As Mesatchornug said above go to one of the open practices and come back at least a few times. This is how I got my sponsorship a number of years ago. I would still be going if I could fit it into my schedule. You’ll meet a great group of people and have a ton of fun in the action pits or the indoor range. Probably come away as a better shooter and with more 2A knowledge as well. After a few times of showing that you’re not an asshat and can handle a firearm safely it shouldn’t be hard to find a sponsor.
The vetting process for HSC is one of the things that makes it a great club. The large majority of members are friendly, knowledgeable, and treat both firearms and the ranges with respect.
If you do go to one of the practices it’s best to have an outside the waistband holster and don’t load a round into the chamber until you’ve been cleared to shoot.
Practices during the winter are held at the indoor range Mondays at 6pm and Wednesdays at 5pm.