How to go about getting a Scorpion Evo3 SBR

Mar 30, 2009
Green Eggs and...
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Hey all,

I have a 300AAC 8.5" AR, so I'm familiar with the NFA process. My question was RE SBRing an Evo Scorpion. I'm thinking of selling/returning to eotech my EXPS3-0 and FTS G33 magnifier which stickers about the same price as I could get into the CZ SBR game less tax stamp. I would then just go to a vortex red dot on these guys as they would be toys (zombie gun has the ACOG).

I think normally I would buy a the CZ pistol form1 it, then buy the folding stock/922R kit for 200 bucks and slap it on there when I got my paperwork back. The problem is I obviously cannot be trusted with the evil CZ pistol in Commiechusetts.

Healey's craziness aside, there shouldn't be any reason an FFL with an SOT couldn't take delivery of a CZ pistol, "SBR" it with the 922R kit, and then form4 it to me or a trust, right? I suppose I could also find a shop to xfer a receiver to me, and I could build it into a rifle once I got my Form1, correct?

Getting the pistol sent to an SOT and having them make it into an SBR then form 4ing it to you is the best option in MA.
Of course, NFA SBR applications appear to be on hold for MA inmates because Maura Healey.
Yeah, it would be nice if they would at least process applications for things that aren't typical AR lower type things.
Healey's craziness aside, there shouldn't be any reason an FFL with an SOT couldn't take delivery of a CZ pistol, "SBR" it with the 922R kit, and then form4 it to me or a trust, right? I suppose I could also find a shop to xfer a receiver to me, and I could build it into a rifle once I got my Form1, correct?


I've wanted to do this exact thing since I saw the EVO... but didn't have the disposable funds for yet another project... should have pulled the damn trigger when I had the chance.
Problem is finding the 922r and stock parts. Then finding a dealer willing to do the process for a fee plus engraving costs. Experienced laser on plastic is the only way to go.

We we have one in process but at this point you may be better off buying the carbine and form 1 that yourself if possible.
Problem is finding the 922r and stock parts. Then finding a dealer willing to do the process for a fee plus engraving costs. Experienced laser on plastic is the only way to go.

We we have one in process but at this point you may be better off buying the carbine and form 1 that yourself if possible.

Does evo sell frames?


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
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Sent you an email.

Not ready to purchase just yet anyway, but inquiring nonetheless.


I love my carbine. Well worth the price of admission as a carbine alone. I won't be doing a SBR conversion though... Hopefully in the next four years I will be gone from this state and I will just do a pistol/pistol brace setup to open up legal concealed carry /loaded in vehicle options
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