If I hit the Lottery tonight, I'm going to buy these guns...

Yes he did. Amazing looking house. Now, if you win $700 million in the lottery tonight, what else do you do after you spend a measly $3mil on this place? [rofl]

I'd buy another place somewhere warmer, right on the beach, and a fractional share at NetJets to cart Mrs. M1911 and I to and fro.
I'd buy another place somewhere warmer, right on the beach, and a fractional share at NetJets to cart Mrs. M1911 and I to and fro.

Just be careful who the pilot is. [laugh]

Yes, I can only imagine of what to buy with that kind of money. The options at that point are literally endless.
I'd buy another place somewhere warmer, right on the beach, and a fractional share at NetJets to cart Mrs. M1911 and I to and fro.

Yes, flying commercial would be over for me.

I'd also enjoy a significant property on the coast in Oregon and Maine as well as a one in the mountains of Colorado. A certain car would also be in order:


Finally, Comm2A would get an endowment that should make them fully sustaining. That one would, of course, mostly just be a big FU to the powers that be in MA.

Oh, I think I'd also go into the VC game. I know some very talented software types that I'd like to see profit.
First off I would pay off my 1996 Saab Aero. Then move to a modest but nice house on a large enough lake in NH for a seaplane. After all that I would apply for my license and probably get it sooner than here which I was told two weeks ago would take 90 days.

Cape Cod
I like the way you think, that's totally badass!

Actually, I'd probably buy shitload of guns, containers of ammo, hire catering company and have all out NES shoot, no limit on ammo or whatever gun you are shooting and then you can bring it home.

Could buy tula, and only be down a million [laugh]


The new movie? No thanks. [wink]

First I'd go out and buy a Lamborghini and maybe a Bugatti, start advertising for the most kick ass car shoot up at Monadnock, invite all my fellow NESers to join me for free, supply free ammo and let folks just shoot the crap out of them.

Of course I'd hire a professional camera crew to get all the highlights with orders to saturate every car forum with the video. I'll then kick back in my new mega yacht and watch the car people go full retard again. Just like after the Porsche car shoot. That would be one hell of a day!!!!

Be sure to move the firing line up before you start filming [smile]

Me? Id buy (a place down south, preferably florida) a few GE miniguns, mount them on my brand new blackhawk helicopter (fleet), start building my own armory/museum of every firearm post 1850ish. Once thats done, I buy a clay pigeon factory, retrofit it to build clays the size of a voltswagen, buy one of the dakotas(nobody needs them anyway) and open a helicopter skeet range where (mostly me) people can rent my helicopters to fly around shooting thousands of rounds at giant clay pigeons fired from bunkers.
I'd buy a new gun everyday, and when it gets fouled with carbon, it goes on into it's own Karma Thread.

I'm never cleaning another gun again.
First would be a nice patch in NH, building a bunker with a house around it
and then on to the nicest guns I could get my sticky fingers on.

You'd emigrate to the US? Cool!!!


I understand that New Jersey is having a tough time paying for upkeep on BB62 - she's a beautiful old battlewagon. I'd buy her if I could. Just not sure where I can get reloads for those 16" guns... or where there's a range I could use to shoot 'em.
You'd emigrate to the US? Cool!!!

Yep, to a free State north of you[wink]
Though that would require some serious haggling with the State Dept. to OK the
importation of formerly U.S. Military issued guns and the ATF to OK a bunch of
other pieces like PPk's and pocket pistols.
Would hate to leave my M1917, 2 Garands, 2 Carbines, 2 1911A1's and more
than a dozen small pistols behind.
i would invest, buy guns (every gun i've heard of), a helicopter (black, to scare people), and a realistic bigfoot suit to mess with people.
i would invest, buy guns (every gun i've heard of), a helicopter (black, to scare people), and a realistic bigfoot suit to mess with people.

Bigfoot stepping out of a black helicopter with a rifle would mess with people, I hope you win just so I can see that.
You'd emigrate to the US? Cool!!!

I understand that New Jersey is having a tough time paying for upkeep on BB62 - she's a beautiful old battlewagon. I'd buy her if I could. Just not sure where I can get reloads for those 16" guns... or where there's a range I could use to shoot 'em.

If you go off the coast of Somalia, there are moving targets that come to you, free of charge[wink]
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