Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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I keep hearing GOAL cite stats that our gun crimes have spiked (risen 67%, etc...). What are the actual numbers? Aren't we already way below the norm? I mean, if we had only three murders before, and five after, that's a pretty big jump percentage-wise, but overall, the numbers are so miniscule as to make them meaningless. I could see if we had "Chicago-like" numbers, where a 67% anything (rise, or lessening) of the numbers really mean something.

the stat refers specifically to murder committed with a firearm. Nationally we are below the norm, yet comparing MA to MA there is a 67% increase. Here's a chart showing actual numbers from the state of MA.


ps, the numbers have continued to increase since '09
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DeLeo's goal is 100% disarmament of the law abiding and full armament of the MA officials aka big brother. These proposed laws are a stepping stone in his quest for tyrany.
of course i support fighting such measures, but honestly I believe the average resident of MA will learn the lesson on 2A when its too late. Look at China....good example.
the stat refers specifically to murder committed with a firearm. Nationally we are below the norm, yet comparing MA to MA there is a 67% increase. Here's a chart showing actual numbers from the state of MA.


ps, the numbers have continued to increase since '09

I would really LOVE to see the graph plotted again showing gun related homicides indicating those committed by lawful gun owners vs. those committed by those in unlawful possession.
also, the plot starts at fifty. Should start at 0, to indicate the actual trend. this makes it look like the number went from "low" to "high" , when if fact, because the numbers are such a small percentage of the population, the statistic really doesnt show anything more than background noise.
I would really LOVE to see the graph plotted again showing gun related homicides indicating those committed by lawful gun owners vs. those committed by those in unlawful possession.
also, the plot starts at fifty. Should start at 0, to indicate the actual trend. this makes it look like the number went from "low" to "high" , when if fact, because the numbers are such a small percentage of the population, the statistic really doesnt show anything more than background noise.

If you havent already, get a copy of John R Lott's "more Guns Less Violence". He addresses this question, in large part w stats from FL where they are available. As expected, a CCW is associated with less crime in every sense. If CCW was a treatment for cancer, it would be given to everyone. The libs obviously dont want those data to be just to keep them covered up with pics of Newtown families.
the data is a completely moot point. Libtards are emotional trainwrecks when it comes to firearms & global warming. Their behavior surrounding those two areas defies logic, and facts.
the data is a completely moot point. Libtards are emotional trainwrecks when it comes to firearms & global warming. Their behavior surrounding those two areas defies logic, and facts.

Not really, the fact is they count on their voters being uninformed, they know exactly what they are doing - providing talking points to be nicely digested with the latest story about a pregnant Kardashian.
Here's the press release about the bill:
Almost a year and half since the deadly school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut catapulted the issue of gun violence onto the Legislature’s agenda, House Speaker Robert DeLeo is ready to introduce new legislation aimed at curbing gun violence in Massachusetts. DeLeo plans to introduce the bill next Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. in the House Member’s Lounge with Public Safety Committee Chairman Harold Naughton and Northeastern University Associate Dean Jack McDevitt, who chaired the speaker’s task force on gun violence and made recommendations to the Legislature. DeLeo announced the upcoming event on Thursday evening in the midst of the second night of the Senate’s debate on the fiscal 2015 budget. - M. Murphy/SHNS

And here's how it SHOULD read:

Almost 16 years after Massachusetts passed “the nations toughest gun laws” during which time the Commonwealth has seen a tremendous spike in violent crime including a 67% increase in gun murders, House Speaker Robert DeLeo is ready to ignore the fact that gun control legislation does not reduce crime and will instead follow the usual progressive model of blaming guns and law abiding gun owners for violent crime. DeLeo plans to introduce the feel good plan, full of nice talking points for uninformed voters next Tuesday at 10:45 AM in the House Members Lounge with Public Safety Committee Chairman Harold Naughton and Northeastern University Associate Dean Jack McDevitt who chaired the biased and incompetent speakers task force on “gun violence” and made recommendations to the legislature.

Any guess' whom else is going to be standing behind the podium when he announces this shit?

Some MDA or Brady spokesperson perhaps?
Almost a year and half since the deadly school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut catapulted the issue of gun violence onto the Legislature’s agenda, House Speaker Robert DeLeo is ready to introduce new legislation aimed at curbing gun violence in Massachusetts. DeLeo plans to introduce the bill next Tuesday at 10:45 a.m...

Number of violent criminals this will affect... Zero

Number of licensed gun owners that will take it up the ass... 300,000
Here's another couple good ones from that Boston magazine article: “The speaker has stated all along that Massachusetts has some of the best and strongest gun laws in the nation, but that we could do better and should be looking at what some other countries have been doing to increase that safety,”

You mean, other countries that have no 2nd amendment?

"The proposed changes “are intended to tighten the already strong gun legislation in Massachusetts, and are directed toward those irresponsible gun owners who do not follow the Commonwealth laws and regulations”"
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"The proposed changes “are intended to tighten the already strong gun legislation in Massachusetts, and are directed toward those irresponsible gun owners who do not follow the Commonwealth laws and regulations”"

oh good, we are targeting new laws and regulations at those who do not follow laws and regulations... great logic
Here's another couple good ones from that Boston magazine article: “The speaker has stated all along that Massachusetts has some of the best and strongest gun laws in the nation, but that we could do better and should be looking at what some other countries have been doing to increase that safety,”

You mean, other countries that have no 2nd amendment?

Of course. Their goal is and will always be the eventual repeal of the 2nd amendment and total disarmament. Also, get rid of the castle doctrine so that if someone invades your home, you should meekly submit to whatever the criminal intends to do to you.
"The proposed changes “are intended to tighten the already strong gun legislation in Massachusetts, and are directed toward those irresponsible gun owners who do not follow the Commonwealth laws and regulations”"

Sieg Heil!

You read my mind.

"They don't obey the laws we have now.....we need more laws." [puke]

“We think the legislation will be pretty well received. There’s nothing out of left field. From all of the information we compiled from the hearings statewide, we are confident it will be received well on both sides,” said a spokesperson from Naughton’s office.

Either Naughton is being legit... or.... He's being treated like Donald Duck... .[rofl]

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Any guess' whom else is going to be standing behind the podium when he announces this shit?

Some MDA or Brady spokesperson perhaps?

Only if nobody from our side has contacted them first. Hint hint.

oh good, we are targeting new laws and regulations at those who do not follow laws and regulations... great logic

where did you get that from? You need to get some visibility on that quote!
Here's another couple good ones from that Boston magazine article: “The speaker has stated all along that Massachusetts has some of the best and strongest gun laws in the nation, but that we could do better and should be looking at what some other countries have been doing to increase that safety,”

At a "gun violence" hearing in Stow, on 9/17/13, I heard Rosenthal, McQuilken, and Rep. Brady (brockton) all discuss how great it would be if there were police inspections of homes, but they could not practically implement it due to lack of manpower. The moderator, Sen Eldridge, declined to comment.
"The proposed changes “are intended to tighten the already strong gun legislation in Massachusetts, and are directed toward those irresponsible gun owners who do not follow the Commonwealth laws and regulations”"

I've yet to see evidence of those 'irresponsible gun owners'. The legislature's made no effort to inform us of relevant prosecutions or other actions that require these changes.
I hope they just get this over with and pass something sooner rather than later.....
I'm getting tired of waiting around to see if I'm going to get screwed enough that it will be worth it to move to NH.
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