Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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I contacted Senator Moore's office today. He is on the PSHS Committee, and seems to be on our side. People need to get in touch with their elected officials NOW, BEFORE THIS IS RELEASED, if you want to get any changes or final review of what is in it.

(you just KNOW the other side will be pushing, so we need to push harder!)

How long before the session ends...I am saying doesn;t the session end on June 30th?
If it doesn;t get voted on does it have to start all over again?
Why are they saying "satisfy both sides"?
And I thought buying a second home in NH might be a mistake.

- - - Updated - - -

Does anyone want me to call Victor Head in Colorado?
Just sent this to my reps. Doubt it will do anything [rolleyes]
Once again I am being screwed. Why? Because I am a law abiding citizen who is a gun owner. We have some of the strictest, and most ridiculous, gun laws in the country. And once again we are getting more jammed down our throat. Does this affect the gangs, drug dealers and pimps who carry illegally? No, this hits us who follow the laws. As a hard working tax payer I am screwed on a regular basis, more and more each year. As a fairly recent licensed gun owner, I'm being attacked more and more in this state. It's getting to the point where my family and I will join the Mass Exodus and be part of the exported people from the state(not sure if you're aware but Mass' biggest export is people right now, but I'm sure you know that). The more I and my family are attacked by the people voted in office, the more likely we are to sell our house and move. The upcoming gun legislation is just one more way to attack me, a law abiding citizen. NOTHING is done to the criminals who are let go on a regular basis by doing a plea deal or just let go because hey, you're a lifelong criminal so you should go free(nobody has ever been prosecuted for the automatic 1 year sentence for using a gun in a crime) or hey, you're a druggie so you should go free if you go to rehab. Meanwhile I can't have a brand new magazine that the rest of the country has because there's more than 10 rounds. Or my wife can't protect herself with pepper spray because we're the ONLY state that makes you get a license for it. Am I bitter? Yes, and extremely close to moving. And there are plenty more like me who are fed up with these constant attacks. Take from this what you will, but know that you are part of the problem that is pushing people out of here.


Formal sessions either end 6/30 or 7/31, I've heard/read both dates. After that, during informal sessions just ONE legislator objecting or trying to amend a bill and it is DOA.
Formal sessions either end 6/30 or 7/31, I've heard/read both dates. After that, during informal sessions just ONE legislator objecting or trying to amend a bill and it is DOA.

I had read only the 7/31 date.

I found it rather surprising that they would actually work (if one can call it that), that late in the year.

Summer and school vacation is practicality over by that date.
They hardly ever work. However they MUST come up with a budget for next year and that usually takes most of their time/effort.

My state constables assn. has 2 bills in play and told us 6/30. I've read 7/31. In any case, they are mostly on vacation after June, come back for very short sessions (some as short as 15 minutes) a couple days/week thru the Summer.
Perhaps half a million gun owners in MA....maybe more....G.O.A.L membership stands at ~18, long as gun owners allow themselves to be the red headed step child then they will continually allow themselves to be beaten up at recess and have their lunch money stolen.

You look at other groups that draw their strength from it's members, like AARP, they all have large membership lobbies.

Most gun owners do a poor job of of supporting their cause, even when being repeatedly punched in the face, they keep their wallets in their pockets and cry no mas.

Sure, lots of anti-gun politicians out there, but in the end it's because they understand that only a few gun owners are willing to get involved in the cause and there is no reason to worry about 18,000 of them.

Self inflicted injuries are always the most painful.
Perhaps half a million gun owners in MA....maybe more....G.O.A.L membership stands at ~18, long as gun owners allow themselves to be the red headed step child then they will continually allow themselves to be beaten up at recess and have their lunch money stolen.

You look at other groups that draw their strength from it's members, like AARP, they all have large membership lobbies.

Most gun owners do a poor job of of supporting their cause, even when being repeatedly punched in the face, they keep their wallets in their pockets and cry no mas.

Sure, lots of anti-gun politicians out there, but in the end it's because they understand that only a few gun owners are willing to get involved in the cause and there is no reason to worry about 18,000 of them.

Self inflicted injuries are always the most painful.

Very well said.
Perhaps half a million gun owners in MA....maybe more....G.O.A.L membership stands at ~18, long as gun owners allow themselves to be the red headed step child then they will continually allow themselves to be beaten up at recess and have their lunch money stolen.
Sadly, we're still well short of that. We're currently at 300K active LTCs and 34K FID cards in the state.
Just sent this to my reps. Doubt it will do anything [rolleyes]

Make sure you convert it into "business letter" form, put it in envelopes and send them out to each rep. Emails are treated like electronic garbage most of the time.
Make sure you convert it into "business letter" form, put it in envelopes and send them out to each rep. Emails are treated like electronic garbage most of the time.

In other words, "snail mail".

Better still, is to deliver the letter in person. First give them verbal testimony (state your case). Then hand them a letter, saying it all eloquently. Then hand them a one page list, which is a summary of everything you've said and written, that they can use to formulate or amend the legislation.

Just sent this to my reps. Doubt it will do anything [rolleyes]

Once again I am being screwed. Why? Because I am a law abiding citizen who is a gun owner. We have some of the strictest, and most ridiculous, gun laws in the country. And once again we are getting more jammed down our throat. Does this affect the gangs, drug dealers and pimps who carry illegally? No, this hits us who follow the laws. As a hard working tax payer I am screwed on a regular basis, more and more each year. As a fairly recent licensed gun owner, I'm being attacked more and more in this state. It's getting to the point where my family and I will join the Mass Exodus and be part of the exported people from the state(not sure if you're aware but Mass' biggest export is people right now, but I'm sure you know that). The more I and my family are attacked by the people voted in office, the more likely we are to sell our house and move. The upcoming gun legislation is just one more way to attack me, a law abiding citizen. NOTHING is done to the criminals who are let go on a regular basis by doing a plea deal or just let go because hey, you're a lifelong criminal so you should go free(nobody has ever been prosecuted for the automatic 1 year sentence for using a gun in a crime) or hey, you're a druggie so you should go free if you go to rehab. Meanwhile I can't have a brand new magazine that the rest of the country has because there's more than 10 rounds. Or my wife can't protect herself with pepper spray because we're the ONLY state that makes you get a license for it. Am I bitter? Yes, and extremely close to moving. And there are plenty more like me who are fed up with these constant attacks. Take from this what you will, but know that you are part of the problem that is pushing people out of here.



Well said in the letter although, I fear that you are correct. It will get ignored.

I have the exact same sentiments. We are under attack in this state for being good citizens and following the rules.

You work for a living? BITCHSLAP!
You commute to work? BITCHSLAP!
You want a good education for your children? BITCHSLAP!
You own a car and make your payments on time? BITCHSLAP!
You own a house and pay your mortgage on time? BITCHSLAP!
You want to protect yourself and your family? BITCHSLAP!

I could go on and on all day, but the bottom line is I am tired of getting bitchslapped by govt. I may be joining the MASS Exodus myself. F&*^ this commie state!
Perhaps half a million gun owners in MA....maybe more....G.O.A.L membership stands at ~18, long as gun owners allow themselves to be the red headed step child then they will continually allow themselves to be beaten up at recess and have their lunch money stolen.

You look at other groups that draw their strength from it's members, like AARP, they all have large membership lobbies.

Most gun owners do a poor job of of supporting their cause, even when being repeatedly punched in the face, they keep their wallets in their pockets and cry no mas.

Sure, lots of anti-gun politicians out there, but in the end it's because they understand that only a few gun owners are willing to get involved in the cause and there is no reason to worry about 18,000 of them.

Self inflicted injuries are always the most painful.

Well said.

To put it in perspective, AARP uses the scare-tactics of cuts in Medicare/social security to drive membership. They all have that common interest.

Gun ownership means different things to different people, and thus their interests and willingness to join, donate money, be active varies greatly from the above. When I was legislative chairman of a ~350 member club, there weren't more than 5-6 members that really cared about gun rights or the 2nd A! The others were serious bullseye or skeet/trap shooters or hunters. I was regularly criticized by members for OC'g on the property . . . there was no need to carry a gun anywhere in their minds. To this day they intentionally do not have a website, it is difficult to find out anything about the club unless you physically go there when people are there.

Sadly, we're still well short of that. We're currently at 300K active LTCs and 34K FID cards in the state.

He might be right, he didn't say 500K legally licensed gun owners, did he?

Many who had LTC/FIDs pre-10/98 said screw it and didn't renew them either out of ignorance of the law change or in defiance of it. Most of them still have their guns. Add to that the thousands who move into MA from Free America and have no idea that they need a license to merely possess anything.
Well said.

To put it in perspective, AARP uses the scare-tactics of cuts in Medicare/social security to drive membership. They all have that common interest.

Gun ownership means different things to different people, and thus their interests and willingness to join, donate money, be active varies greatly from the above. When I was legislative chairman of a ~350 member club, there weren't more than 5-6 members that really cared about gun rights or the 2nd A! The others were serious bullseye or skeet/trap shooters or hunters. I was regularly criticized by members for OC'g on the property . . . there was no need to carry a gun anywhere in their minds. To this day they intentionally do not have a website, it is difficult to find out anything about the club unless you physically go there when people are there.

He might be right, he didn't say 500K legally licensed gun owners, did he?

Many who had LTC/FIDs pre-10/98 said screw it and didn't renew them either out of ignorance of the law change or in defiance of it. Most of them still have their guns. Add to that the thousands who move into MA from Free America and have no idea that they need a license to merely possess anything.

Yes, I know quite a few folks who simply allowed their FID/LTC to expire but still have firearms in the house. And a second yes that AARP uses the boogie man is under the bed to drive up membership, and it works. Gun owners don't need to be threatened with the mystical boogie man under the bed game. In our case the boogie man is a real and proven threat that should have led to ALL 2A supporters to rally to the cause. The fact that most have not is a great source of frustration to me as I can't believe 99.9% of gun owners are willing to go down without a fight.
Perhaps half a million gun owners in MA....maybe more....G.O.A.L membership stands at ~18, long as gun owners allow themselves to be the red headed step child then they will continually allow themselves to be beaten up at recess and have their lunch money stolen.

You look at other groups that draw their strength from it's members, like AARP, they all have large membership lobbies.

Most gun owners do a poor job of of supporting their cause, even when being repeatedly punched in the face, they keep their wallets in their pockets and cry no mas.

Sure, lots of anti-gun politicians out there, but in the end it's because they understand that only a few gun owners are willing to get involved in the cause and there is no reason to worry about 18,000 of them.

Self inflicted injuries are always the most painful.

You're right in Massachusetts, but I think it has to do that it's a liberal state. Any other gun friendly state, gun owners would never allow more restrictions to be placed on them. In Colorado, some of the anti-gun politicians were recalled after they voted for a anti gun bill. Also on a Federal level, the NRA is one of the most powerful groups out there.

I've done everything I possible could as a individual. I went to the GOAL rally April of last year. I have written and called my representatives. I even met with one of them, but it just seems when I talk to them, they listen but don't care.
I heard back from Senator Moore's office on this today. They called me while they were in Maine on vacation. I guess they DO actually care!

Anyhow, the word is this: Nobody knows what is in this bill until it gets released. It will be released soon. I thought for sure representatives and senators would get an "audience" at the very least from Deleo. Even more so if they are from the same party. In any event, what we get is what we get, and it is coming mostly from Deleo himself or his appointed/annointed committee or study group. She admitted that this is entirely separate from Naughton's committee/study group. The encouraging part is that this will hit the floor and it will be chopped, diced, and spun six way 'til Sunday. THIS is when our side needs to be on our toes, and not let down the guard, and give no ground!
The latest shooting in CA won't help us at all on this.
WE need to stop this cycle of allowing them to use these tragedies to slander us and spew vile bigoted claims that these events have any relationship to our rights.

Every time we worry aloud that some criminal is going to "make us look bad" we reinforce their claim that those criminals make us look bad.

These crimes have no more to do with me and my right to keep and bear arms owner as rape has to do with my having a penis.

It is just that simple. Let go of the last of their programming.
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