Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charges: The indictment against the president's son comes after a plea agreement on tax and gun charges fell


Looks lie its about time to invade some 3rd world shithole because of reasons.
Sounds like a good way to take the american peoples short attention span refocus it elsewhere.
Thought and prayers and I stand with Foreignland.
Community service.
Anything other than that and that Judge better be looking over his shoulder the rest of his life , however long that might be.
I wonder if he's already got the "Nice family you got there, be a shame if something happened to them." talk ?
If the news of the conviction is true it would make sense to have the trial and convict him now so daddy can pardon him.

Because if Trump wins in November and this conviction were to take place after Inauguration Day, Hunter would have to serve the sentence.
But Joe was praising his new gun control shit today so now what?
Get his kid a free pass on guns or walk the walk on his anti guns policy. Somebody loses but I ain’t holding my breath.
I wouldn't put him in jail. Objectively, I wouldn't jail anyone for lying on a form.

Talk about a victimless crime.
You wouldn't, I and many others probably wouldn't, but the federal government (specifically the BATFE) is full of people who would put you or I or anyone not politically connected in jail for it just to put a feather in their cap.

They'll kill someone for not much more.
You wouldn't, I and many others probably wouldn't, but the federal government (specifically the BATFE) is full of people who would put you or I or anyone not politically connected in jail for it just to put a feather in their cap.

They'll kill someone for not much more.

And Toto too just because.

Either enforce the 4473 or scrap it.

I’m in favor of the latter. But FJB and his son.
Just to be clear: Joe Biden WILL pardon his son, so getting his son's convicted only helps Democrats to show that "no one is above the law." Hunter's conviction WILL be paraded on the news to give Trump's kangaroo court conviction more legitimacy: "See, the judges are not beholden to us! Trump was convicted fair and square!"
I heard he got found guilty cuz when he reached for his pen to check the "no" box, a packet of 'white stuff' fell out of his shirt pocket (...bada bing...)
You wouldn't, I and many others probably wouldn't, but the federal government (specifically the BATFE) is full of people who would put you or I or anyone not politically connected in jail for it just to put a feather in their cap.

They'll kill someone for not much more.
Best thing to do if you’re ever charged with a serious crime is to say your a democrat.
Just to be clear: Joe Biden WILL pardon his son, so getting his son's convicted only helps Democrats to show that "no one is above the law." Hunter's conviction WILL be paraded on the news to give Trump's kangaroo court conviction more legitimacy: "See, the judges are not beholden to us! Trump was convicted fair and square!"

Yeah. I already see this “no one is above the law” stuff paraded around by the mainstream media. Never minding the clear differences between how the trials were conducted. Or that Trump is facing charges for classified data handling that were violated by Hillary and Joe Biden too. But they got no charges because Hillary deleted a bunch of stuff and the DOJ said “eh, she’s too powerful”, and Biden is too senile to prosecute.

As for the pardoning, yeah I could definitely see Biden pardon his son on the way out the door if he’s not re-elected. And if he is re-elected, pardoning him during his second term when something big is in the news cycle.
Lol at this.

Where in the Constitution/BOR/2A does it say anything about drug users/addicts not being able to exercise their rights?

If you dont own your body, what do you own? Are you really free?

If you are cheerleading this for political reasons you need to evaluate yourself. Because this is exactly the type of shit that will be used against you.
Daddy may be a low life scumbag but he's still the president and has lots of power.

Same thing.

Welcome to the machine

Rules for us and rules for them.

Its absolutely insane

He will the go way of Hillary and the rest

It's all show just to convince the public that the DOJ isn't just after Trump. I had to laugh when the Prosecutor told the jury "no one is above the law" right out of the Trump cases.

Hunter is in his home state, Blue jury, slap on the wrist and then the DOJ can resume trying to lock up Trump for 700 years.

Daddy won’t have to pardon him, he will be found not guilty on all charges. Our system is fully broken; there is no fixing it, in this climate.

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

You amazing prognosticators. LOL

I haven't read the 5 pages since the verdict was handed down - how does this fit into the conspiracy narrative now?

Hunty was F'd the moment that judge blew up his deal. He lost this one. He's gonna lose teh otehr case. Daddy is SO proud of hte man he is now but did doodly-squat when he was the drug-taking, wife-stealing, possible-kiddie-porn-watching scumbag.

The best is, yet again, the Left f'd themselves. "We're gonna get Trump - no one should be above the law." Great. How did that work out when you changed teh Senate rules, BTW??? You changed them. . . . FOREVER. You NEVER thought there would be another side. And when the other side got their licks in, you screamed "you gotta change it back." In their zeal to F Trump, they've opened the door to prosecution of all sorts of high-profile folks. Thank you Looney Left!
Lol at this.

Where in the Constitution/BOR/2A does it say anything about drug users/addicts not being able to exercise their rights?

If you dont own your body, what do you own? Are you really free?

If you are cheerleading this for political reasons you need to evaluate yourself. Because this is exactly the type of shit that will be used against you.

Until it gets shut down by the supremes, I fully support Hunter being treated the same as the rest of us. I don’t support the law, but also don’t support a tiered “justice” system.

Though, I’m more interested in his tax evasion trial.
Until it gets shut down by the supremes, I fully support Hunter being treated the same as the rest of us. I don’t support the law, but also don’t support a tiered “justice” system.

Though, I’m more interested in his tax evasion trial.
Also, him getting convicted and serving jail time will give a more personal perspective to Dad. It's easy to support oppressive gun laws when they don't affect you or yours. His conviction and jail time could actually help the big picture.
Lol at this.

Where in the Constitution/BOR/2A does it say anything about drug users/addicts not being able to exercise their rights?

If you dont own your body, what do you own? Are you really free?

If you are cheerleading this for political reasons you need to evaluate yourself. Because this is exactly the type of shit that will be used against you.
Probably i havent really got the meth bug.

But I get your point.

It should be bashed because they used this trial to let other shit expire that implicated his father in corruption
My prediction: There is a zero percent chance Biden pardons his son. That will be bad for the Democrat/Nazi party during an election year. He will be sentenced to jail, and to the public it will appear that he goes to jail.
My prediction: There is a zero percent chance Biden pardons his son. That will be bad for the Democrat/Nazi party during an election year. He will be sentenced to jail, and to the public it will appear that he goes to jail.
There have already been TWO scenarios offered here where pardon can happen:
  • Wait until after the election is over. If Biden is not elected, then it's a non-brainer. He will act like a grieving father and with a phrase "What would you do if it was your son and you had the power to free him?" he would sign the pardon the very next morning after the elections. Mainstream media then goes full-retard and fills the airwaves with "Trump is a dictator" to whip up Antifa and lefties to riot on inauguration day.
  • Wait until some major news that will overshadow the pardon. The world today is like a giant powder keg: something is about to pop off. I don't remember it being this bad in all my life.
There have already been TWO scenarios offered here where pardon can happen:
  • Wait until after the election is over. If Biden is not elected, then it's a non-brainer. He will act like a grieving father and with a phrase "What would you do if it was your son and you had the power to free him?" he would sign the pardon the very next morning after the elections. Mainstream media then goes full-retard and fills the airwaves with "Trump is a dictator" to whip up Antifa and lefties to riot on inauguration day.
  • Wait until some major news that will overshadow the pardon. The world today is like a giant powder keg: something is about to pop off. I don't remember it being this bad in all my life.

I get it. I just doubt it. I don’t think he will receive a pardon. That hurts the Democrat party too much, in my opinion. I really think they sentence him and they make it appear that he goes to jail.
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