If You Could Only Shoot One...

Which Caliber Would You Choose

  • .22 lr

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • .38 sp

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • 9 mm

    Votes: 7 9.0%
  • .45 acp

    Votes: 34 43.6%
  • .357 magnum

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • .32 acp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .380

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • .223

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • .308

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • other

    Votes: 17 21.8%

  • Total voters
SiameseRat said:
come on- doesn't ANYONE want to vote for .22? [rofl]

I voted 45ACP. I have semi auto and revolver to shoot it and buckets of brass to reload.

Although I like 22, it would not be practical for "The only Cartridge" since it can not be reloaded and it has some ballistic deficiencies.

Well, I was initially thinking .357...

Then I thought, well, a .44 Magnum can be loaded down, and a .44 Magnum is more potent for larger game...

Then I read this:
SiameseRat said:
come on- doesn't ANYONE want to vote for .22? [rofl]

... and thought how much less expensive it is, and the neat things you can do with a .22 like the Ruger gatling gun, highly accurate rifles and pistols, ...

Then I read this:
mAss Backwards said:
Put me down for "other", as in 12 ga. shotgun. From birdshot to slugs, nothing on two, four, or more legs is off the menu.

...and it makes a whole lot of sense from a survival standpoint, but not a fun standpoint...

So, I am back to either the .357, .44, or maybe even the .22 Hornet which is available in both pistol and rifle....

This is a toughie.

OK, .243 and .260 come to mind also. They are good for game, accurate, less expensive to reload than the bigger rifle cartridges and can be shot from a Thompson type handgun without a ton of pain.

Edit: I just now noticed this is a poll. The popular .243 and 30-06 are conspicuously absent.

Edit 2: How come you don't see any or at least many hunting handguns in .45? Most are .357, .44, or .41 or one of the newer larger calibers.

Edit3: I guess I never thought about .40. Does this poll allow any type of gun? In that case, an MP40 and USP40 go nice together.
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I chose 9mm because it's the only gun I own right now. Maybe I'd choose differently if I had others.
SiameseRat said:
come on- doesn't ANYONE want to vote for .22? [rofl]

OK I'll bite. Give me my 77/22 rifle and my Ruger Mk III SS pistol and throw in a Beretta 950 or something like it. I can stockpile massive amounts of .22 (yes I know I need a fire department permit) and be OK to shoot for a long long time.

If you mean only one caliber as a primary round, it would be the .40 S&W. If you mean once in your life, probably the .500 S&W mag. in a handgun, or a .458 Winchester mag. or .460 Weatherby mag. in a Belgian double rifle. Maybe even a .700 Nitro Express. Boooooooom!!
<applause> Chris- thank you for putting .22 on the board! I love shooting .22 myself. I spend most of my shooting time with my Mark III and my 10/22, however I chose .38 because if I had to give up my Rugers I'd be upset, but not completely distraught like I would be if I had to give up my S&W 686P. [wink]
Handgun: .45 acp - for all the reasons that have been posted.

Rifle: 6mm ppc because happiness is a small 5 shot hole in paper at 100 yds. (.308 is a close second - its cold zero in a Rem 700pss or HK SR9TC will keep the barbarians from the gate should they appear uninvited.)
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When I hear questions like this one, I automatically revert to "most bang for the buck" thinking:
What chambering can protect me and my home, is readily available, can put food on the table (both walking and flying types), and can be used in some form of competition? I think the 12ga wins hands down.

Handguns are out for me because I don't have much use for one outside of a phone booth.

A .308 would be a great choice, but it might be a chore to bag partridge and ducks with one.

Every country store in Maine has a box of 12ga shelles on the shelf.

I would miss Highpower something awful, but I could learn Skeet, Trap, or Sporting Clays.

12ga is just the ticket for upland game or waterfowl.

Load it up with slugs and it will take down anything likely to be encountered in Maine (deer, bear, moose, or Ma**h***s[wink]).
I'll go out on a limb and say 7.62x54R. The fact I have 4 guns in this caliber is part of it.

My favorite long range gun is a semi-auto in this caliber, and it works.
.357 for me. It'll do the job in everything from a J frame to a rifle.
I love .22 for the sheer economical reasons, but frankly it's lack of recoil always leaves me hungry for sompin' else.

I choose .45 ACP, I could talk about ballistics, I could talk about bore diameter, I could talk about 1911s, but I won't lie, I choose .45 ACP out of PURE LUST! [smile]


-Weer'd Beard
Derek, it should be more like

A pistol, for those afraid of real recoil.

I may use a 9mm, but, I do have a couple of 45's, and I now the real use for the pistol.

A temporary means to help me get to my RIFLE.

And, I don't prefer no damned little poodle-shooter, either. 30 cal baby.
Being just one cartridge, not one pistol and one rifle, I guess Id have to go with the .223 and forego any reference to pistol.
The .223 is what I use in Competition out to 600.
It's versatile, accurate, easy and cheap to reload and very popular. Although getting more expensive, it's still plentiful.
Whereas I'm a fan of the 45ACP, I've often thought what it would be like it out of a conventional bolt action or single shot rifle.........Ya know, for range and accuracy. That speculation I suppose we could save for another thought provoking thread.
Nickle said:
I may use a 9mm, but, I do have a couple of 45's, and I now the real use for the pistol.
So lose the poodle-popper and start carrying a MAN'S gun - the .45! Heck, even my niece likes a .45! [pot]
dwarven1 said:
So lose the poodle-popper and start carrying a MAN'S gun - the .45! Heck, even my niece likes a .45! [pot]

Yeah, she likes a .45, my 1911A1 .45 to be exact.

I can't justify removing the match sights, or building another 1911A1 right now.

I also am a better shot with an M9 than a 1911A1. I don't recommend getting into a gun fight with me, when I'm armed with an M9 or equivalent.

Now, you can get away razing me, since you do use a real man's gun, unlike a few that prefer the "Poodle Shooters".

ETA - I own 2 9's and 2 .45's. My CCW gun is currently the M9 (and I've carried in an extremely large crowd). Now, who was it that was looking for a small 9 for CCW?
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