High Power Rifle Clinic **Update 5-6-05**


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
The High Power Clinic has reached its 20 person limit. Thank you for all that confirmed.

List of those in:

1. crazyneddie Confirmed
2. WildWeasel Confirmed
3. MrsWildWeasel Confirmed
4 & 5. airpw and friend Confirmed
6. Brent Confirmed
7. JonJ Confirmed
8. Greg Confirmed
9. nhsport Confirmed
10. KingCobra58 Confirmed
11. dwarven1 Confirmed
12-21. Windward Mark Interactive Confirmed

We will have a few extra AR15's for loan during the clinic. The cost will be $10 per person to pay for targets and range time. The date has been confirmed for Saturday, May 7th at 9am.

All you will need is comfortable clothing, hearing protection, a folding chair, and a bag lunch. There will be a food truck arriving at noon if you would like to buy a lunch. If the weather is good enough we will be giving the class outside on the 200 meter line. If you have any questions please contact me via IM or email.

Directions to the clinic can be found here. http://www.readingrifle.com/directions.htm

If in the event it is raining check here the morning of the Clinic, I will post the clinic status.
derek said:
propguy said:
I would like to see whats going on. Never been but willing to poke around a bit.
Any idea where?

It will more than likey be in Reading, MA.

I may try to make it but............... its quite the drive
[shock] but who knows thanks pg
MrsWildweasel said:
When are you thinking about putting this on? I would love to come.

I should hopefully have a date set this week. I'm talking with the range to "arrange" it. I'll post it as soon as I have the date. Or if I have a couple of options I will post a poll to see which date works best for everyone.
Nickelsig229 said:
How far is Reading from Hartford?

It's about 50 minutes from Worcester. I think Hartford is 45 minutes from Worcester. We would love to have you come out.
I would love to come, although i dont have my AR finished yet. I will be game for any get-togethers later this spring/summer though.

Quick question though: Is it possible for us out-of-staters to bring in no-ban "assault" weapons?!
Triumph955i said:
I would love to come, although i dont have my AR finished yet. I will be game for any get-togethers later this spring/summer though.

Quick question though: Is it possible for us out-of-staters to bring in no-ban "assault" weapons?!

The only way you can is for a match. We should have some AR15's availible for the clinic. I will let everyone know once I have the details worked. out.
***UPDATE***. I'll be heading up to Reading on Sunday morning to meet with the HP Director to pick a date. He told me they will have extra AR15's and M14's for loan. If you have a rifle that is not MA compliant all you need to do is trigger lock it. Our Clinic will be, for legal purposes, a Match, to comply with MA law for those with non-compliant weapons.

If you have any questions please post them or IM me.
I'd be interested too. But it will depend on my availability on the given dates.

I attended a 3-day clinic back in the late 1970s/early 1980s at Reading. We used M14s and M16s as the Army Reserve unit ran the course. Do you still have to pull butts there?
LenS said:
I'd be interested too. But it will depend on my availability on the given dates.

I attended a 3-day clinic back in the late 1970s/early 1980s at Reading. We used M14s and M16s as the Army Reserve unit ran the course. Do you still have to pull butts there?

Everybody will get a turn in the butts. That's part of the fun. :D
No complaints. It was a unique experience. At least I could see the bullet holes from there! :D NO WAY I could see them from 600 yds when I did this 20+ years ago and these tired eyes are a lot worse now!
TonyD said:
It's been said that Derek particularly enjoys his turn in the...well, never mind.

That's it. I'm having someone tack up your hat on the target frame. I'm going to do my 200 meter rapid demo on it. [twisted]
Heard all kinds of stories of being in the pit, should be an experience.
What's the best rifle to bring, Garand, M14, or A2 AR?

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