Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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The point here is the AG is legislating, that's not constitutional, and should get legislators' attention. They shouldn't like being made irrelevant.

They don't mind so much if they agree with the result. Welcome to the Banana Republic. 'Laws are great, unless we disagree with them.'
They don't mind so much if they agree with the result. Welcome to the Banana Republic. 'Laws are great, unless we disagree with them.'

Well, there's a hell of a lot more Mass voters who own semiautos (M1 garands etc), semiauto trap shotguns etc and might not like suddenly being labeled felons.
Well, there's a hell of a lot more Mass voters who own semiautos, shotguns etc and might not like suddenly being labeled felons.
Look at NY and CT - lots of felons and civil disobedience but no action. It's easy for someone like Healey to screw us over because she can win the waiting game - sooner or later more and more of us will be caught with illegal guns and jailed or shot. Even if someone shoots back yelling "molon labe", Healey won't be the one getting shot and she'll just use it to say "see? I told you guns are evil" and push even more bans.
No builds either

You're building it, not buying it from a store right? Don't think it matters, unless she tries to claim all rifles purchases/assembled after yesterday are illegal to possess, but I don't think she'll do that cause it'll basically make all rifles illegal to possess. Her best angle is to go after FFLs like she does with Glocks and online ammo.

SBR which would require a stamp aside, this goes far beyond Glocks and ammo as it includes "possession". Won't be able to buy lowers, and certainly won't be able to register them when completed.
Can't believe I woke up to this. It sounds like a ban on all semi-automatics and pretty much will cost firearms instructors their business on people looking to get their LTC.

We have a real problem here and I don't believe that sitting back and saying 'there's nothing we can do' works here. This is going to require legal action of some sort and I hope we've gotten legal expert attention on this - lots of it.
Well, there's a hell of a lot more Mass voters who own semiautos (M1 garands etc), semiauto trap shotguns etc and might not like suddenly being labeled felons.

Agreed. If "assault weapons" suddenly encompass handguns and shotguns then the FUDD's should get scared too: As we keep saying, they really are coming for your guns.

On another note, I would like to thank every one of the imbecilic gun shops who have done interviews with msm trying to clarify how stupid the MA AWB is. Your clarification and pointing out how stupid the cosmetic features are is precisely what led to this directive from Healey. It really is better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Oh and the timeless classic: Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
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Agreed. If "assault weapons" suddenly encompass handguns and shotguns then the FUDD's should get scared too: As we keep saying, they really are coming for your guns.

On another note, I would like to thank everyone one of the imbecilic gun shops who have done interviews with msm trying to clarify how stupid the MA AWB is. Your clarification and pointing out how stupid the cosmetic features are is precisely what led to this directive from Healey. It really is better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Oh and the timeless classic: Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

this x1000
How ironic Democracy may have started in Massachusetts, it also just ended here.
Oh please, it has "ended here" dozens of times and every time people say "that's it, that's the last straw! I won't stand for this!" and then they proceed to bend over and take it. You know it and I know it because we've both done it and continue to do it with today's news.
Agreed. If "assault weapons" suddenly encompass handguns and shotguns then the FUDD's should get scared too: As we keep saying, they really are coming for your guns.

On another note, I would like to thank every one of the imbecilic gun shops who have done interviews with msm trying to clarify how stupid the MA AWB is. Your clarification and pointing out how stupid the cosmetic features are is precisely what led to this directive from Healey. It really is better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Oh and the timeless classic: Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

I'm sure the AG knew all along how stupid the ban is, she just waited for the right moment to spring this.

Expect something similar for 'loophole' handguns soon.
If thousands of people transferred an AR to someone and then transferred it back (so essentially you'd both have your own AR back) in that would send a message.

Another message would be for 1,000 people to show up at a gun buyback with an AR in a case and show the police the gun you won't be turning in.

Hell, the Fudds could show up with a semiauto browning or something.

PS I don't come up with ideas I'm unwilling to participate in.
Oh please, it has "ended here" dozens of times and every time people say "that's it, that's the last straw! I won't stand for this!" and then they proceed to bend over and take it. You know it and I know it because we've both done it and continue to do it with today's news.

That's true, but everyone has a breaking point - look at the black community? Seems like they hit their breaking point.

I'm not saying this is the breaking point, depends on how it plays out.
You need to find a judge who will put a permanent hold on this until heard, I know of several here in North Carolina.
Seriously, ignore this like a twisted child. Start with a semi auto open carry at her house and a big F you to her by the thousands of owners.
She's setting the stage for a Cankles administration and appointment of libtard judges.

I just bought a Rock River LAR-15 for 550 last night, thing has a couple mags through it. Almost new.
That's true, but everyone has a breaking point - look at the black community? Seems like they hit their breaking point.

I'm not saying this is the breaking point, depends on how it plays out.
Then we should do what bullseye suggests:
Seriously, ignore this like a twisted child. Start with a semi auto open carry at her house and a big F you to her by the thousands of owners.
I'd be in for an OC protest. They did it in Oregon too btw.
Then we should do what bullseye suggests:

I'd be in for an OC protest. They did it in Oregon too btw.

I wonder if that'll help though - or just make the public think 2A supporters are dangerous.

And if a cop with itchy trigger finger starts a firefight, you know whose fault it'll be.
You're going to need ALL the FFL's with legal (pro bono) backing (for the little guys) to stand firm and say: **** Off (and sell the semi's).
Get on your phones this morning to you state reps and the governors office. ASAP.
You mean governor lick spittle/rump swab/RINO/piss hat/etc... who would happily lick the doo-doo off of the bottom of Hillary's boots if Madame President tells him to during her (hopefully never) first visit to the Bay State after her (hopefully not) inauguration?

You mean that governor?...Last time we had a governor who had OUR back in any way shape or form was during the "Can do" administration... and he passed away ten years ago. (but then again, so did this entire state, which died many years before he did).

Any state where an arrogant, sniveling see-you-next-Tuesday like Maura Healey can even attain a seat of power is a state that had the "flush" chain pulled on it long, long ago. And those of us stuck living here (business/family/job/house etc) realize all this and would spit in Maura's Marmaduke Mug if we were given one free/no penalty expectoration, but..

Whaddya gonna do. She's an angry lefty LGBT champion who probably looks in the mirror in the morning and hates what she sees looking back so she misdirects that anger back upon the citizenry, the citizens who didn't vote for her, didn't appoint her, didn't have ANY say in her career path, etc. (Here's one vote for changing how MA operates and making all positions of power ELECTED versus APPOINTED (but, hell, in this retarded sh*thole these left wing radicals and soccer mom dopes would have probably elected pioneering young twit Maura anyways).

Every other week or so, something like the subject of this thread makes its way down the drain and lands upon us, and it becomes just another floater in the "here we go again" cesspool that we reside in here.
This entire state is gone. Long gone, period, and a filthbag see-you-next-Tuesday like Maura is well WELL aware of how truly far gone it truly is - and she capitalizes on that.

Daily, (or twice daily or however often she pulls the goddamned chain).
Then we should do what bullseye suggests:

I'd be in for an OC protest. They did it in Oregon too btw.

I wonder if that'll help though - or just make the public think 2A supporters are dangerous.

And if a cop with itchy trigger finger starts a firefight, you know whose fault it'll be.

I suggested this earlier too but now I am rethinking it. One of those BLM idiots would probably show up and start some crap...
I fear it's even worse than it seems. Any assumption the legislature will be upset she has usurped their authority may not be true. What if she is conspiring with DeLeo and Rosenberg? There is precedent: gay marriage. When the SJC legalized it here years ago, they clearly usurped the role of the legislature, which had refused to act on it. Far from being upset about that, the legislature was pleased that another party had given them political cover.
An 'assault weapon ' is specifically described under statute. She's going to have a hard time with this one, unless she gets the legislature to change the statute.

Btw, she just emptied the shelves at every store in new England
Unless, of course, the court applies the "but its guns" doctrine. She's also assured that even if the courts overturn this, the sales will stop for a year or three.
I fear it's even worse than it seems. Any assumption the legislature will be upset she has usurped their authority may not be true. What if she is conspiring with DeLeo and Rosenberg? There is precedent: gay marriage. When the SJC legalized it here years ago, they clearly usurped the role of the legislature, which had refused to act on it. Far from being upset about that, the legislature was pleased that another party had given them political cover.

There are pro2a legislators who can make a big stink about this.
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