'I shot that n***r 119 times': Mississippi police chief is fired after bragging about killing 13 people and making racial and homophobic slurs

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Hmm, I'm no rap music fan but some idiot left their car at a gas station pump while inside the store and the rap song blaring out of the stereo had plenty of N words in the lyrics and it was a black rapper. I've overheard young black kids referring to each other as "nigga", it's only offensive if a white person used it to describe a black person. The outrage over a word is ridiculous in this age. I get it from 50 yrs ago, I remember watching TV with my Irish American Mother when MLK was assassinated and I heard her mutter under her breath "they finally got the ******". Times have changed and now the ghetto rats are getting their revenge thanks to overpaid White idiots with white guilt.
My Father worked with a guy from the islands .
The guy was literally a walking eclipse .
Think Michael Clark Duncan from the green mile. I mean huge.
Absolutely hated american blacks .
His first week on the job when everyone was gathered around he said he wanted to get something straight.
He pointed to a group of black guys that were there and said "Those are n***ers , I'm a black man ." "Don't mix it up."
Those guys didn't say squat as they were all scared shit of him.
It's not just good old boys who can be racist.
the 2 most racist people i've ever met in my life, husband and wife, came from alabama. i met them as a 12 year old in the early 60's and lived in the same apartment building as them for 2 years. you think people who use the n word are racist...they had nothing on these two. harold had to be a carded member of the klan, the mrs. was probably in the auxiliary. i will always remember the day their high school age daughter had her black boyfriend come over to meet the folks. i was 30 seconds away from watching and honest to god lynching as harold was trying to throw this guy off the 3rd floor balcony while the wife was stabbing him with a meat fork as the men of the building tried to break in and save the guy. he did survive. don't know about the relationship, though.

In this situation id kill my daughter before the boyfriend.
My Father worked with a guy from the islands .
The guy was literally a walking eclipse .
Think Michael Clark Duncan from the green mile. I mean huge.
Absolutely hated american blacks .
His first week on the job when everyone was gathered around he said he wanted to get something straight.
He pointed to a group of black guys that were there and said "Those are n***ers , I'm a black man ." "Don't mix it up."
Those guys didn't say squat as they were all scared shit of him.
It's not just good old boys who can be racist.
How can he be racist if he is speaking the truth?
Is anybody there interested in finding out more about the alleged 13 people this guy killed or just that he used an offensive word?

Random white guy: “that n….”

Society: sound screeches to a halt, cancelled, fired, broke, house burned down and family run out of town

Dr Dre et al: “that n…”

Society: “Hoorah! Turn it up so the neighbors 2 blocks away can hear it over their f***ing lawnmower as you drive by”

makes literally billions of dollars, receives awards, accolades, 5 star accommodations and hookers and blow anywhere in the world
Context, intent, etc... they matter.
Didn’t she realize her parents were going to blow a head gasket?
i certainly don't know, i didn't know her. i was 12, she was 17. she probably looked like an old woman to me. i remember vividly my mom looking out the kitchen window, the stairs going up to the 3rd floor were visible. you can just see them in the pic i got up. she saw the girl going up followed by the guy. he was dressed in those navy whites. and she said something like "don't tell me she's bringing him upstairs to her parents."

i found the scene of the almost murder on google earth. the building has changed a lot, it's a condo unit now. all the back lanai's were open back when i was there with a cinder block railing. they all looked the same. i see now some are enclosed. the red X marked "A" is our apartment, i was standing out hanging out over the railing looking up at the red X marked "B" at the black dude being manhandled over the railing, the wife sticking him with the fork. i remember the blood on the white uniform. and down below, out of sight with the fencing, is a car park for the building. a hell of a drop. so, here is the building now.

Screenshot (40).png
The Heart wants, what the Heart wants...
I lived in Georgia and NC for almost five years. If I never again return to the South, it'll be too soon.

I get it. A lot of people love it, and they're welcome to it. But it's not for me. I didn't really notice an inordinate amount of overt racism (I was in the Army, so I'd have been insulated from a lot of that) but the de facto segregation was noticeable in terms of where people lived, where they shopped, what kinds of jobs they did, etc. That's not why I can't handle the south, though.

I've seen ingrained discrimination everywhere I've lived, except Wyoming. People there truly don't care all that much.
Breaking news: Guy who lived in CA & MA thinks the south is racist! *clutches pearls*

I've never met a single ma**h*** that didn't say this, it must be on the driver's license test or something.
Breaking news: Guy who lived in CA & MA thinks the south is racist! *clutches pearls*

I've never met a single ma**h*** that didn't say this, it must be on the driver's license test or something.

Lol. Did you read what I wrote?

I said everyplace is racist. Except Wyoming.

I also said the racism isn't why I dislike the south. And that it's not even all that overt.

Try harder, man.
Lol. Did you read what I wrote?

I said everyplace is racist. Except Wyoming.

I also said the racism isn't why I dislike the south. And that it's not even all that overt.

Try harder, man.
It was really all the white guy virtue signaling in the thread that cracked me up. I didn't mean to single you out on it.

You know what I never heard growing up in Brockton? A single black person or Cape Verdean say, "stop calling them honkies and crackers, that's racist." They were too busy laughing. Virtue signaling is the only sport white people still dominate.

How about Asians? Their corporations cut black people out of the ads! I wonder what virtue signaling is happening over that situation. It's strange to watch white people stumble and bobble over something no one else is remotely concerned with, unless of course they're making millions off of it.
The south might be racist and have tons of brown people but at least nobody has that f***ing terrible down syndrome boston accent.
When I was in boot camp at FT. Benning in 1989 the black mess hall ladies used to howl at my Boston accent. We had a female Black armorer who used to call me "Boston" when we drew weapons and she used to say to me. "PFC. Boston, y'all got the funniest accent". The minute we got off the bus from the airport we tumbled off the bus and stood at attention while a black Drill SGT. walked down the line asking every recruit where he was from. I was the old guy, 33 yrs old and when he came to me he did the whole Drill Sgt hat bump on my forehead and said, "Where you from boy?", I replied "Boston Drill SGT." He replied ,"I HATE Boston and the f***ing Celtics". So began my Military career [rofl]
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My BDS (Black Drill Sgt) asked "Where you from boy?" I said "Massachusetts, Drill Sergeant"

"Massa-TWO-Shits?" was the reply...

I think he figured I could read & write with comprehension. I was Squad Leader by the end of my first week...
What specifically is part of the lifestyle down there?
...the de facto segregation was noticeable in terms of where people lived, where they shopped, what kinds of jobs they did, etc.

It's the same in other places, though, as I've said several times now. Just with different groups.
I spent a year in Augusta, GA, a year in Atlanta, GA, a year in Dallas, TX, a month in Houston, TX. The south isn't for me. I know a lot of folks love it. I don't.

ETA: when I was in Atlanta in the mid '90s, Buckhead was a beautiful, safe place.
I live in an apartment complex that has many Black families but they're all African, recent immigrants. All work, have families and are good Christians. No problems, kids are respectful and go to school and say ,"Yes Sir, No Sir". The African Americans raised in the inner cities with no Father's are the ROOT CAUSES of the crime sprees in America. Idiot liberals with white guilt who've never been to the ghetto hoods buy the crap that so many Black men are in prison because of a racist justice system. NEGATIVE! It's because they commit violent crimes because they don't know any better, have piss poor educations and are incapable of thriving in society. Nothing to do with racism, bad parenting and bad govt. policies.
My Father worked with a guy from the islands .
The guy was literally a walking eclipse .
Think Michael Clark Duncan from the green mile. I mean huge.
Absolutely hated american blacks .
His first week on the job when everyone was gathered around he said he wanted to get something straight.
He pointed to a group of black guys that were there and said "Those are n***ers , I'm a black man ." "Don't mix it up."
Those guys didn't say squat as they were all scared shit of him.
It's not just good old boys who can be racist.
I was once told by an immigrant from Africa. "There blacks and then there are the ...n***ers"
"I was once told by an immigrant from Africa. "There blacks and then there are the ...n***ers""

Correct! To me the definition of the N word is a scumbag African America, ghetto rats, gang bangers, dealers, criminals. There are many derogatory names for white trash, as well as Asians, Latino's etc. I worked with many Asian's, Cambodian's and they had some pretty nasty Cambodian words for folks they didn't like. One Asian guy kept calling his Portagee co-worker a "Bumpeet"( I don't know if that's the proper spelling) and I asked the women I worked with what it meant and they all started giggling. Apparently, it's either Vagina, Pussy or C*** they wouldn't get that specific [rofl]If you are a regular viewer of The Five you've heard Gutfeld talk about his Russian wife and her profanity filled tirades in Russian at other Russians. He said Russian women swear and come up with profane sentences that are beyond belief. :oops:
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As a black guy and a lot of black guys I know have ZERO problem with whites and other races saying the word 'nigga'. But use it with a hard ER at the end and it's a different story.
Seriously, growing up in California (NOT Cali) , in the early 60s, when I heard JFK speak on the radio, I had a hard time comprehending why our President spoke with a foreign accent.
Don't feel too bad about it... I did too.
Hi. I was told this was the virtue signaling thread.

Am I in the right place?

You guys get a gold star for your feelers.
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