How to get this varnish off the metal of m1 carbine


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NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I just got a new CMP Inland carbine, and there is some kind of remnants of varnish or something on the metal. It is highlighted in these photographs:



I was wondering what the best way to strip this stuff off would be?

Obviously with taking the stock off first...

It looks like some long ago layer of shellac or something was painted over the exposed metal at one point. Much of it has been rubbed off, but some areas are still half covered with it.
If it's varnish, try mineral spirits or 90# isopropyl alcohol and a soft toothbrush. If either of those don't work, try some lighter fluid with naptha in it.

Be sure to relube the metal afterwards as the solvents will remove any oil from the pores of the steel.
Looks almost like old paint on the band, like the type found on most Ishy Enfields. If its shellac denatured alcohol will remove it. Shellac can usually be scraped off metal easily even by finger nail.
Brake cleaner if the above more gentle methods don't work. Wear chem resistant gloves for any of these and do it outside. (and of course pull it apart before you do this.)
If it's a CMP gun, it could be cosmoline. It seems like the Americans like the thinner cosmo that seems to dry with age where the euro's use that goopy stuff that's still gooey years later. The stuff like that on the M-1 Garand I got from them came off with Gun Scrubber. Just be careful on the wood.

Joe R.
Just refinish it get some rubber gloves and some oven cleaner. Spray the stock let it sit for about 5-10min then wash it off with some soap and water. Let the stock dry for 1-2 days depending on weather.

And 100-200-300 sandpaper and sand the stock I start with 100 and work up. Pick a stain you like and get some BLO to finish the wood. BLO is what most WWII had I like tung-oil myself over BLO.

If you think its just cosmo put the stock in the oven at a low temp like 150-200 and the heat will take the cosmo out of this also works on metal parts.
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Oven cleaners, harsh chemicals and water do horrible things to wood. Oven cleaner can break the wood fibers down and removes the natural oil in the wood. Then you have to rinse the oven cleaner off with water which causes the wood to swell and grain to raise.
Be very careful.
The stuff came off mostly with alcohol, and then some brake cleaner really cleaned everything off.

I'm definitely careful about the wood, I tried the "dishwasher" method on a stock once and it did not go well, the wood and grain did swell up, and I think a crack may have developed because I tried to dry it in the dishwasher.

So I just wiped this carbine stock down with alcohol to clean it, and then wiped it with tung oil. The finish was very nice already, it just needed a touch up, it was very smooth out of the box. I didn't appreciate how nice a birch stock could be until now.
Happy to hear you got it all off with the alcohol but sorry to hear that you found out first hand that the dishwasher method ruins wood.
Rifle looks great, especially the stock.
If you put oven cleaner on there I can bet that a bunch of us will have pitchforks and torches and will come for you.[laugh]
ok, I need to ask one other question. After you have done the above, what kind of varnish do you use for the wood? I have finished sanding my stock and would like to put a finish on it. Do you need to prep the wood in some way before you paint it, like a primer? Suggestions? Picks would be fantastic! Good advise guys....thanks for the info.
You could use correct finish like multiple coats of boiled linseed oil. If you wanted something that will add a little more protection, tung oil would work. Just don't use high gloss unless you like a shiny finish.
I'm definitely careful about the wood, I tried the "dishwasher" method on a stock once and it did not go well, the wood and grain did swell up, and I think a crack may have developed because I tried to dry it in the dishwasher.

I thought everybody knows you put them in the clothes dryer to dry them after the dishwasher. [grin]
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