Idiots with guns


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
New blog here - it boggles the mind. I've never seen such a collection of potential Darwin Award winners before!
I don't personally kow Xavier but I have seen his work before. This seems to be a compilation of the worst of the worst out there in internet land. I am sure he is trying to make apoint.

People like NESers will see these idiots for what they are. Anti-gun people will see them as the reason no one should be allowed to own a gun. People who are in the middle (i.e., don't owe guns but are not quite anti-gun) may be lead to the wrong conclusions.
About 1/2 down the page, pic with fish --- "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Give an idiot a fish and he sticks a pistol in it's mouth"

Quote made me laugh
reminds me of this thing i once saw on hbo of a guy getting shot just under the collar bone. for art. tattoos were not good enough so this chump had his buddy shoot him. so he could have a bad ass scar. wish he had a half a brain. anyone ever see that on hbo years ago.
Those were ALL terrible, but the worst were the pics where there were live rounds ready to go. It freaked me out just seeing that.

I'm also shocked that nobody said anything to that asshat at the range.
In every picture there were fingers on the triggers, if should the worst happen and one of these ass hats ends up in a coffin I fer one will not loss any sleep but it sure doen't send the proper picture of our sport.
You gotta wonder how many pics didn't make it on the board because somebody DID make a mistake and shot themselves or someone else?

I did enjoy the Santa picture a little more than halfway down. [wink]
Yes, pretty pathetic.

Although most weren't breaking laws or have been convicted of anything, I'd yank their licenses if I could. [rolleyes]

Sorry... I couldn't help myself.
I'm betting that quite a few of the guns shown in that blog are fakes, but of course this only fosters more ignorance in the non-gunnie world.

It's always interesting seeing the look on anti's faces when I take them shooting. For some reason they think that when we go shooting it's a buch of rednecks just haphazardly spraying lead EVERYWHERE, and that every moment there is a near-disaster.

That look of shockstarts when I tell them the 4 rules (and that I will yell if I see any of them broken...not because I'm mad, but because I want to be heard) and it doesn't end....ever [smile]

A good blog for a good cause. Not sure how much the anti's will get out of it.


-Weer'd Beard
AL243 said:
Morons like that should not have access to guns.i wonder how many of them have permits for them(if requiried where they live).
I'd rather deal with the problems caused by too much freedom than those caused by not enough. [angry]

I can buy a gun from my neighbor cash and carry, 100% legally.
Wow. Just wow...

Remind me why I am so cautious about who I am around. You really have to watch out for yourself as there are far too many idiots out there. If you think someone is handling a firearm unsafely, get away from them as fast as you can!
Jose said:
I'd rather deal with the problems caused by too much freedom than those caused by not enough. [angry]

I can buy a gun from my neighbor cash and carry, 100% legally.

So can we.

Provided both folks are properly licensed.

And the FA 10 form is filed within seven days.

And so long as the seller has completed no more than three previous private transfers in the current calendar year.

JellyFish said:
If you think someone is handling a firearm unsafely, get away from them as fast as you can!

But you really need to tell them...or someone if you're not comfortable confronting people. Just getting away from them isn't going to reslove the issue. And if I did that, and found out they hurt someone else from an "AD" then I would feel somewhat responsible.
ND, not AD . . . there are damn few "defects" that cause a gun to go off "accidently" without user stupidity causing the problem.
dwarven1 said:
OK, Jose. You can stop rubbing it in now. We KNOW the difference between MA and free states.
Sorry, not trying to rub anything in. But to hear some guys talk, they would think Mass is the norm.
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