Hanson MG shoot


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Does anyone know whats involved in getting some trigger time at the Hanson MG shoot? I know the web site said there is a fee for shooting/renting MGs, and i'd like to make sure I bring enough cash if I go so I can finally get to try out something full auto.
OK here is a quick overview of how things will work this year (or at least how they are supposed to work):

#1 come pay $8 admission to get in the gate (like gunshows you even get a door prize ticket to fill out) then go park your car up in the lot(s).

#2. Go into the CLUB House, watch a real quick "orentation video" while you sign the waiver/have your age confirmed (shooters must be 21+) you then get a wrist band.

#3. Walk (or take one of the shuttle golf carts) down to the range, virtually all the line possitions will have guns available, the large possition to the left will have its own gate and ticket system, but all other possitions are ussually "renting" guns too. so look around find the gun(s) you want to shoot work your deal with the owner. they will give you a temporary line pass that will let you in either of the central entrances, where you will be taken to the guns and get to shoot, once done they take the pass back and send you out the firing line exits.

It is much more confusing to type that all than it will be to actually do it...

But how much $$$. All the owners set thier own pricing, but figure as low as $10 for some subguns to a few hundered to "ride" a minigun for a few seconds. Basicly most subguns/rifles will run between $10-20 a mag, most belt feds start at around $50 a belt, and get more expensive the longer the belt. So really depends on how much you want to spend, plus if you end up buying a T-shirt, or some food, or something good at the gunshow...
Milsurps 4 Me said:
I know i'll see you Sunday for the Mak, but will you have the MP44 at Hanson? [smile] How much is a mag off that thing?

I will have the MP44 at Hanson, but that is the one gun I don't "rent out", parts are too scarse and ammo to uncommon, for me to run it as much as the guns get run at the shoots. I am considering allowing the club to raffle off a mag or two for it, so a couple people can shoot it...
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