Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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Any idea what happened to this? I assume none of these crazy gun bills are dead; they are probably just waiting for a dark night when nobody is paying attention and will then hold a 2am vote to force some monstrosity through.

That may be the case. They don't seem to be in any hurry to get moving on new gun control. I guess 'saving the children' isn't as important as outlawing 'upskirting'.
if they are waiting for a quiet time to sneak it through they would have done it by now
In the today's article about Rosenthal's billboard coming down, the globe quoted deleo. It mentioned that he is close to unveiling the a bill on guns. We shall see.

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I dunno, summer kind of seems like a good time push something through when everyone will be distracted.

Or the Friday before Memorial Day weekend.

In the today's article about Rosenthal's billboard coming down, the globe quoted deleo. It mentioned that he is close to unveiling the a bill on guns. We shall see.

Now is the time people are dropping in his office to give suggestions. Once released, it is too late.
I love it when politicians dont follow their own rules.

I called all my reps this morning to voice my opinion about any proposed legislation. They stated that they have not heard anything yet, but they appreciated my feedback.
So, it seems safe to say that the joint Public Safety committee is working on a bill (behind closed doors obviously) that will likely come up for a vote before the end of the session (July 31)? We put up good numbers arguing against most of the existing bills all last year. We need to try to influence the contents of this bill before it gets released, especially if it is likely to be acted upon quickly. What would be the best strategy at this point? I would think a coordinated effort at contacting the members of the Public Safety committee (focusing on some of the more odious suggestions in the "task force" report) would be better than nothing, and might be a better option than playing defense after the bill is released.
"House Speaker Robert DeLeo on Monday said he believed the conference committee negotiating election law reforms, including early voting and same-day voter registration, may be close to issuing its final report, and put a $145 million mid-year spending bill and not-yet-finalized gun reform legislation on his near term agenda."
Am I the only one who thinks that because it's taken so long, that there might actually be NO "comprehensive gun bill" this session? Could they actually have heard and listened to our voices of reason?
Am I the only one who thinks that because it's taken so long, that there might actually be NO "comprehensive gun bill" this session? Could they actually have heard and listened to our voices of reason?

That seems like a possibility but I wouldn't say it's a strong one.
Am I the only one who thinks that because it's taken so long, that there might actually be NO "comprehensive gun bill" this session? Could they actually have heard and listened to our voices of reason?

I'm with you on this. I am starting to think that we will see nothing that major come through, maybe a one off bill...bye bye Efa10. If they ditch the Efa10 it could be our catalyst for termination of the dual list of wonderf)ck.
please. There's virtually no chance they don't try to shove something through. Maybe 1%. They've already been very vocal about the mental health adjustments, banning grandfathered magazine transfers, and doing away with FTF transactions.
Am I the only one who thinks that because it's taken so long, that there might actually be NO "comprehensive gun bill" this session? Could they actually have heard and listened to our voices of reason?

I think you're half right. That it's taking so long is a good sign and makes me think they're very undecided about what they want to do. But I still think there will be something. The longer it goes on however, the less likely it is that they're going to do anything very draconian.
please. There's virtually no chance they don't try to shove something through. Maybe 1%. They've already been very vocal about the mental health adjustments, banning grandfathered magazine transfers, and doing away with FTF transactions.

This is MA, 80% of the legislature sucks and is incompetient 99% of the time, even when it comes to passing crap that most moonbats like. (A perfect example of this is the "bomb components bill" which took like 5 years to pass despite every JBT and attendant boot licker and pant wetter in this state supporting that law wholeheartedly. ) What happens at this point is literally anyone's guess. I will say this much, though... the longer this drags out the less impetus there is to ram it through and the more likely it is for expensive stuff to get cut out of the bill. Half of this crap from DeLeo and Naughton, IMHO, has all been a big dog and pony show.

Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: FTF is going away, dealer only transfers. 1 in 30 is coming. Class B is going away. Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.
Is that 1 gun in 30 days? I notice there's no mention of the list(s) going away, which in the worst case scenario means a big change to handgun ownership in MA.

All this seems like overreaching on their part. Will they get the votes regardless?

DeLeo's a ****.
Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: FTF is going away, dealer only transfers. 1 in 30 is coming. Class B is going away. Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

What is 1in 30 ?
1 in 30 means 1 gun or magazine every 30 days. The sticking point is the 'list'. Current thought is to keep the FFL transfers as they stand using the current criteria, there is a lot of push back on that though. DeLeo feels this deal is a good one for gun owners because it addresses the restriction fiasco and kills the LTC-B.
Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: FTF is going away, dealer only transfers. 1 in 30 is coming. Class B is going away. Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

Woah woah, you heard that restrictions are going away?? How reliable is this info, can anyone else corroborate this?
It should go without saying: CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS AND TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL. Be polite, be firm and leave your name and address with them. Remind them you are a voter. (You do vote, right?)
Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: FTF is going away, dealer only transfers. 1 in 30 is coming. Class B is going away. Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

If FTF goes away, then the "lists" should also go away, otherwise firearms not on the list will become untransferrable. However we all know that the likelihood of doing away with the lists is close to zero!
the 1 in 30 was Deval's propsoal & he addressed a while ago that it was not going to be proposed with the next legislation.
If FTF goes away, then the "lists" should also go away, otherwise firearms not on the list will become untransferrable. However we all know that the likelihood of doing away with the lists is close to zero!

They will be transferable... to an FFL out of state, which is the whole point of this exercise - removing more "evil" hardware from the Commonwealth.

I wish you guys the best of luck... This is what his working group came up with. He embraces this as his own and is strongly advocating for it. He is on record saying this WILL be acted on this session. The bone he is offering is taking restrictions off the LTC. Again, Friend of a Friend reliability.

I don't see anything in that report about restrictions going away. Not trying to be a pain, but this is a really big deal to me and I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. Thanks.
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