How many years until repeal of 2A possible?

This is Confident NES Court-Packing Prediction #34,677 since Joe got elected.

Ain't gonna happen.
they just introduced an idea to add 4 new judges again.
probably not gonna happen, but, who knows. it may become an another 'negotiations' point.
There will be an immigration amnesty probably done by republicans, and it will turn out that there are 30-50m illegals in the country, not 11m (they’ve been citing the same number for 20 years).

This will create a democrat supermajority in the US within 1-2 election cycles and the constitution will be heavily modified, or thrown in the trash can.
Ah...another low count poster posting shit. Why don't you go back to the WaPo/NYT/MSNBC/etc.

The amendments in the Bill of Rights are unalienable...look it up in a bloody dictionary.

We all had low post counts at some point and I'm guessing most of us would be embarrassed by our earliest posts, but his comment was pretty disappointing, I agree.

ETA: Well, as it turns out, @sigguy05 is some kind of undercover fbi agent, trying to create a new cell I suppose, in the fbi's self justification program.

The rights protected by the Bill of Rights are unalienable, but the amendments themselves are just agreements to certain things. Those can be changed, but as everyone is pointing out, it's not easy and probably won't happen in our lifetimes.

What they will probably accomplish is continuing the stigmatization of gun ownership to the point that nobody would admit to owning such a sordid thing.
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We all had low post counts at some point and I'm guessing most of us would be embarrassed by our earliest posts, but his comment was pretty disappointing, I agree.

The rights protected by the Bill of Rights are unalienable, but the amendments themselves are just agreements to certain things. Those can be changed, but as everyone is pointing out, it's not easy and probably won't happen in our lifetimes.

What they will probably accomplish is continuing the stigmatization of gun ownership to the point that nobody would admit to owning such a sordid thing.
Gonna be kind of hard though when the stats are trending hard in the wrong direction for that, though. The big “gun control goebbels peacocking lie” is in 150% hype mode and it’s not really believable when every time someone farts too loud another million gun owners are created.

Antis are going full Al-Sahaf these days….
Never assume never.

In the 70s (and even later) most would conclude "the US will never maintain secret foreign prisons or have secret trials and list some federal trials on a secret docket not available to the media or public".
Meaning Biden won't be re-elected?

If he runs, he'll be appointed the winner.

And I would love to be wrong, but I made a similar prediction toward the end of Obama's first term. And STILL he was reelected.

It will come down to who the Republican nominee is. If it's Trump, then the next president can be a Trans potato that flashes school kids and that he/she person would win. The hate for Trump is far and wide. I wouldn't mind him winning another 4 years, but I believe that is impossible in this climate.
It will come down to who the Republican nominee is. If it's Trump, then the next president can be a Trans potato that flashes school kids and that he/she person would win. The hate for Trump is far and wide. I wouldn't mind him winning another 4 years, but I believe that is impossible in this climate.

Everyone thought Hillary was going to beat Trump, then they realized they needed to cheat to win. Now we have shit for brains and a hyena in office.
Gonna be kind of hard though when the stats are trending hard in the wrong direction for that, though. The big “gun control goebbels peacocking lie” is in 150% hype mode and it’s not really believable when every time someone farts too loud another million gun owners are created.

Antis are going full Al-Sahaf these days….
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It will come down to who the Republican nominee is. If it's Trump, then the next president can be a Trans potato that flashes school kids and that he/she person would win. The hate for Trump is far and wide. I wouldn't mind him winning another 4 years, but I believe that is impossible in this climate.
I used to think the ONLY way Trump could ever get elected was to run against HRC, who had even lower negatives than Trump did.

Now I'm starting to see a path for Trump to beat Biden. Biden is just that awful of a president. It boggles my mind that they're letting him run again. But I'm glad they are; he's the Republican nominee's best chance. With coattails.
We are rapidly heading to a one party system with take over of the Supreme Court. If things keep going the way they are going and the voters in this country don't start making changes it will be in 12 years the rest of this presidential cycle and two more Democratict in the white house. The house and senate will turn over to Democrat control,and the the court will be packed. We will be doomed if we keep going on our current collision course.

Mitch, Kevin, and the rest of those conservative stalwarts demonstrated that election fraud will never be challenged
It only took Mass 7 tries to pass the “millionaires” tax (I’m waiting to see how long it takes to drop it to a “half-millionaires” tax ). I think that since it takes 35 states to ratify an amendment that it will take longer. If they don’t attach a time limit on it it will be inevitable. On second thought, look what’s happening to the Equal Rights Amendment. They are pushing hard to remove the time limit for states to ratify it.
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