Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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Why show your poker hand to your enemy?

If they can't figure out that doing what they want could result in losing everything, as a good case could probably be made that it violates Heller and MacDonald due to the requirement for a permit to merely possess anything, tough shit for them and Comm2A and SAF have an avenue to get some good case law in USDC or USSC!

I think also they are going to have real issue with disqualifying a range of people who have not been convicted of a crime or have previously been allowed to own firearms despite minor offenses. There are due process issues with respect to these standards that they may employ. Also, in MA the CWOF issue is big if they go there as there is a stream of SJC cases dealing with the fact that it is not a conviction and that it is very different from a Nolo as it is merely an admission that a reasonable jury could convict you with the evidence at hand.
If you get the list you better have good records, all it shows is your name, DOB, Gun License Number (FID or LTC) and the Gun Serial Number.

I have at least 8 serial numbers that show on the list but not in any of my FA10's or my bound book or my record book or my software program and 3 of them have my license number as "0000000"

Oh you can request a copy of the original FA10's which I will do for some of them to see what they are
This from the National Review last evening -
What is it about school shootings that so lobotomizes the political and academic classes? Per
More than a year after the school shootings in Newtown, Conn., a panel of academic experts today released a long-awaited report recommending that Massachusetts tighten its gun laws, which are already considered among the toughest in the country.​
The panel made 44 recommendations, including that Massachusetts join a national mental health database for screening potential gun owners, that it beef up firearms training requirements, and that it eliminate Class B gun licenses, which are seldom used.​
It recommended that the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association help define a series of factors that could be used to prohibit "unsuitable persons" from acquiring firearms. The panel said the current process allows local law enforcement officials too much discretion to determine whether a person is suitable to be granted a license to carry.​
This is your standard reactionary nonsense, guaranteed to have no effect in a state that already boasts some of the strongest gun-control laws in the United States and designed primarily to make people who know nothing about firearms feel better about themselves. But it is what comes next that should horrify one and all — regardless of their politics:
It also said Massachusetts should require anyone wanting to purchase a hunting rifle or a shotgun to pass those standards of suitability. That could allow local police chiefs to deny gun purchases to people who have been arrested, but not convicted, of a crime.​
Let’s just repeat that, for clarity’s sake: Massachusetts is considering denying "gun purchases to people who have been arrested, but not convicted, of a crime." In other words, an American state is thinking about denying a constitutional right to the innocent because they happen to have been picked up by authorities that couldn’t prove that they had done anything wrong. One hopes I speak for everybody here when I say, No, no, and no again. No to the abject hysteria that has slowly grown in small parts of the country; no to the ignorance that is striping like acid through reason and through the law; and no to a cabal of politicians whose disdain for the Second Amendment is so pronounced that they are happy not only to undermine that provision in pursuit of their quixotic goals but to dilute the rest of the American settlement into the bargain. Enough is enough. Where art thou, ACLU?

Many people say "let sleeping dogs lie" or "why let them know you are around" but if the do the affidavit then you need to know what they have on you. I am being proactive.
This from the National Review last evening -
What is it about school shootings that so lobotomizes the political and academic classes? Per
More than a year after the school shootings in Newtown, Conn., a panel of academic experts today released a long-awaited report recommending that Massachusetts tighten its gun laws, which are already considered among the toughest in the country.​
The panel made 44 recommendations, including that Massachusetts join a national mental health database for screening potential gun owners, that it beef up firearms training requirements, and that it eliminate Class B gun licenses, which are seldom used.​
It recommended that the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association help define a series of factors that could be used to prohibit "unsuitable persons" from acquiring firearms. The panel said the current process allows local law enforcement officials too much discretion to determine whether a person is suitable to be granted a license to carry.​
This is your standard reactionary nonsense, guaranteed to have no effect in a state that already boasts some of the strongest gun-control laws in the United States and designed primarily to make people who know nothing about firearms feel better about themselves. But it is what comes next that should horrify one and all — regardless of their politics:
It also said Massachusetts should require anyone wanting to purchase a hunting rifle or a shotgun to pass those standards of suitability. That could allow local police chiefs to deny gun purchases to people who have been arrested, but not convicted, of a crime.​
Let’s just repeat that, for clarity’s sake: Massachusetts is considering denying "gun purchases to people who have been arrested, but not convicted, of a crime." In other words, an American state is thinking about denying a constitutional right to the innocent because they happen to have been picked up by authorities that couldn’t prove that they had done anything wrong. One hopes I speak for everybody here when I say, No, no, and no again. No to the abject hysteria that has slowly grown in small parts of the country; no to the ignorance that is striping like acid through reason and through the law; and no to a cabal of politicians whose disdain for the Second Amendment is so pronounced that they are happy not only to undermine that provision in pursuit of their quixotic goals but to dilute the rest of the American settlement into the bargain. Enough is enough. Where art thou, ACLU?

A friend of mine a few years ago, I think it was before 9-11 was arrested for having a pocket knife in his possession when trying to come home from MO the Bianci Cup, they arrested him but then when they saw the knife they let him put it in the checked baggage and let him go, but it is still on his record as an arrest but no court time.

This is the type of thing were people may get screwed.
Signing an affidavit that what FRB has you still have. I requested a listing of all my guns they list, there were two I don't remember, were they even mine and 6 that I sold to a dealer, some in Maine and some in Mass.
This past year a Mass Dealer told me I don't have to do an FA10 because I was selling to him and a friend said just keep your receipt but you are signing that what the FRB says you have is correct, not that you have further proof...
How many of you have requested a list so you know what they have for you?

why would I request a list? we all know FA10's aren't used to keep and maintain a registration-like database

- - - Updated - - -

Many people say "let sleeping dogs lie" or "why let them know you are around" but if the do the affidavit then you need to know what they have on you. I am being proactive.

if they do the affidavit I sure as hell won't be signing it
Because if you sign an incorrect affidavit it could be grounds for not only denying a LTC/FID renewal but possible jail time.

If that requirement goes into effect they will be swamped with people requesting the list.

Also I have a couple that I think they assigned to me incorrectly and I am going request a copy of the original FA10 to make sure it is me not someone putting in an incorrect number.

and no matter what they call it, it is registration they can call it a record of sales but it is the same thing
Honestly discretion for even handgun permits should not hold up in federal court. Its pretty simple. It IS a constitutional right to own a handgun affirmed by SCOTUS. Reasonable restriction likely would not include denial of due process (as previously mentioned).

This state, and its legislators, are a JOKE. A pathetic, disgusting, joke.


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Because if you sign an incorrect affidavit it could be grounds for not only denying a LTC/FID renewal but possible jail time.

If that requirement goes into effect they will be swamped with people requesting the list.

Also I have a couple that I think they assigned to me incorrectly and I am going request a copy of the original FA10 to make sure it is me not someone putting in an incorrect number.

and no matter what they call it, it is registration they can call it a record of sales but it is the same thing

I know it's the same, I was being sarcastic [smile]

I get what you're doing, seems like a lot of hassle for something you don't have to do to be honest but it's just my opinion
I know it's the same, I was being sarcastic [smile]

I get what you're doing, seems like a lot of hassle for something you don't have to do to be honest but it's just my opinion

I am being anal, I am still hyper over several guns that I sold to Kittery in the late 90's and can't find the original sales receipt in my 4 filing cabinets or in my gun room.

Sign nothing.

. . . and get denied!

In any case, I won't be paying for and requesting any list from the state prior to renewing (if I'm unlucky enough to still live in MA then)! I'd notate that "TTBOMK it is correct" as I'm not about to check their list against my own!
Honestly discretion for even handgun permits should not hold up in federal court. Its pretty simple. It IS a constitutional right to own a handgun affirmed by SCOTUS. Reasonable restriction likely would not include denial of due process (as previously mentioned).

This state, and its legislators, are a JOKE. A pathetic, disgusting, joke.


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Holds up in state court though! You just need to get a permit to purchase.
My point is... those who have been denied an ltc for reasons other than those that would make one a PP should have a slam dunk case, no?


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How is it that some bills are voted on by the people and I there's are just voted in by the elected jack asses?
My understand on how these thing are passed is very lacking .

Like we vote to make medical pot legal but I figure any gun bills will be passed at midnight like in newyprk.
How is it that some bills are voted on by the people and I there's are just voted in by the elected jack asses?
My understand on how these thing are passed is very lacking .

Like we vote to make medical pot legal but I figure any gun bills will be passed at midnight like in newyprk.

The ballot questions are on there by completing a petition process. That being said, I wouldn't want any gun related questions on there due to the overwhelming moonbat population in this state.
How is it that some bills are voted on by the people and I there's are just voted in by the elected jack asses?
My understand on how these thing are passed is very lacking .

Like we vote to make medical pot legal but I figure any gun bills will be passed at midnight like in newyprk.

aren't most votes by the people merely propositions, that tell the cronies what we WANT to have happen

like a tax decrease that was voted for and ignored by the aforementioned jack asses
Before I go off on these "recommendations" I will also wait to see what the Bill says. Meanwhile I will write to my State Senator and express my concerns on this bogus report.
Because if you sign an incorrect affidavit it could be grounds for not only denying a LTC/FID renewal but possible jail time.

Like they're actually going to do that. I'm sure they'll get right on it, right after they arrest the thousands of people in MA who have guns and ammo in their houses with invalid-since-1998 FID cards. [laugh] This state half-asses everything, even if that requirement comes about I wouldn't be too concerned about it. There are likely going to be thousands of people who have guns on record with no docs to back up anything. Even if they make this compulsory there will probably be some way to amend the records.

Like they're actually going to do that. I'm sure they'll get right on it, right after they arrest the thousands of people in MA who have guns and ammo in their houses with invalid-since-1998 FID cards. [laugh] This state half-asses everything, even if that requirement comes about I wouldn't be too concerned about it. There are likely going to be thousands of people who have guns on record with no docs to back up anything. Even if they make this compulsory there will probably be some way to amend the records.

if they were to enforce it you know they would target collectors so they can get a big haul and spread it all out on a table and show how many evil guns are off the street
Before I go off on these "recommendations" I will also wait to see what the Bill says. Meanwhile I will write to my State Senator and express my concerns on this bogus report.

This is probably the absolute best thing anyone can do at this point.

Well, there's always the possible upside. If enacted, these recommendations could make John Rosenthal a former gun owner due to his arrest history:

Cause development

He was arrested protesting outside the Seabrook nuclear power plant in New Hampshire in 1977. Rosenthal spent two weeks in jail, and then went back for another three weeks, rather than pay a $100 fine.
Well, there's always the possible upside. If enacted, these recommendations could make John Rosenthal a former gun owner due to his arrest history:

Cause development

You should know better than this - he is a special snowflake who has long been forgiven for a civic-minded arrest during his selfless fight to keep cheap, green power away from New England. And his thriftiness in going to jail rather than pay 100USD is quite in character with New Englanders - maybe he should run for office.
My point is... those who have been denied an ltc for reasons other than those that would make one a PP should have a slam dunk case, no?


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Yes, I would think so.
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