I am issued a 40 FS and a 40c at work. Mine have the standdard 6.5lb triggers. The standard triggers are ok at best, much better then the 10lb crap that comes on the guns being sold in the retail market (In Mass). The guns are reliable and feel great in hand. I think they are great carry,duty or fun gun. Personally I would never carry a gun for self defense that has had a trigger job that involves altering of a factory part. My opinion is this gives a lawyer a window to character assasinate you-make you look like a Rambo. Mr so and so felt he knew more then the factory that built the gun so he modified the gun bla bla bla . I have no issue with the replacement of factory parts for Factory Parts, provided the factory parts are specific to a carry/self defense gun and not a competition gun. You can bet your backside if you shoot in self defense there will be a civil law suit. In the civil forum all you have to show is that the other party was at least 51% negligent.In this state with the sheeple you get on juries the odds are not in your favor. I know that the last shootings at my agency the guns were subjected to a full inspection by the Da and in the subsequent civil trial the descedants lawyer also had the weapons inspected to ensure they were within factory spec and contained factory parts. As soon as a factory part is changed its up to you to defend this modification. Granted you could argue your modification made the gun easier to shoot acurately and thus more safe to bystanders as well as yourself but it would be your nickle funding this argument. Using stock factory parts you at least would have the manufacturer that would have to back why they manufacture a gun with 6.5lb trigger etc. YMMV
I appreciate your opinion on the matter, but I am still gonna have the trigger job done by a competent and respected gunsmith, Greg Derr. I am plannning on having him lose the "grittiness" and make it break crisply anywhere in the 5lb range. You know....how it's supposed to be.