Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Wow. Just wow. What an outrageous overstepping of her office.
This should be smacked down by the legislature and/or the courts. Unfortunately, "because guns"...
I fear that shit is about to get real, real quick folks. The question is, how are we going to organize ourselves to respond to it? It has to be a concentrated and organized effort from organizations like Goal, Comm2A, FFL's, and us as consumers/2A supporters. Lets not focus on how bad they're going to hammer us, but rather on how well we're prepared to respond.
What does this really mean? They are not saying the "people" are the army....so this is an infringement on the Commonwealth's Constitution. Says nothing about "reasonable" restrictions...what am I missing?

Article XVII. The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it.

Means we need the equal or better firepower to defend against those peacetime armies that are dangerous to liberty.
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It may have a 'one time' amnesty program, we should all be good little sheep and register our now illegal guns - just like CT.

I will not comply.
The concept of a special registration where it is an offense to have a gun without "registration papers" is not in MGL, and would be harder to fabricate.
This is simply the semiauto version of the Glock 'ban'.

I would think the legislature would not like the AG making them irrelevant by creating laws - their pride may outweigh their support for the AWB.

their egos may outweigh their support for the AWB. FIFY They have no pride and never did, they're all crooks! I like it here in NH more and more each passing day.
game on mother****ers, do your worst, the more shit comes out of your pieholes the more you are exposed for treasonous pieces of shit that you are.

Outlaw whatever and see how much ****s will be given, you treasonous ****.
What I wonder is - any FA-10 submitted within this and the following several days could be registering a build completed yesterday, since we have 7 days to register. Will they be looking through the FA-10 system and hassling people,?

Im gonna find out. I have receipts from last week for lowers and i just FA'10ed them today.
I posted on Colion Noirs facebook page, liberald love using outside groups to push their agenda, its time we do the same. Contact every 2a group we know of, get everyone attention here. The legislators wont do shit, we need to flood everything w so much attention that she has to resign. I think that is our only way.

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She is looking to catch the eye of Hildabeast for appointment as a Federal DA as spots open up

Run for governor in 2018? Fu(kin POS. As usual, stepping on the throats of lawful gun owners to get political traction instead of attempting to solve the real crime problems we face.
I started an Arfcom thread as well to reach a wider audience.

I have NFA stamps pending that will need to be FA10'd at some point. Wonder how that will work.

The AG, even at this point, seems to be staying clear of outlawing property that was legal when acquired.

If this ban were applied to eFA-10s on NFA weapons now waiting transfer, it would cross that line.

But, as we know, the AG does not issue a-priori legal opinions on her regulations.
Nothing yet on Four Seasons or R&R Facebook pages. I'm interested in how they'll react.
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