How old when you first shot a gun and what was it?

17 (just a few months shy of my 18th BD). It was either an M-16 or the S&W Model 15 during summer training at Jack's Valley, don't remember which one I shot first.

Two years later I was an Instructor/Range Safety Officer on the Model 15 during the same trianing for the Class of '69.
Yeah, no kidding, you looked like you were miserable. I had a blast as a little kid shooting for the first time, friends' Dad, local cop, took us out to a farm off route 2. My Dad didn't even let me shoot the .22 up in Ipswich, where my brother got to. I was psyched and I outshot my friends with their dad's gun. I loved it.
Girl problems my friend, GIRL PROBLEMS! They're still problems. We all had them problems, right?
It must have been late elementary school or maybe early junior high. We had joined the local rifle club and we shot army surplus bolt action 22LR.

In high school we tried pheasant and duck hunting. That’s where I learned that hunting is a good walk spoiled.
6 yrs old colt woodsman in the back yard with my dad, no glasses or hearing protection back then. First shot got a speck of hot powder in the corner of my eye, he takes the gun out of my hand, I rub my eye, he hands it back. Get back on the horse, lol.

Got a daisy mod 99 a couple years later, next year a benjamin air pistol and a .22 mod 75 winchester a couple years after that. Still have all four.
He accumulated a pretty big collection of Colt handguns, percussion mostly but some 'modern' stuff, was big into black powder all the way up to smallish cannons. So I got to sample some neat stuff...

Grew up in Westford Ma in the 60's-70's, dad and I would go to the town dump at dusk and shoot rats, I could openly tote a long gun around town at 15 and not raise (many) eyebrows. Just about any sandpit or inactive quarry was good to go for blasting away. Was very fortunate that I could shoot over a 100yds out my bedroom window prone off my bed. Amazingly the open land behind that house is still undeveloped but I doubt you'd get away with shooting there now...
7-8 YO for bb gun and little red bear archery recurve. Always shot bows as I grew up....of increasing poundage.
10 YO for BLR -22 and Browning T bolt .22, Ruger single 6 all still own them
14 YO for Hunting.....Browning Mag 12 Gauge, never saw deer...with my dad in MA. That Belgian Mag will go to my son....well all of them will eventually.

Got my FID, Bought my first real gun at 16ish from working at Sears money and summer work Land Surveying - Browning Sweet 16 reintroduction in 1986. still have it, Dad bought buck barrel for me, and killed my first deer with it. around that year.

First Muzzle loader right after T/C 56 cal smoothbore.
My Uncle Jake had a camp in NC and I shot a .22LR revolver there at ten years old.

Recently, I asked my cousin if he had any of his dad's guns or if he remembered what they were.

I was hoping to ID the gun and get a similar model.

My cousin didn't have any of them and didn't know the make or model. :(
First shot a .22 rifle at age 8, at Camp Rotary in Boxford.
First shot a handgun (.38 revolver) in 1980, after getting my first LTC. A friend took me to Lynn Rifle and Revolver club.
4 years old. Winchester Model 55. A single shot "Semi-auto"

My grandfather handed a block of a 2x4 with 5 holes drilled in it, with 5 rounds. He laid down a couple old moving blankets and told me I could shoot those 5 and have more only if I brought him 5 fired cases put back in the block of wood.

He taught me so much.
Camp APEX run by the ymca up on rt2. I must have been 10 or so…. We shot .22’s right after archery class. Paul Seaman was the instructor. I met him later in life when he was about 75 and he still remembered me. Whenever I fire a .22 that smell brings me back. Good times back then. Funny thing, I still have the award certificates given out!
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