Henry USA tells New Jersey to go screw.

except they are doing exactly when people who stay in states like MA hate. They are not standing and fighting they turn tail and run.
If manufacturers in anti states got some lawyers , appointed political candidates, etc... maybe they could drive change. of course that cost $$ and has no guaranteed outcome. easier to runaway
Why would you stay in a place where people sit in a room and plot how they are going to f*ck you and bankrupt you all day?
Why would you stay in a place where people sit in a room and plot how they are going to f*ck you and bankrupt you all day?

When the odds, laws and economics are firmly 200% against you hanging around and fighting is pointless if you can make a strategic retreat somewhere else.

Anyone who thinks MA is recoverable in any way is just chugging the deludamol. The only relief from anything here can be if the feds slap them for
something or otherwise choke the beast by taking funding away from it.
When the odds, laws and economics are firmly 200% against you hanging around and fighting is pointless if you can make a strategic retreat somewhere else.

Anyone who thinks MA is recoverable in any way is just chugging the deludamol. The only relief from anything here can be if the feds slap them for
something or otherwise choke the beast by taking funding away from it.
I hope they take all the federal money the problem it won't stop these democratic politicians. They will just say we don't need it we will survive on taxs and fees to support our stupid stuff. The state is just like a parasite or a virus they will keep sucking until the host is dead.
ya man politics are so f***ing dirty. I am so far out of this loop of shite.
It is sad every time a big reminder comes and smacks me across the eyes.

When I lived in Mendon I was getting tired of all the crap the Selectman were pulling every year. When an opening came up on the board I pulled papers to run for a Selectman’s seat. I knew the Town Manager and a number of other folks in town politics. Every single one of them approached me and told me not to do it. Not because they didn’t want me to win, but because they knew how crooked, corrupt and power hungry the folks on the board were and I’d be attacked at every level during the election as well as the hell involved afterwards. I finally decided not to do it but it was a tough choice.
Good, the location they were in was small, no real ability to expand and I'm sure taxes and regs were a bitch. They'll be moving to a lower cost of living area than the NYC metro area, so maybe costs will lower and they'll be able to be more price competative with future products. Sorry, that revolver they made isn't nice enough to be worth what it costs.

Sucks that people will lose jobs, but the Donks don't give a shit and will tell them to learn coding.

Best thing for the Northeast is people leave, but the reality is they'll just be replaced by Rajeet, Abdullah, Jose, and Dikembe.
Good, the location they were in was small, no real ability to expand and I'm sure taxes and regs were a bitch. They'll be moving to a lower cost of living area than the NYC metro area, so maybe costs will lower and they'll be able to be more price competative with future products. Sorry, that revolver they made isn't nice enough to be worth what it costs.

Sucks that people will lose jobs, but the Donks don't give a shit and will tell them to learn coding.

Best thing for the Northeast is people leave, but the reality is they'll just be replaced by Rajeet, Abdullah, Jose, and Dikembe.

Wonder if they offered relocation packages to get skilled people to move with the company.
except they are doing exactly when people who stay in states like MA hate. They are not standing and fighting they turn tail and run.
If manufacturers in anti states got some lawyers , appointed political candidates, etc... maybe they could drive change. of course that cost $$ and has no guaranteed outcome. easier to runaway
I have a 65 Ladysmith. At least at the time - 20 years ago - it was the only 3" fixed sight revolver. Muzzle flash is designed to be hot pink. ROFL!!!

Me? I'm sad. It's sad that a state is that bad. Same with MA and NY and CT and, to a great extent lately, ME.

But the reality is that it's cheaper to make firearms, potato chips and marame plant hangers in Wisconsin than it is in New Jersey(and NY and CT and MA and, to a great extent lately, ME). For a litany of non-2A reasons. :(

I'm sad for the honest workers in NJ that will be shafted by this.

I’m sad for Wisconsin if these people move to Wisconsin and vote wrong.
Being in MA is like joining an HOA - they use your own money against you.
Shit.....at least you get your lawn mowed, pristine landscaping, they take care of the pool and hottub for you, paint your house every 7 years, and take any trash from the curb for your money in my HOA. But there is a lot of retards that want to do stupid shit and Im glad I don't own.

There is no income tax here....which more than covers most non retarded HOA fees.

Real estate taxes.....I see lots of nice medians with plantings and no trash, and good schools and super nice Hospitals and medical care in my area. Not all of FL is like that though. Lots of dumpy shit towns.

In MA....with your income tax money.......you just get a red sore butthole from being bent over and rammed repeatedly paying for illegals, and freedom sucking laws.

With your property tax and excise money you get a school if you have kids....if you don't you get a plowed road, a great bloated police force that's there to road tax you and collect detail money and scrutenize your 2A rights, and a road that's likely full of potholes. They do salt it when its totally unnecessary a lot. Try not to shit on the DPW workers, they are the good part of RE taxes up there.

Id imagine east of 495 there are some probably nice towns where the roads are paved with gold but their RE taxes are likley NH high......
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It is not about rights for the business.

It is about cost of labor, taxes, other expenses and potential State friendliness (more related to laws that could affect them, not to how the State feels about you buying an AR or HP ammo).

Get the same work done in WY with a lower labor cost + there might be several tax advantages + there might be other advantages (maybe utilities are cheaper) ... I am guessing here. Maybe some of their distributors are closer. Maybe some other business they own is closer.

They are running a business.

At my last job in NC before I moved to MA the electricity bills were ~100k a month. We had a bunch of large lathes, machining centers, various large welders and weld positioners etc. and several large (LARGE) furnaces for heat treating metal. My power bill was usually under 100 dollars a month at my town house, MAYBE 150 during record heat or cold. The LOWEST electricity bill I ever had, in a house with oil heat, was like 300 in MA. Usually 4-600. I can't imagine how much more running a factory there vs. a state with non-communist energy policy would be.
as for large manufacturers........ SIG, Newington NH is US headquarters Ruger is Southport CT. They sell a lot of firearms. Who knows, maybe they move away.

Sturm Ruger has only a few employees and a small space in Southport. It's too bad as this was the original Sturm Ruger building. It's quite historic.

SR opened a factory in NH in the 60s and in AZ in the 70s (ish). Their newest expansion is in North Carolina.

It's only a matter of time before SR is out of CT completely.
Sturm Ruger has only a few employees and a small space in Southport. It's too bad as this was the original Sturm Ruger building. It's quite historic.

SR opened a factory in NH in the 60s and in AZ in the 70s (ish). Their newest expansion is in North Carolina.

It's only a matter of time before SR is out of CT completely.
I understand there is not so much manufacturing going on in CT, tell me
then why stay Incorporated in gun hating CT?
is CT is friendly to businesses? they won't go nowhere as long as it makes $$ sense to stay. Henry wouldn't have left if it wasn't costing them $$ to stay.
From everything everyone in his thread has told me, whether a state is anti gun or not is a secondary factor by a mile to profit margin of the company, so if it ain't affecting the bottom line to stay, then they not gonna move.
I'm honestly shocked that any gun companies are still left in blue states at all. I'd love to see them all leave and then watch the left light the fuse of civil war 2 and not having any arms to fight with.
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