It used to be thought that college folk are brilliant, but lacked common sense. What they're finding out with academic research scandals is not only are they not filled iwth common sense, they are much more likely to just cheat to get ahead without actually TESTING their F'ing own hypotheses.
Just like every other profession and group of people, the true # of "bright" ones is shockingly low.
My grandfather introduced me to pop rocks, circa 1977.
Now, my grandfather was infantry in 2Armored in WWII. Never talked about his action. Serious man. RBF 100% of the time unless he was telling a joke. He was 60, but he was a 1970's 60 - which looks like about 85 today.
So we go over one day. My grandparents are sitting around the dining room table, EATING POP ROCKS! I guess my uncle Eddie bought them. He's now ADDICTED TO THEM. I thought my folks would kill me if I tried them. LOL.
I've had them less than 10 times in my life. But I remember that first time. A warm weekend afternoon stopping in to see the grandfolks.