Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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how are these idiots going to track when people buy magazines online or out of state? Morons.
Don't get your hopes up for nothing. This is floated to the more pro-gun legislators to make it easier to pass the rest. If they can pass anything without giving up any control, they will. DeLeo really does want this to pass. He will add and subtract to do it rather than let it go another year.
murf: They can't. But they can do to dealers what they do to ammo suppliers already. It won't be 100% effective but it will keep the casual gun owner from doing that and they can say "We Did Something". It's for the children.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the report does not equal proposed legislation. Has anything new been drafted since this report?
Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: FTF is going away, dealer only transfers. 1 in 30 is coming. Class B is going away. Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

For now, I'll treat this as the rumor that it is.

I will make one observation though... if an "FID becomes discretionary just like LTC" is passed (which I find unlikely), the

state will open itself to a major legal challenge as it would deny a person their right to protect themselves in their home as
ruled in Heller.
For now, I'll treat this as the rumor that it is.

I will make one observation though... if an "FID becomes discretionary just like LTC" is passed (which I find unlikely), the

state will open itself to a major legal challenge as it would deny a person their right to protect themselves in their home as
ruled in Heller.

This. The state has already used the "FID is shall issue" arguement to say that they don't restrict 2A rights arbitrarily. If the FID becomes may issue, they reopen that challenge to the licensing requirements in MA.
So lets say no more FTF gets passed and the AG regs and roster stand, is there a court case in there somewhere? If there is I know it would take forever.
So lets say no more FTF gets passed and the AG regs and roster stand, is there a court case in there somewhere? If there is I know it would take forever.

I believe CALGUNS is challenging something similar in their state.

Personally, I'd like to see FIDs become may issue.
Perhaps I'm being selfish here WRT to the issuing of resticted licenses, but the FTF transfer dissaperaing act is by far my biggest concern. That'll affect everyone.
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Perhaps I'm being selfish here WRT to the issuing of resticted licenses, but the FTF transfer dissaperaing act is by far my biggest concern. That'll affect everyone.

I agree completely. When will these politicians realize that there are no straw purchases in this state,
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Perhaps I'm being selfish here WRT to the issuing of resticted licenses, but the FTF transfer dissaperaing act is by far my biggest concern. That'll affect everyone.

My biggest concern is some sort of mental health disclosure requirement for obtaining a license.
So, it seems safe to say that the joint Public Safety committee is working on a bill (behind closed doors obviously) that will likely come up for a vote before the end of the session (July 31)? We put up good numbers arguing against most of the existing bills all last year. We need to try to influence the contents of this bill before it gets released, especially if it is likely to be acted upon quickly. What would be the best strategy at this point? I would think a coordinated effort at contacting the members of the Public Safety committee (focusing on some of the more odious suggestions in the "task force" report) would be better than nothing, and might be a better option than playing defense after the bill is released.
"House Speaker Robert DeLeo on Monday said he believed the conference committee negotiating election law reforms, including early voting and same-day voter registration, may be close to issuing its final report, and put a $145 million mid-year spending bill and not-yet-finalized gun reform legislation on his near term agenda."

Best strategy? Get a focus-group together, and get an appointment for an afternoon presentation scheduled. Present the facts to them. Make sure you have your ducks all in a row beforehand, and keep it to a few basic things, not a scattershot approach.

I'm with you on this. I am starting to think that we will see nothing that major come through, maybe a one off bill...bye bye Efa10. If they ditch the Efa10 it could be our catalyst for termination of the dual list of wonderf)ck.

Say what? Is there talk of doing away with the e-FA10? First I've heard that one.

Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: 1) FTF is going away, 2) dealer only transfers. 3) 1 in 30 is coming. 4) Class B is going away. 5) Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. 6) FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

OK, so in the name of compromise: 1,2,3,6 are bad; and 4 and 5 are good. Looks like they owe us two. They can either give us two more things, or take two off their list! I want unlimited magazine capacity and flash hiders/folding stocks. Give us those, and I'll stick with 1,2,3,6.

ANYTHING ELSE IS LESS THAN A COMPROMISE, IT IS LOSING GROUND!!!! This is what his working group came up with. He embraces this as his own and is strongly advocating for it. He is on record saying this WILL be acted on this session. The bone he is offering is taking restrictions off the LTC. Again, Friend of a Friend reliability.

Thanks. Will have to look this over.

I agree completely. When will these politicians realize that there are no straw purchases in this state,

I am sure they realized it long, long ago. It is simply of no concern to them
Too true. That, and it is ALREADY ILLEGAL!

Democrats in the Legislature are preparing to unveil a sweeping gun safety bill that’s expected to put new limits on gun licensing, restrict private sales, expand background checks for gun buyers and strengthen reporting rules for gun owners with mental health issues, said a spokesman for House Speaker Robert DeLeo.

DeLeo sees an opportunity to maintain the state’s reputation as a bastion for gun control, said DeLeo’s Chief of Staff Seth Gitell. The speaker plans to unveil legislation in the next few weeks, he said, so it can be taken up before the end of session July 31.
Here is what I heard from someone who is on the inside: 1) FTF is going away, 2) dealer only transfers. 3) 1 in 30 is coming. 4) Class B is going away. 5) Class A will be all or nothing, no restrictions. 6) FID becomes discretionary just like LTC. DeLeo wants all of this and is strong arming and dealing on other legislation to make it happen.
This is as reliable as a friend heard it from a friend but there it is.

I'd submit to 1 & 2 if we could get rid of that damned hokey and contrived EOPS/AG list crap. But then again, that would be reducing goverment, and we don't do that in this state.

#3 is just stupid. Straw purchases are already illegal, and it's already embedded in the paperwork. Straw purchasers will just find more mules if they want product, and/or they won't be getting it from MA anyway, it's too ineffcient.
OK, so in the name of compromise: 1,2,3,6 are bad; and 4 and 5 are good. Looks like they owe us two. They can either give us two more things, or take two off their list! I want unlimited magazine capacity and flash hiders/folding stocks. Give us those, and I'll stick with 1,2,3,6.

you're willing to trade and submit to nonsensical regulations to get back some of the nonsensical regulations they already passed?

also, I fail to see how ridding class A LTC's of restrictions is automatically a good thing when they can still arbitrarily deny you the licence all together

"well I would give you a class A restricted, but I can't restrict. soooooo no class A for you"
I'd submit to 1 & 2 if we could get rid of that damned hokey and contrived EOPS/AG list crap. But then again, that would be reducing goverment, and we don't do that in this state.

#3 is just stupid. Straw purchases are already illegal, and it's already embedded in the paperwork. Straw purchasers will just find more mules if they want product, and/or they won't be getting it from MA anyway, it's too ineffcient.

#3 is more stupid than that. Tracing a straw purchase in MA should be as easy as a simple SQL query and people are already limited to 4 private sales per year. So either the politicians are too stupid to understand that( ), have ulterior motives( ) or both(*).
you're willing to trade and submit to nonsensical regulations to get back some of the nonsensical regulations they already passed?

also, I fail to see how ridding class A LTC's of restrictions is automatically a good thing when they can still arbitrarily deny you the licence all together

"well I would give you a class A restricted, but I can't restrict. soooooo no class A for you"

As a practical matter, I'd be willing to accept no private sales if they gave shall issue, unrestricted LTC-As and got rid of the EOPS list and AG regs. Won't happen in a legislative context though.
As a practical matter, I'd be willing to accept no private sales if they gave shall issue, unrestricted LTC-As and got rid of the EOPS list and AG regs. Won't happen in a legislative context though.

shall issue is the one thing I may actually be willing to "compromise" on

anything regarding the proposals mentioned in several posts above isn't a compromise in my opinion
lol... "accept", "submit", "compromise", "trade", "willing".... you all are talking as if you have any say in it. The only ones that have any bargaining position have ulterior motives (see "appease", "positioning", "stance", "appearance"..."re-elect")...


It's those in power arguing over how many fairies will fit on the head of a pin...
Say what? Is there talk of doing away with the e-FA10? First I've heard that one.

Probably means eliminate it for private sales, FFL's will still have to complete one.

If all private sales have to go through an FFL, it eliminates any need to file one from home.

It would leave two loopholes... long guns purchased from out of state, and C&R/ODCMP acquisitions.

But, they probably realize the numbers on those purchases are trivial, and don't justify the cost of running and maintaining the current e-FA10 system.
Best strategy? Get a focus-group together, and get an appointment for an afternoon presentation scheduled. Present the facts to them. Make sure you have your ducks all in a row beforehand, and keep it to a few basic things, not a scattershot approach

I've participated in a couple of these already with my rep, and she has been very receptive to our concerns. But I know that in the MA legislature, what the speaker wants, the speaker gets, and going against his will can be difficult and have repercussions for any individual rep. I was thinking more in terms of trying to influence the committee writing the bill, and wondering whether that was even worthwhile to attempt? I guess I'm going to write them anyway even though I might be wasting my time. It would be cool if we could deluge them like we did last year. It seems like we have a chance to play offense now before we get to defense.

I'm not happy at all with the idea of class B and restrictions going away as being a "compromise". Apologies to those folks stuck with restrictions or B-rammed, but the vast majority of towns outside the Boston area in this state issue A's unrestricted, and there are hardly any class B licenses anyway. I also think that if doing away with restrictions is in the bill, pols from the cities are going to raise hell and that part might get stripped out in an amendment, and we end up with no gains and only losses.

Maybe the speaker is playing chess and the bill will be designed to have enough 'poison pill' parts on both sides so that it will never pass and the legislature can point to it and say "hey, we tried to compromise"
how about this: I will readily support and accept all the proposals that would lesson "gun violence". without even anything in exchange
#3 is more stupid than that. Tracing a straw purchase in MA should be as easy as a simple SQL query and people are already limited to 4 private sales per year. So either the politicians are too stupid to understand that( ), have ulterior motives( ) or both(*).

I honestly think they're serially ignorant. We sit here on this forum endlessly debating and/or reminding folks what the most common interpretations of the laws are and how they interplay with eachother...for hours on end, meanwhile really it all means nothing to our lords and masters in their charge. I'm sure they come at it from the other end, considering new regulations in a vaccuum with little consideration, time, nor desire to judge the interplay with existing laws.

If 1 & 2 get passed, with no consideration for non-EOP/AG weapons in state, it'll be a very dark day.

lol... "accept", "submit", "compromise", "trade", "willing".... you all are talking as if you have any say in it.

Yeah, I know, sadly. It's a one party MA circlejerk with no real hope to influence, it doesn't appear they're really listening to the folks who actually try to navigate their laws.
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