Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Thank God my wife is increasingly into the idea of leaving Mass. I'm hopeful that we have no more than 2-3 years in this anti-liberty state. I just hope I'm not turned into a felon before I can escape.

Seriously, idk wtf to do about this state. Born here and grew up in NH but roots and career are here. It isn't easy to just up and move but this shit is making it close to a necessity just to stay sane.
Don't read the comments on the Globe article. Most are praising this "common sense" directive. One person thinks this is great as no one needs more than 10 rounds. Sigh.

You have to be logged in to comment, so all the people posting have their Obama dildos firmly stuck in their butts and are filled with statist glee.

I feel self-loathing for going to that site to read the piece(which I still don't see anywhere else.) Since when do politicians make major announcements to changes in how a law will be enforced in a single liberal newspaper that less than 25% of the people read?
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I posted on Colion Noirs facebook page, liberald love using outside groups to push their agenda, its time we do the same. Contact every 2a group we know of, get everyone attention here. The legislators wont do shit, we need to flood everything w so much attention that she has to resign. I think that is our only way.

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This bears repeating.
Seriously, idk wtf to do about this state. Born here and grew up in NH but roots and career are here. It isn't easy to just up and move but this shit is making it close to a necessity just to stay sane.

My problem is more family and friends than job. I've never much liked it here because of the politics.
I posted on Colion Noirs facebook page, liberald love using outside groups to push their agenda, its time we do the same. Contact every 2a group we know of, get everyone attention here. The legislators wont do shit, we need to flood everything w so much attention that she has to resign. I think that is our only way.

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I've posted on his page as well and a few others.
There's a method to her madness.

She may or may not have the legal authority to rewrite, reinterpret the law as currently written, but even if struck down by the courts (or if she backs off),

the damage is already done.

This move of hers will set the legislatures wheels in motion to rewrite the current law and make it even more restrictive than what Healy has planned.

Don't be surprised if 10+ magazines and restricting private sales are on the chopping block..

No, no backing down mother****ers and none of this defeatist shit, you want to run, go ****ing run, you die tired.
There's a method to her madness.

She may or may not have the legal authority to rewrite, reinterpret the law as currently written, but even if struck down by the courts (or if she backs off),

the damage is already done.

This move of hers will set the legislatures wheels in motion to rewrite the current law and make it even more restrictive than what Healy has planned.

Don't be surprised if 10+ magazines and restricting private sales are on the chopping block..
I am wondering if this is just posturing to make it look bad to my knowledge there were no hearings or any bills coming up that had this crap in it
Nothing yet on Four Seasons or R&R Facebook pages. I'm interested in how they'll react.

I remember back in 1998 when the new Massachusetts handgun regulation came into effect. Before that all my buddies were laughing their asses off, they said, no f**kin way AG Thomas Riley can pull this off. Well, guess what ? The next day after the new regulations came into effect, Four Season's gun cases were empty, other than some S&W 3rd generation semi autos and a few revolvers Four Season's wasn't selling any handguns. Can something like this happen again only this time with semi auto rifles ? You bet your ass it can ! These anti gunners are totally dedicated to their cause. Now my buddies take the AG's office and the power they can wield against us very serious.
Dominos are starting to fall. We'll be in the same boat as NJ before long. CC permits are probably next on the chopping block. Love this state :)
Despite the action against AWs, CC permits still seem to be seen as "legit". There was no move against them in NY (unrestricted one can be had in many parts of upstate); in CT where they are nearly shall-issue on in CO (shall issue) when they went after magazines. Part of the issue is you can't just get rid of all CC permits since that would cover many important and connected people in addition to the peons.
In that case, drive up to NH and buy rifles that are otherwise "Mass compliant" and bring them back.

I think that'll be an option - some NH dealers might balk but don't think she has that much reach up there. She's able to scare off online ammo vendors, but a physical store doesn't really do online business in mass, so they have less to fear.

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Exactly. Once she has destroyed the lives of a few law-abiding citizens, emptied the coffers of Comm2A or other pro-legal groups, etc, it maybe goes before a Clinton-stacked SCOTUS where it gets upheld 6-3 or 7-2. (Yes, my outlook is grim as usual.)

Yup, a Clinton win dooms 2A.
I think that'll be an option - some NH dealers might balk but don't think she has that much reach up there. She's able to scare off online ammo vendors, but a physical store doesn't really do online business in mass, so they have less to fear.

they would be in violation of batfe rules.
Keep talking. We might as well get fully f-ed as opposed to just the tip.

Yep there is an old saying "We have met the enemy and he is us" or "Lose lips sink ships".

You'd be surprised what these morons haven't thought of and we keep giving them ideas.

Some of them may be smart but if these guys think your not hurting our cause by giving them ideas your giving them to much credit.

That bitch and her lackeys monitor gun boards, it's not a coincidence someone would mention a dealer who ships to Mass. and all of a sudden they were threatened by letter from our Protector General's Office.

Thank god they came along to protect us from ammo components being shipped after all a box of bullets could have dropped and fallen on someones toe. Oh the horror.

As dumb as they are they can read English, they just can't seem to comprehend laws as written.
ct and new york .

i'd be surprised if it takes them as long as a week.

I hope they do - we need the SC to rule on whether AG's can violate the constitution as they please.

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Keep talking. We might as well get fully f-ed as opposed to just the tip.

Stop underestimating the enemy, do you really think it's never occurred to her that people buy rifles in NH? Come on.
Just got off phone with reps office. She did not notify anyone in the legislative body that she was going to do this and the timing is not appreciated as the legislative session is winding down. They expect a challenge in courts ASAP for a stay. Call your reps it does make a difference when they feel the concern. Also the points in post #102 are on point. (needs spell check so dont just cut and paste) but email them as well.
This may have already been asked but to be honest I just could not read all of the posts.
From the wording of the article the AG states "dealers". Does this also include private sales?
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