Ice-T calls out Amazon after he 'almost shot' one of the company's delivery drivers

Three amazon deliveries today, one ups in the brown truck, one in the car rental white van deal, and then someone who looked like a homeless person in an older Camry!! People in my town have been calling the pd when they see anything giant isn’t clearly identifiable.....and it won’t get better as Amazon is offering incentives to people who quit their packaging deal and open their own delivery service. Ront
Depending on how he drives, the gangbanger in teh van would be AOK to me.

What bugs me is 99% of the time, the Amazon guys scare the CRAP out of me on the road. It seems their "pull over" policy at Amazon puts a majority of the rig ON THE FRICKIN STREET! They angle the van so that they don't get creamed when getting out of the driver's door. I get that. But putting your ass end half way into the travel lane should NOT be part of that.
Wear that in Paris and the cognitive dissonance will make riot police heads explode.

Delivery Driver For Amazon Caught On Camera Pooping On Man's Driveway apparently to make money you can't even take time off to take a shit.
What's his NES user name?
Were keys left on the roof?

Three amazon deliveries today, one ups in the brown truck, one in the car rental white van deal, and then someone who looked like a homeless person in an older Camry!! People in my town have been calling the pd when they see anything giant isn’t clearly identifiable...
Hmmm. Towns love regulating door-to-door salesmen.
Will some burg try to require ID cards and uniforms?
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