Home defense shotguns: Mossberg 590 versus Remington 870, muscle memory doesn't forget

Both great guns. However, I've owned both. The 870 is sold as I found the 590 a little better ergonomically for me. It's all personal choice really. Kind of like sitting in a car and setting the front seat and side mirror settings. All what feels right to you.
I have a older Remington 870 police model. It came from the factory with rifle sights. I added a recoil reducing stock that works much better than I would have believed. Its the right shotgun for me.
They are pump shotguns... as you put it your 77 and a half... you really think your getting into a gunfight at this stage where you are gonna need more than what's in a shotgun?

If you are i want to party with you

590 is fine if you like it... 20 gauge will work too.

Unloading isnt an issue... if you need to use it your going to keep it loaded til the cops show up...at that point just put it down...they will either take care of it...or you can get it when you come back to it.

Reloading if you are worried about capacity keep another gun nearby
Bro I got all those bases covered…lol
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What would you like to know. it has a real parkerised finnish rather than the crappy copy cat finnishes. It handles well. To me the choice of 00 buck ammo is as mportant as choosing the right shotgun for yourself. Some buck shot loads spread at shorter distances than others. I believe everyone needs to pattern different buckshot loads to determine the best load for their individual needs.
My vote for Mossberg cause they thought of left handed folks. Ever wanted the double barreled from the original Quake? Give the DP-12 a try.


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