The trick is that you need to try one before you buy one!
I tried the G27 (.40, same frame size as the G26) and found the recoil downright unpleasant. My friend who owns it loves it!
I tried another friend's G23 (.40, same frame size as the G19) and found it quite pleasant to shoot. It's now on my "short list" to buy.
For small revolvers, a well respected MA Dealer once told me that most of the snubbie Scandium/Titanium revolvers have such unpleasant recoil that people buy them, shoot them once or twice and then either sell them or pack them away in the safe. As small/light as I'd recommend is the S&W 642. With factory grips and shooting standard .38Sp in it, it's not bad to shoot. Changing grips can make a difference positive or negative. It will also hide well in the pocket of some pants (with largish pockets).
For belt carry, the G26/27 or G19/23 can be worn comfortably by most. Although concealment demands careful clothing, I find the 1911 to be the most comfortable gun I own to carry!
Different body shapes make a big difference wrt to CCW, so again you need to try it (with good leather/Kydex and a good gun belt) to see what works for you.
For range shooting, some guns fit some people better than others. What works for one of us may well not work for someone else. That's why trying other people's guns at the range is a cool way to find what works for you.