Here we go again -- What kind of military weapon are you?

What Combat Weaponry Are You?
M-134 "Mini-Gun"

A true brute, you have a "presence" every where you go. You can take on any opponent with little effort, your dependable and your reputation does the talking.
m-240... this is seriously flawed... how'd i end up the same as Derek? I would have expected sharp stick like Frosty!!!
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Fn-P90 Sub-Machinegun

You are deceiving by your stature as you can unleash a fury. You prefer a fast paced upclose and personal fight.
L-96 Sniper Rifle

Preventing a situation from escalating is in your favor as an up-close fight would result in almost certain defeat, however if you know its going to happen you'll hit first and with little warning. You like a fight on your terms and will generally wait patiently for the right moment for an unsuspected strike.


Not exactly a description of me, but, hey, I prefer to strike from long distance. I don't get defeated close-up, I'm too damned dumb to feel anything, especially when in a blind rage.
What Combat Weaponry Are You?
Stg-77 Aug

Light weight and agile you fight as though you have something to prove. Speed and agility are your strong points. You can scrap with the big dogs though they tire you out quicker.

OOOoooooo!! I want one!!! [laugh]
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