How old when you first shot a gun and what was it?

As the topic says. How old were you when you shot your first gun and what was it?

My first was my Dad’s Savage 99 in 300 Savage. I believe I was 14ish and I just remember the recoil thinking that was way cool and couldn’t wait to do it again. Good memories. I could be wrong but I believe I hit the target somewhere. lol
Had one of those as a long term loan when I was a kid, I wanted to shoot it at the club but it had sat a long time and was bound solid. Took me weeks of cleaning and lubing to get it functional again, very fun to shoot. I think I was 12 0r 13.

But first time shooting, I think 10. I didn't grow up in a gun family. Divorced mom was looking for a way to get rid of me during the summer and enrolled me in a shooting camp thing at the local club. [smile] I bet she regrets that now.
Probably 13 with a .22 taking out a woodchuck that was decimating the garden in the backyard. Before that all I had ever shot was single shot pellet guns starting at maybe 8 years old. The pellet gun was my grandfather's so probably from the mid 50s to early 60's since he died in early 1965. Thing was half held together by duct tape. I remember going with my dad to KMart to buy pellets for it. Spent many an afternoon learning to shoot iron sights and plinking soda cans in the back yard as a little kid.
2008 at Southborough R&G. Remington 1100 - 12 Gauge. I was 15. Shot on the junior trap team. Mum took this picture of me as I was walking up to the line for the first time. I think that's Bob Mazakis in the background. God I wish I still had that much hair...
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My dad took me to the Manchester firing line. First time firing a handgun - a Glock 20, AR15, and a M1928A1 Thompson. I was a broody f***.

Yeah, no kidding, you looked like you were miserable. I had a blast as a little kid shooting for the first time, friends' Dad, local cop, took us out to a farm off route 2. My Dad didn't even let me shoot the .22 up in Ipswich, where my brother got to. I was psyched and I outshot my friends with their dad's gun. I loved it.
Dad started me and my twin brother with a Daisy BB gun in the back yard when we were 6. Would shoot it in the basement in the winter into a bb trap target.
Bought us a Winchester 9422 when we were 8, and by then he had taught us all about respiratory pause and smooth trigger pull. That gun was a lot of fun and my brother still has it.
First center fire rifle was Dad's Springfield 1903. First pistol was his Colt 1911 both when I was 11
Unknown .50 cal muzzle loader. Flinched so hard i shot the dirt 20 feet in front of the target 25 yards away.

Paintball gun at 11.

I got a cross man 760p at 12.
1976 or so, I think I was about 10. I shot a .22 rifle.

I grew up in Billerica (Pinehurst end).
Things were obviously very different back then.
Back in the day, there were lots of woods, with dirt backroads, and sand pits = everywhere.

My neighbor-buddy and his dad (and friends) would go for a walk out in the woods with their 12g's & .22's. I went along one time, and they let me do some "can" shooting at one location of some sand pits. I think it was a Saturday afternoon in the summer.
This was not unusual as you would find all kinds of used shells and casings along the dirt roads and sandpit areas = from other locals doing the same thing.
I found my uncle's old BB gun buried in a closet at my grandparents' house when I was 8 or 9 years old and was given free rein with it without so much as a warning on safety. Thanks to growing up in anti-gun Mass and my family being oddly pro-gun despite nobody really owning or shooting them, I didn't shoot a real gun until I was 16 as an exchange student in Finland. Boys and girls were split up for gym class and our gym teacher took all us boys to the woods where we shot trap and 22 rifles.

I've let me 5 and 7 year old sons shoot a Red Ryder BB gun in our yard under my supervision. I'm not in any rush to get them shooting real guns yet but eventually they've each got a nice AK74 and a ton of 7n6 waiting for them when they are young men and ready.
Real gun????

Let's see. 1998. So I was. . . . 29? A great client of mine took me out shooting. I got my license soon after.
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