Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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Well, there's always the possible upside. If enacted, these recommendations could make John Rosenthal a former gun owner due to his arrest history:

Cause development

Wow thanks for that little nugget.
Seems like something that might need to come up at one of his little town hall events.
I could use a nice skeet gun if he wants to dump his cheap after loosing his license.
Meanwhile, the problem isn't getting worse as the people who wrote that report would have us believe.

The damn media coverage is the only thing that has changed. Yesterday, for the first time, they made it a point to mention that the gun used in a shooting was stolen here in MA. Funny how that coincided with the release of this report and the recommendation for tougher laws on reporting stolen guns.
I have a friend who is the licensing officer for his Police Department. I asked him what he thought about the affidavit and the list? His response was to laugh and say the state cant even keep up with basic LTC's and he cant keep up with the amount of people applying or renewing. Who is going to have time to verify who owns what etc
I have a friend who is the licensing officer for his Police Department. I asked him what he thought about the affidavit and the list? His response was to laugh and say the state cant even keep up with basic LTC's and he cant keep up with the amount of people applying or renewing. Who is going to have time to verify who owns what etc

Good to see those that took over a year to conduct this study spoke with licensing officers across the Commonwealth. [thinking]
So FID will be may issue? Nice.

The town I grew up in probably has 80% of the population with shotguns propped up behind the front door, thinking that their FIDs are life long . They are a red town, with little understanding of Beaon Hill's ways or the law.

Even though their culture is one of fishing and hunting for substanance, they are f'd.

Sent from my 3 watt bag phone.
sounds like they didn't recommend any of the worst suggestions - ie anything Linsky/Creem wanted. I don't see anything that really changes as a result of these suggestions......

Sounds like to me they didn't recommend what would actually curb violent crime in this know, where the state keeps violent offenders in jail and all?

But of course, why would they want that? Those lowlifes are who keep this welfare state alive and keep politicians, judges, lawyers, LEO and bureaucrats in business. This whole thing is utter bullshit.
They virtually already have that. If FIDs are made discretionary... prepare for lawsuits.


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Legislation has always been a no win for Pro2A. Never has gotten us anywhere in this state. Lawsuits on the other hand are like a shot to the cerebral cortex if done correctly though.
I just read in the report it says between 3%and 5% of violent acts committed in the US are attributed to individuals with Serious mental illness. Most of these acts do not include guns. WHAT.


Or it is the medication they are on that caused it.

If they cared about senseless deaths, They should also look into medical mistake deaths. Overall 440,000 in the US. Now add in Prescription drug overdose deaths, Suicides Caused by prescription drugs. Deaths caused by Psychotic rage.

Again dont address the real issue, what they are good at.

They can't do that because the pharmaceutical companies are their biggest campaign contributors.

Not to mention the alcohol and tobacco companies
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sounds like they didn't recommend any of the worst suggestions - ie anything Linsky/Creem wanted. I don't see anything that really changes as a result of these suggestions......

I'd say making FID's 'may issue', and allowing inclusion of a simple arrest without conviction to qualify as 'unsuitable', to be pretty bad. And don't be fooled...this is just the task force recommendations - not the actual bill. They can still put whatever they want in the legislation, regardless of what this report said.
Granted, that would be a bitch, but at the same time, I think they know there will be many a lawsuit, bad press and resistance if they started declaring arrested/non convicted as unsuitable.

Agreed though, I don't think this is what's rolling out.

I'd say making FID's 'may issue', and allowing inclusion of a simple arrest without conviction to qualify as 'unsuitable', to be pretty bad. And don't be fooled...this is just the task force recommendations - not the actual bill. They can still put whatever they want in the legislation, regardless of what this report said.
and that's been our problem, collectively with these panels.

Nothing they suggested was going to stop a Sandy Hook. Nothing they suggested was going to stop urban violence - I mean, I agree, mental health components should be introduced in the schools, but if its not going to be a recommendation that removes dangerous kids when identified and becomes a tool by which the schools and school shrinks streamline certain kids out of an education, that's a problem.

Sounds like to me they didn't recommend what would actually curb violent crime in this know, where the state keeps violent offenders in jail and all?

But of course, why would they want that? Those lowlifes are who keep this welfare state alive and keep politicians, judges, lawyers, LEO and bureaucrats in business. This whole thing is utter bullshit.
Granted, that would be a bitch, but at the same time, I think they know there will be many a lawsuit, bad press and resistance if they started declaring arrested/non convicted as unsuitable.

Agreed though, I don't think this is what's rolling out.

They already do this.
They already do this.

+1. It's covered by the unlimited power vested in the CoP by suitability.

One of Comm2A's lawsuits was covered here:

Where is the bad press? Where is the resistance? The lawsuit was dropped at the request of the plaintiff.

Yeah, I can see how the lawsuits, bad press and resistance over this clear abuse discouraged the politicians from restricting the rights of law abiding MA citizens even further.
I just read in the report it says between 3%and 5% of violent acts committed in the US are attributed to individuals with Serious mental illness. Most of these acts do not include guns. WHAT.


Or it is the medication they are on that caused it.

If they cared about senseless deaths, They should also look into medical mistake deaths. Overall 440,000 in the US. Now add in Prescription drug overdose deaths, Suicides Caused by prescription drugs. Deaths caused by Psychotic rage.

Again dont address the real issue, what they are good at.

They can't do that because the pharmaceutical companies are their biggest campaign contributors.

Not to mention the alcohol and tobacco companies

If they really wanted to end mass shootings, they would end "gun-free" zones and significantly loosen restrictions on Conceal Carry. Just about anything else is treating the cough or sniffle, but ignoring hemorrhaging wound and the disease itself.
If they really wanted to end mass shootings, they would end "gun-free" zones and significantly loosen restrictions on Conceal Carry. Just about anything else is treating the cough or sniffle, but ignoring hemorrhaging wound and the disease itself.

I honestly don't think Jack McDevitt wants kids at school to get shot. That said, his analytical capabilities are severely lacking if he thinks any of this is going to prevent another school shooting. If he wants to stop the problem ASAP, he'll call for an armed officer (or possibly trained administrator) on the grounds.

But of course, more guns is never the answer.
The report provided predictable answers based upon the committee members selected. What was unexpected was how poorly it was written and worse, how poorly they understood both MA and federal law. Inexcusable on all counts.
Interesting tidbit from this article: "...the speaker’s task force, which has held 15 meetings, not open to the public..." How is it this committee was not subject to the open meeting laws? I'm not too surprised, mind you, but it's yet another indication of how this state runs politically.
The report provided predictable answers based upon the committee members selected. What was unexpected was how poorly it was written and worse, how poorly they understood both MA and federal law. Inexcusable on all counts.

This is SOP! That's why we have serious conflicts between C. 140 and C. 269 where people can go to jail because one has an exemption where the other one doesn't! NOBODY in state gov't looks at current laws before creating new ones!

Interesting tidbit from this article: "...the speaker’s task force, which has held 15 meetings, not open to the public..." How is it this committee was not subject to the open meeting laws? I'm not too surprised, mind you, but it's yet another indication of how this state runs politically.

The laws don't apply to those that create them! Really simple . . . not fair but simple.
The report provided predictable answers based upon the committee members selected. What was unexpected was how poorly it was written and worse, how poorly they understood both MA and federal law. Inexcusable on all counts.
I love DeLeo's comment about how he had not read it, but was sure it would provide a "thorough" study.... [laugh]

It was about as "thorough", detailed, and factual as "Demand a Plan!"
Goal did a fantastic job. I've sent both to my reps: the 8th grade paper from the "professionals", and goals rebuttal, and asked that they consider who has more experience with the laws in this state: those who have been trying to fix them for years, or those who have yet to read them.

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From the Goal response:

"The suggested requirement of a lawful citizen signing an affidavit concerning the guns they legally own would be a logistical and civil rights nightmare. The thought of a government making lawful citizens sign such documents should cause anyone to stand up and take notice."

I find this proposal particularly creepy since it is so obviously just one step removed from confiscation. Similarly, the requirement that defunct dealers turn over their records is unnecessary since DPS has already been collecting that information for decades using the old Form FA-10 2M-BKS (Customer Record Books with carbon paper) and the old "Blue" cards for transfers. I think they've already had their bite at this apple and there is no reasonable reason why they should get another. But given the typical incompetence of the state bureaucrats they never got those transactions into a complete and comprehensive database. So now they want to put the burden on us to edit the information they have on each of us and swear to it in an affidavit. I think that's asking a bit much. Also, it could be used to create a "perjury trap", a situation in which an honest recording keeping mistake on our part could cause us to unwittingly run afoul of the law. It's a very bad idea, indeed, and something we really need to prevent from happening!
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The report provided predictable answers based upon the committee members selected. What was unexpected was how poorly it was written and worse, how poorly they understood both MA and federal law. Inexcusable on all counts.

A hand picked committee created for one purpose and is not to protect anyone. Too bad goal wasn't involved in the process but then again then generally are not as the legislators don't listen to Jim anyway. They missed the mark only to make the legal gun owner in mass feel more like a criminal. Sad indeed

Sent from the blind
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