another forum that there are around 1200 State Troopers in the entire state.
I can't picture them even trying to take on one county.
They are most likely going to tell governor blackface to go shit in his hat if he tries to force the issue.
I read in another forum that there are around 1200 State Troopers in the entire state.
I can't picture them even trying to take on one county.
They are most likely going to tell governor blackface to go shit in his hat if he tries to force the issue.
This is exactly why I called out the militia roll & population numbers in MA at the time of Shaw's Rebellion.

If the counties in VA can reconstitute a REAL militia, the troopers are screwed. If they can get themselves organized enough to tell Richmond and it's environs that they're no longer part of the great state of Virginia, and they are now free to reconstitute themselves as a separate political entity, then the government might find itself stuck in a legal quandary.

By booting them out you're saying that the rightful authority to run the state ihas been taken away from them.

That's a political and legal horse of an entirely different color, than the standard "run away" argument that I usually hear out of the right wing.
"Virginia Democratic leaders abandoned their gun confiscation proposal Monday following a grassroots outpouring of opposition to gun control across the state. "

"Virginia Democratic leaders abandoned their gun confiscation proposal Monday following a grassroots outpouring of opposition to gun control across the state. "

Still not good. Grandfather clauses without sale/transfer provisions only delay what is effectively an outright ban, as owners age and die.

I mean, any ban, regardless of the extent of grandfathering, isn’t good, but you know what I mean.

Hopefully this hurts them(dems and their anti-2A platform) in 2020. But VA is still screwed until at least 2021.
"Virginia Democratic leaders abandoned their gun confiscation proposal Monday following a grassroots outpouring of opposition to gun control across the state. "

Read the story, they just said "Fine, we will allow you to keep what you already own when we ban everything." they gave up nothing and were likely planning this all along to make themselves seem reasonable. "See, we compromised why won't those NRA backed morons just give in a little and let us ban the things we want to?"
They may have backed down a smidge on confiscation, but not on enforcing the law:

Virginia Democratic officials, however, already say local law enforcement supporting these resolutions will face consequences if they do not carry out any law the state Legislature passes.
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they're prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly told the Washington Examiner of local county police who may refuse to enforce future gun control measures. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don't have a choice, not if you're a sworn officer of the law.”
Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin suggested cutting off state funds to counties that do not comply with any gun control measures that pass in Richmond.
“They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money. The counties' attorneys offices are not going to have the money to prosecute because their prosecutions are going to go down,” he said.
McEachin also noted that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could call the National Guard, if necessary.
“And ultimately, I'm not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” he said. “That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has.”
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring blamed the numerous Second Amendment resolutions in the state on the “gun lobby” as a tactic to frighten state residents.
“The resolutions that are being passed are being ginned up by the gun lobby to try to scare people. What we’re talking about here are laws that will make our communities and our streets safer,” Herring told CBS 6.
“So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced,” he added.
They're offering a grandfather clause........

RKBA groups are telling them to go pound sand......this is first step in full scale retreat by dems and its a HUGE blow to Soros/Bloomberg/MDA who dumped HUGE amounts of money into the election to flip a number of seats.

Its a strategy that you will see attempted in other states in 2020......

Theres a lot to learn from whats going on down there.
They actually organized, mobilized, and did something.
Friend of mine lives down there in Amelia. They're not done pushing back, but also completely expect dems to backdoor it.
Told him good luck, and hope that w.v. doesn't end up like this socialist liberal waste of a state up here.
LMAO a thing just came out that said "now were thinking about a grandfather clause"

As if somehow a stupid f***ing grandfather clause is actually going to appease the people in VA that are pissed off about this. [rofl]

I don't think these moonbats really understand what they got themselves into. Political distribution aside, the per capita rate of gun owners in VA is pretty
heavy, and they're more likely to be on the normal side vs the "fudd" side of the coin.

Theres a lot to learn from whats going on down there.
They actually organized, mobilized, and did something.
Friend of mine lives down there in Amelia. They're not done pushing back, but also completely expect dems to backdoor it.
Told him good luck, and hope that w.v. doesn't end up like this socialist liberal waste of a state up here.

It's because VCDL doesn't suck, and there's a lot of gun owners in VA. And further, more importantly, there's a lot of gun owners that actually give a shit. Some of the sheriffs etc, also "get
this". Not to mention theres a shitload of DC and MD expats that live there, due in large part because of the stupid f***ing laws in those two places... so there's some reinforcement there, too.

My son says they can't use the guard in that capacity says Posse Commitus prohibits them from enforcing law enforcement actions on the mainland

VA Blackface Governor orders the Guard to go in against militias in sanctuary counties, Trump nationalizes the VA Guard and orders them to do nothing of the sort.
My son says they can't use the guard in that capacity says Posse Commitus prohibits them from enforcing law enforcement actions on the mainland

Federalized national guard fall under posse comitatus. However the VA governor can use national guard in the enforcement of VA law. Although, I’m not sure how well that’d be received from the populous OR the national guard. I doubt many enlisted would be willing to confiscate guns or arrest sherrifs for ol’ mr black face.
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