Henry USA tells New Jersey to go screw.

We’ve talked about this in another thread. By the time MA unf***s themselves, we’ll be long dead.
MA will never unf*** itself it will only become more fu**ier. Look around you can see where it is heading. This state will eventually become unlivable for normal people.
Here's an example in my stupid town. The dopy liberal democrat people in town are asking for a prop.2.5 override because of stupid liberal management the school system in town is in a budget defacet. Things like spending $100,000 for a DEI study. Who the f asks to raze taxes? I will tell you stupid Massachusetts liberal democrats working hard to continue to make Massachusetts fu**ier.
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as a comedian once said " you can't fix stupid" and that is exactly what you would be trying to do by taking a stand as a manufacturer of firearms in MA if you tried to change the uber liberal anti 2A crowd that seems to inhabit the MA political process.

Any firearms manufacturer that stays in any of the Northeast states is crazy, just the tax implications are enough to justify the expense of moving to a state with less of a tax burden.

And if you are headquartered in a state like NJ or MA with a brutal tax rate on high earners, you move the company HQ to someplace like FL even if it is a 3 office suite with someone to answer the phone and open the mail and have the company execs establish FL residency.

It happens all the time here in SW Florida, Hertz moved to Estero (Fort Myers) from NJ for that reason, among others
as a comedian once said " you can't fix stupid" and that is exactly what you would be trying to do by taking a stand as a manufacturer of firearms in MA if you tried to change the uber liberal anti 2A crowd that seems to inhabit the MA political process.

Any firearms manufacturer that stays in any of the Northeast states is crazy, just the tax implications are enough to justify the expense of moving to a state with less of a tax burden.

And if you are headquartered in a state like NJ or MA with a brutal tax rate on high earners, you move the company HQ to someplace like FL even if it is a 3 office suite with someone to answer the phone and open the mail and have the company execs establish FL residency.

It happens all the time here in SW Florida, Hertz moved to Estero (Fort Myers) from NJ for that reason, among others
as for large manufacturers........ SIG, Newington NH is US headquarters Ruger is Southport CT. They sell a lot of firearms. Who knows, maybe they move away.
It all depends where you live in MA. My kids were raised in conservative gun loving North Central.....even then it was touch and go when my son wore that Glock hat to school, and my wife had to talk one lady down.......and tell her is just a fxcking hat with the words GLOCK on it and no gun logo..... and it would she be OK if there was a RAINBOW on the fxcking thing you hypocrite?

If they were raised in Cambridge.....I would have moved as well before indoctrinating them with that bullshit.
Concur. It may border on child abuse to raise one in Cambridge. LOL

Has anyone had a chance to fondle one of their revolvers yet?

As far as I'm concerned, their lever guns are the best production lever guns you can buy.
I have high hopes.

They aren't cheap, with a street price around $750

Really? I have never fondled one but I know their QC wasn't that great. . . . 15-20 years ago. Of course, at that time, boht Marlin and Winny were spinning out decent guns and any old-school repros, the overseas guns were just made well b/c the people who tooled them up did a great job.

Nope.......I don't think it would ever happen...but if all the gun makers got together and decided not to sell into the commie states for any reason.....that might leave a mark.

Now let's be clear- don't sell to LE or .Mil/.Gov in those states. Let's not penalize the good citizens of these states. Penalize the JBT's.
MA will never unf*** itself it will only become more fu**per. Look around you can see where it is heading. This state will eventually become unlivable for normal people.
Here's an example in my stupid town. The dopy liberal democrat people in town are asking for a prop.2.5 override because of stupid liberal management the school system in town is in a budget defacet. Things like spending $100,000 for a DEI study. Who the f asks to raze taxes? I will tell you stupid Massachusetts liberal democrats working hard to continue to make Massachusetts fu**ier.
Don't you think that will end poorly?
and then the unf***ing begins..... maybe not... its not my problem I am nowhere near that dumpster fire hahaha

didn't they call that the DPRC like 40 years ago?
MA will never unf*** itself it will only become more fu**per. Look around you can see where it is heading. This state will eventually become unlivable for normal people.
Here's an example in my stupid town. The dopy liberal democrat people in town are asking for a prop.2.5 override because of stupid liberal management the school system in town is in a budget defacet. Things like spending $100,000 for a DEI study. Who the f asks to raze taxes? I will tell you stupid Massachusetts liberal democrats working hard to continue to make Massachusetts fu**ier.

The part that concerns me about this, and @Mark from ? touch on this earlier, conservatives are abandoning MA in droves. But that's not the worst part, for a lot of reasons MA Liberal residents are leaving as well and polluting good Red states. There are many examples of this. They are spreading their politics all over the place and they are effective at it. I don't really get why conservatives are not as effective, but that just seems to be the way it is nowadays.

Lets take the latest hoopla about Trump and Musk. Liberals are protesting trying to force change and when they don't get it they take action by illegal means without a second though. Hell, another Tesla location was firebombed last night. Conservatives don't do that, but if there was a story of a certain liberal federal judge's house somehow catching on fire, I wouldn't be too sad.
[…]I don't really get why conservatives are not as effective, but that just seems to be the way it is nowadays.
Because conservatives tend to think “live and let live” means burying your head in the sand. Unfortunately you have to fight for the right to be left alone.

I wish I realized this much earlier in life
It all depends where you live in MA. My kids were raised in conservative gun loving North Central.....even then it was touch and go when my son wore that Glock hat to school, and my wife had to talk one lady down.......and tell her is just a fxcking hat with the words GLOCK on it and no gun logo..... and it would she be OK if there was a RAINBOW on the fxcking thing you hypocrite?

If they were raised in Cambridge.....I would have moved as well before indoctrinating them with that bullshit.
We were in the northshore. When i was young it was awesome. Started going south in the late 00s and now its a joke.

I dont want to get into specifics as some of the shit will immediately identify my hometown or place of work. But it was national level news, a complete embarrassment.
WI is an interesting choice. Good state for manufacturing, and presently decent gun laws (not the greatest), but it has a lesser version of IL's city/country problem and is regularly on the brink of going anti, though trends the last several years have been toward the pro-2A.
I was actually a little sad and ticked off when S&W left MA. I get it, but it still sucked.
All of Colt’s revolvers are made in MA just down the road from me. (Since 2019)
They are then shipped to CT where the grips are put on, final finish, boxed up and shipped.
In 2021 was told it was 500 a week, have heard rumors they are at 1000 now.
Have not worked at there (as subcontractor) since 2023. They don’t allow pictures inside the facility. Incredible walking around in there though.
except they are doing exactly when people who stay in states like MA hate. They are not standing and fighting they turn tail and run.
If manufacturers in anti states got some lawyers , appointed political candidates, etc... maybe they could drive change. of course that cost $$ and has no guaranteed outcome. easier to runaway
It is not about rights for the business.

It is about cost of labor, taxes, other expenses and potential State friendliness (more related to laws that could affect them, not to how the State feels about you buying an AR or HP ammo).

Get the same work done in WY with a lower labor cost + there might be several tax advantages + there might be other advantages (maybe utilities are cheaper) ... I am guessing here. Maybe some of their distributors are closer. Maybe some other business they own is closer.

They are running a business.
Left ?

They were forced out but the legislature, basically threatens them with new laws until they left
Meh, Smith left because of costs more than anything else, and that happened long before the new laws passed. Places like MA are shitty places to run a manufacturing business.
yeah. it's about dollars, regulations, labor availability, first and foremost... politics is probably way down the list... however, more power to you if as a biz owner, you give a state the middle finger as you take your share of the local economy elsewhere.
yeah. it's about dollars, regulations, labor availability, first and foremost... politics is probably way down the list... however, more power to you if as a biz owner, you give a state the middle finger as you take your share of the local economy elsewhere.
And somebody's going to come up in the thread and say well Smith even said of course they're going to f***ing say that because they're going to get free brownie points with their clients in doing so but that doesn't mean that it actually was the real motive. 🤣 we've seen this before with the gun range they made claims that there was too much heat from the feds but that's BS because that's not the first time that kind of incident has happened at a public range. They closed it because it's a cost Center and they were flinting. Corporations ultimately usually only give a shit about the bottom line and smith is no different. Manufacturers that will put their institution, reputation or quality above profits are pretty rare these days.
And somebody's going to come up in the thread and say well Smith even said of course they're going to f***ing say that because they're going to get free brownie points with their clients in doing so but that doesn't mean that it actually was the real motive. 🤣 we've seen this before with the gun range they made claims that there was too much heat from the feds but that's BS because that's not the first time that kind of incident has happened at a public range. They closed it because it's a cost Center and they were flinting. Corporations ultimately usually only give a shit about the bottom line and smith is no different. Manufacturers that will put their institution, reputation or quality above profits are pretty rare these days.
especially if there's stockholders to answer to..
It is not about rights for the business.

It is about cost of labor, taxes, other expenses and potential State friendliness (more related to laws that could affect them, not to how the State feels about you buying an AR or HP ammo).

Get the same work done in WY with a lower labor cost + there might be several tax advantages + there might be other advantages (maybe utilities are cheaper) ... I am guessing here. Maybe some of their distributors are closer. Maybe some other business they own is closer.

They are running a business.

There's no arguing that, I mean look at all the businesses that went woke, looked at their bottom line evaporate and gave up on their social cause. Bud Light, Target....

too bad it is not all about business for the legislators because a big company picking up shop and leaving is not good for the state of NJ's bottom line either.

Tough to imagine there are other companies chomping at the bit to move in where Henry left.
Meh, Smith left because of costs more than anything else, and that happened long before the new laws passed. Places like MA are shitty places to run a manufacturing business.
This is only partly true both of you a correct. The MA legislators just quickend the exit.
This is only partly true both of you a correct. The MA legislators just quickend the exit.

No, it just gave them an excuse to do what they were going to do anyways one way or another. To think its about anything other than money here is silly., S&W has been getting more and more corporatized over the past decade or so, so them moving to RTW states dovetails with that sort of thing.
too bad it is not all about business for the legislators because a big company picking up shop and leaving is not good for the state of NJ's bottom line either.

Tough to imagine there are other companies chomping at the bit to move in where Henry left.
Because politics is all about the next 4 years. They will make their money, ruin a State then leave office. Or maybe stay in office until they die because the people in the State are too stupid to see the big picture.
No, it just gave them an excuse to do what they were going to do anyways one way or another. To think its about anything other than money here is silly., S&W has been getting more and more corporatized over the past decade or so, so them moving to RTW states dovetails with that sort of thing.
This. 100%.
No, it just gave them an excuse to do what they were going to do anyways one way or another. To think its about anything other than money here is silly., S&W has been getting more and more corporatized over the past decade or so, so them moving to RTW states dovetails with that sort of thing.
there it is. follow the money. always.
Because politics is all about the next 4 years. They will make their money, ruin a State then leave office. Or maybe stay in office until they die because the people in the State are too stupid to see the big picture.
ya man politics are so f***ing dirty. I am so far out of this loop of shite.
It is sad every time a big reminder comes and smacks me across the eyes.

it is more fun for me to think of every gun manufacturer is like Willy Wonka's factory. (the one with Gene Wilder) ha
I have a few Henry guns, cool little bolt action .22 with a hunter orange stock, 2 or 3 lever guns, a 410 and a 22. they used to do great discount for instructors. Maybe they will bring it back.
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