Gun Room, Shrewsbury, MA

It's a tattoo of a 4 leaf clover, NOT a tattoo of a shamrock. Shamrock would be 3 leaves, 4 leaf clover would be 4. Whatever, it's my tattoo and his problem now. I won't lose any sleep over it.

It's almost like they stay in buisness by default. I've been there before and had some stupid experiences, but that was the kicker for me. I only went in because I'd timed my drive wrong and had 15 minutes to spare, but next time I'll go to Burger King down the road and ask a homeless person for advice on the stock market.

Hi; Seems like nothing has changed ther: nobody with any brains will work for O'looney. Those perpetual old hang arounds are equally annoying. Just heard Ron left; whom I feel was the only one holding the place together. I, myself, have not been in there since that Rambo-Wannabee Moron brandished a weapon at a customer over a year ago.
Way to freaky. [sad2][crying][sad][angry][rolleyes]
Which time? I heard he did that quite a bit. And with the help too. I never saw it happen but I was told by a few witnesses he drew down on The Murph one day "just kidding, of course". I won't comment on how ridiculous that whole situation is.

Ron was pretty sick last week with some sort of bronchitis. Spoke with him yesterday. He's a lot better now. He's a great guy.
Which time? I heard he did that quite a bit. And with the help too. I never saw it happen but I was told by a few witnesses he drew down on The Murph one day "just kidding, of course". I won't comment on how ridiculous that whole situation is.

Ron was pretty sick last week with some sort of bronchitis. Spoke with him yesterday. He's a lot better now. He's a great guy.

many patrons were subjected to his outbursts of rage on numerous occasions. he once flipped out and walked off the job when someone split a muffen and left the other half in the box.
the problem withan a-hole like that is that they think that they are a legend and the world needs him function properly.
he once threatened me over a left behind half of donut; i warned him is he threatened again a legal complaint will be filed and he would find out what happens to gun owners whom comit crimes in this state. we never spoke again.
i will check on ron and see how he feels.
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I despise that place SO much, that they have a rifle I want very much, at a fair price (how unlikely is that?), they're close to my house and open late which is convenient for my schedule.

And I WILL NOT buy it there.

I will pay more, drive further, alter my schedule, and continue to search for the rifle with a big smile on my face the whole time.

Never, ever again. [angry]
In the early ninties, I bought my first pistol there -- a Sig Sauer 226, and it turned out to be a very fine gun -- I still have it today.

That was the last good transaction I've had there. That shop features expensive guns, surly service, and offer a very thin inventory unless you're interested in CASS stuff.
character !!!

The Muffin Incident, I remember that. Heard about it for weeks. What a character.......
he's a "character disorder". he was said to have been a army ranger; more like just a overgrown child who thinks he a bad ass by playing dressup.
that outfit of his was the brut of much humour. last time i saw him he had sprouted a ponytail; ponytails are for ponys ! [rofl].
he, and those so called other military types that hang around the "goonroom", are a perfect pro right to bear arms argument; with dimwits like that protecting us you need to own a gun [laugh2][laugh][crying][rolleyes]
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I think it has a lot to do in a person's attitude and what we are willing to put up with in the pursuit of our hobbies. I have purchased several firearms from the Gun Room in the last year. The staff was always friendly (I can't remember his name, but he just left for the police academy to work for the sheriffs' dept.) I work in the area and visit them often during my lunch break..never a problem.
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And they continue to shoot themselves in the foot. [rolleyes]

A friend of mine at work related this story to me. He's got his application in to his local PD and went out to the Gun Room to look at shotguns - he wants to go hunting. So he tells the person behind the counter that he's looking for a shotgun, and (here's where the idiot makes his mistake) the guy looks at him and says "You can't afford it".

Now, I don't know if my friend was coming from work - he works in the maintenance dept - or not. Guess he could have been, and been wearing his maintenance uniform. Or he might have been coming from his security job. BUT... you can't judge a person by what they wear nowadays.

He opens his wallet and shows the idiot his wad of cash (enough for a REALLY GOOD shotgun) - said idiot kind of gulps - and my friend says "You're not getting any of it. You had your chance and blew it."

Needless to say, I'm sending him to some other stores, where they'll treat him better.
And here I thought that they were supposed to be turning themselves around. These idiots didn't even get to asking to see his LTC before they managed to BF themselves!!

This guy is just getting his LTC and will be starting to buy guns... they could have made a customer for life but no... the idiot behind the counter had to be a smart a$$... Well, it'll co$t them bu$ine$$ to keep abu$ing cu$tomer$ that way. [rolleyes]
Would you do me a favor and let me know when your friend went there and a description of the clerk that treated him so rudely. I know the manager will be most interested in this.

Was in there yesterday and came out with a old Sig P226 and some accessories. They were most pleasant to me.

No doubt I dealt with someone different from the one your friend had.
And that's the exact reason I avoid that shop at all costs. They have this aura about them "We're better than you" or "You can't afford this" If anyone in that shop ever told me that I couldn't afford whatever I was looking at, I would probably do just what your buddy did, show them the wad and walk out; good job putting guy in his place. [grin]

They also have a habit of doing the "This gun here is super rare, you're not gunna find it anywhere else... and if you do it'll cost you twice what we're offering it for." This is while we're talking about a $1000 dollar HK USP or an $800 dollar Sig.... Yeah, ok guy... best of luck selling those.

IMO, their prices on most firearms, especially handguns are WAY too high. C'mon, $650 for a Beretta? $50+ dollars for a preban 30rd M1 mag? It's a shame, too... their literally 5 minutes from my house... They could have had a lot of business.
Ross, it couldn't happen to a better place!!

That story reminds me of the "Spag's Story" of many years ago.

For those not familiar . . .

Anthony "Spag" Borgatti was the founder/owner and the business (almost across the street from this sorry excuse of a gun shop) was originally an "all cash operation" (no credit cards/checks/money orders/etc.). He always dressed in farmer's bib overalls and a cowboy hat.

He stopped in a car dealership on Rte. 9 and the salesman blew him off (think it was a Caddie dealership) due to how he looked. Another employee had recognized Mr. Spags and later asked the sales droid "how did it go with Mr. Spags" at which legend has it that the sales droid's blood all drained to his feet. Mr. Spags went to another dealership and bought two cars that day with cash (he always carried a wad of bills that would choke an elephant).

Moral of the story: NEVER judge a book by it's cover!!


I had the honor of meeting and talking with Mr. Spags, but didn't remember to ask him if the story was true or not. Great store, damn I miss that place!!

More history of Spag's:'s
Steve Tyler had the same experience with a car dealer on our automile. He went in looking like he was a DB that just got fished out of the drink. Wanted to purchase a corvette. The salesman would not talk to him. He went down to another dealer and paid cash for one, on the spot. Steve's the lead singer and power being the rock band Aerosmith.
That happened to me at a Harley dealer in Paramus - wouldn't let me take a test ride (HE claimed it was because his insurance woulnd't cover it). I went up to a BMW dealer and test rode a bike that afternoon... and bought a brand new one the next morning. Paid cash, too.

BBR, I'll ask Tom about when he went there and who he talked to.
It amazes me in this day and age that anyone in sales would have such a stoic attitude towards the buying public. I own a small town insurance agency and tax practice and treat everyone like they are Kings & Queens. Any astute quality sales person will tell you there is no way you can predict where you next sales opportunity will come from nor what it will look like. Learned a long time ago the quality and fiber of a person's moral character can be best judged by how they treat people that CANNOT benefit them, or at least appear so.
It amazes me in this day and age that anyone in sales would have such a stoic attitude towards the buying public. I own a small town insurance agency and tax practice and treat everyone like they are Kings & Queens. Any astute quality sales person will tell you there is no way you can predict where you next sales opportunity will come from nor what it will look like. Learned a long time ago the quality and fiber of a person's moral character can be best judged by how they treat people that CANNOT benefit them, or at least appear so.

Well said.

And that's the exact reason I avoid that shop at all costs. They have this aura about them "We're better than you" or "You can't afford this" If anyone in that shop ever told me that I couldn't afford whatever I was looking at, I would probably do just what your buddy did, show them the wad and walk out; good job putting guy in his place. [grin]

They also have a habit of doing the "This gun here is super rare, you're not gunna find it anywhere else... and if you do it'll cost you twice what we're offering it for." This is while we're talking about a $1000 dollar HK USP or an $800 dollar Sig.... Yeah, ok guy... best of luck selling those.

IMO, their prices on most firearms, especially handguns are WAY too high. C'mon, $650 for a Beretta? $50+ dollars for a preban 30rd M1 mag? It's a shame, too... their literally 5 minutes from my house... They could have had a lot of business.

The new tall one is that he sold the gun [or owned it at onetime] that was used in the attempted assasination of Regan.[laugh2][rofl][rolleyes][laugh]
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