High Power Rifle Clinic **Update 5-6-05**

Derek as you have the 20 and my son wants to shoot, (And could use the range time with the pending deployment) I will give up my seat for him on the range. I can be an extra range coach.
Wildweasel said:
Derek as you have the 20 and my son wants to shoot, (And could use the range time with the pending deployment) I will give up my seat for him on the range. I can be an extra range coach.

Just bring him, it'll be fine.
Greg said:
Looks like the weather will not be our friend this Saturday.Any back up plans in the making ?

If it is raining in the morning we will do the class protion in the club house. Hopefully after lunch the rain will have stopped. As long as it isn't a down pour we will still shoot.

So if you have rain gear make sure you pack it.
Everything I've been seeing points to, at most, light showers.

So suck it up soldiers!!!! It's lock and load time! [twisted]
The forecast has taken a turn for the worse. 46 and soild rain for Saturday. As of right now there is a good chance the clinic will be postponed to a later date.

Please check here Saturday morning for the clinic status before heading to Reading, MA. John, Tony, and myself will make the decision at around 6:30 am.
Kinda had a feeling when I saw this morning that they're calling for gale force winds on the coast. Dang it. I'm going to pull my vacation day so it's not wasted if postponed. I can always call early in the AM and request an emerg vac day.
JonJ said:
Kinda had a feeling when I saw this morning that they're calling for gale force winds on the coast. Dang it. I'm going to pull my vacation day so it's not wasted if postponed. I can always call early in the AM and request an emerg vac day.

Sounds like a plan.
Greg said:
[rant] I am get sick of this friggin weather.All week it is sunny,then the weekend comes,and it friggin rains! Past 3 weeks,same pattern! I am getting sick of it.[/rant]

You and me both. It's getting quite old. Nothing is worse than working all day and seeing how nice it is outside not being able to wait for the weekend, then it's cold and rainy all weekend.
For those of us dead-set on shooting on Saturday- would any of you guys (TonyD, Derek?) consider going somewhere more northernly? Not for a formal clinic, but at least to show me and some guys how to get a few rounds off. I, for one, would be more than willing to pay whatever costs would be associated.
Due to the pending Inclement weather the High Power Rifle Clinic has been postponed to a later date.

When I have a new date cleared I will re-post it here.

Tomorrow the temp will be in the 40's with up 1 and 1/2" of rain, winds in the mid 20's and windchills in the 30's.
Wahhhh... I'm relieved and disappointed. Relieved because it's not fun to shoot in rain (I'm not even sure I could SEE a target 600 yards away in the rain!! Especially with wet glasses. ) and disappointed because I won't get to meet y'all for a while now.

Oh well... Riverside Gun Club has an indoor range, and I still need to put some rounds through the new (used) P12 to see if it's reliable enough to carry. Think I'll spend some quality time with Mr ParaOrdnance tomorrow instead.

Yeah, we do defense contracting, and were planning on going as a company event tomorrow. There's 10 of us mightily eager to shoot high power this weekend. Does *anyone* have any other ideas? Sunday is an option too!
ZainAnak said:
There's 10 of us mightily eager to shoot high power this weekend. Does *anyone* have any other ideas?

Well... the 100 yard range at Riverside has a covered shooting line, but it's only 100 yards - you just have to use smaller targets! :-) However, i can only take two guests... we'd have to find some more members to host 10 guests!

Big disappointment. No shooting and no golfing.....this weekend rain has got to stop. Think I will head up to FourSeasons and help Ger spend his money.

Ger, I'll call you later.
Well, I know it's barely Sunday after the depressing-for-everyone crappy Saturday, but I was wondering if we should start planning the reschedule?

Any thoughts Derek?
Well, it wasn't Reading and it wasn't 600 yds, but our two Marines and a couple of civilians met at Braintree R&P this AM. I could only hang around for ~1 hour as I was headed off to the GOAL Annual Meeting and Banquet, however according to Derek, they spent the day there, first shooting rifle at 50 yds and then shooting pistol. Here are some pictures I took of our fearless Admin and Mods shooting rifle. Very rainy, pools of water down by the targets, wind whistling thru with gusts 30-40mph, but they shot from under cover. Pictures aren't great, taken with a cell phone camera.


Len - It was great to meet you and I hope your GOAL meeting went well. I wish we could have spent more time together. We spent about 4 hours out in that nasty stuff but it was great practice.

To everyone else, it really sucked that things went the way they did. I was really looking forward to meeting everyone and having a nice class and range session. I doubt that I'll get back up for the class when it goes off but Derek will put on a good one.

Fart's, if you read this, your NASCAR - fu is weak! Hope you got your tire fixed.

D - tell Mel again how much I appreciated all the hospitality. If not before, see you at Perry and both of you in Sept.

Semper Fi!
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