Coyote33 said:
I've been to and purchased at 4 Seasons, and also been to AG, but those are both a LONG HAUL from Worcester.
So, what's involved in opening a gun shop?
Coyote, first off, welcome!
Second, there are couple of gun stores at the end of I290 - Callaghan's in Marlboro and K&R Target Sports in Hudson. K&R has more in the way of modern arms, but Callaghans has more ammo and more blackpowder firearms. Both are worth the trip, and both are run by the owners... who are very friendly.
K&R has both new and used handguns as well as long arms. Callaghans has some used handguns but I don't think that Richie Callaghan orders any new ones any more. Ray at K&R definitely does order new ones.
Oops... almost forgot Tite Group Sporting in Northboro! Also run by the owner, and a good place to go. Small, but he will order whatever you want. I've bought guns from K&R and Callaghans but not Tite Group. Other folks on the board report good experiences there, though.
Third... first, you gotta get an FFL. Second, you need a bunch of money. Third, you need a GOOD lawyer! Fourth, you gotta find a town that will let you open up a gun store! Fifth... let me know when you do it. I'm starting to think that maybe it's a good time to start a new career!