How many years until repeal of 2A possible?

A constitutional amendment requires a vote of 2/3rd of both Houses of Congress and it must be ratified by 3/4s of the state legislatures. More than 1/2 of the state legislatures have passed constitutional carry.

A constitutional amendment to remove or gut the 2nd Amendment simply isn't going to happen in our lifetimes.
Hope something will be done, honestly. Getting so so angry and sad seeing how many shootings there are lately

Maybe...just hear me out here...maybe we should do something really make shooting random people illegal.

Whoa...mind blown!

Perhaps you'd be more comfortable on a crochet forum?
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"The first process requires that any proposed amendment to the Constitution be passed by both the House and the Senate with two-thirds majorities. It would then need to be ratified by three-fourths of the 50 states – or 38 of them".

They will never try it. They will continue taking over the courts and use decisions from those courts to render the 2A impotent.
it will never get repealed. They will try and get control of SCOTUS and overturn Heller. States like California will then immediately pass legislation confiscating Semi-Autos. That will be what happens.

They will do or say anything to make it happen.
it will never get repealed. They will try and get control of SCOTUS and overturn Heller. States like California will then immediately pass legislation confiscating Semi-Autos. That will be what happens.
First, they will ban semis. Then egged on by the corrupt media, someone will use a revolver in a shooting, and they will go after handguns. Then shotguns, then bolts, and soon, all guns will be banned.

Except for politicians, the rich, the police, homeland security, the IRS, the EPA, the weather people, and party apparatchiks.

The real problem is the brainwashing of our kids through schools, and social media. And no one is addressing this.

Unless we save the kids, we are screwed.
it will never get repealed. They will try and get control of SCOTUS and overturn Heller. States like California will then immediately pass legislation confiscating Semi-Autos. That will be what happens.
This will be their approach. They've been crying about packing the court for a while. It will happen eventually with our laughable election process.
It is hard for me to believe a good amount of these mass shootings are done by modern John Brown types but instead of focusing on slavery, it's the 2A this time.
Neither will happen. In fact, 2a has been getting stronger over the last 20 years. Every year more and more states go CC. Some states are reducing the age for carrying. The 2a has been getting strengthened as well by SCOTUS for the past 20 years or so.
They may TRY, but they will fail. Whether unintentionally, or intentionally, because libturds being anti gets votes.
Hope something will be done, honestly. Getting so so angry and sad seeing how many shootings there are lately
Do you have a solution for insanity that doesn't strip the rights of innocent, sane people that simply want to live their lives?

Because the only solutions we've seen so far (in the past nearly three centuries) from federal, state and local governments punish the innocent, not the guilty.
38 states out of 50 need to ratify any amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

That is why the Equal Rights Amendment has been languishing for years... past any extended deadlines for passage and five states revoking their approval.
We are rapidly heading to a one party system with take over of the Supreme Court. If things keep going the way they are going and the voters in this country don't start making changes it will be in 12 years the rest of this presidential cycle and two more Democratict in the white house. The house and senate will turn over to Democrat control,and the the court will be packed. We will be doomed if we keep going on our current collision course.
if biden gets re-elected?
either 2A will be gone, or we ALL will be in re-education camps--they are like roach motels, you can check in, but you never check out
Ha funny but it's not for me.
I'll die on my feet not live on my knees, Lord willing.
This will be their approach. They've been crying about packing the court for a while. It will happen eventually with our laughable election process.
This will be the way. Huge power in the Supreme Court they want it.

Sleepy Joe gets in again he will pack the court before he takes his next afternoon ice cream and nap.

Honestly, its about 100% chance he (his handlers) will pack the court, then he will step down so he doesn't have to take the actual policial hit. Then they will just throw that cackling hen in there and she will just giggle her way out of the next 3 years, if the country even makes it that long.
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Ha funny but it's not for me.
I'll die on my feet not live on my knees, Lord willing.
There will be some serious decisions to make at that point, because odds are that means turning in guns.

There will also be states that will not go along with any of it. I'm hoping to be in one of them.
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