If you're free Saturday....

OR.... OR..... come to the turkey shoots, stay for the pallet cutting party, and then play .500 Magnum roulette on whether you pull the trigger on a soft 300 grain load from Hornady or an 700 grain wrist snapper from Underwood. 5 shots, 3 are spent cartridges, 1 of each of real loads. Makes for a great video of people anticipating shitting themselves.
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OR.... OR..... come to the turkey shoots, stay for the pallet cutting party, and then play .500 Magnum roulette on whether you pull the trigger on a soft 300 grain load from Hornady or an 700 grain wrist snapper from Underwood. 5 shots, 3 are spent cartridges, 1 of each of real loads. Makes for a great video of people anticipating shitting themselves.
Betty the affirmative action fake Indian.

A frauds fraud.

Question I'd ask her is how many teaching at Harvard with a law degree from Rutgers?

We all know that answer.

OR.... OR..... come to the turkey shoots, stay for the pallet cutting party, and then play .500 Magnum roulette on whether you pull the trigger on a soft 300 grain load from Hornady or an 700 grain wrist snapper from Underwood. 5 shots, 3 are spent cartridges, 1 of each of real loads. Makes for a great video of people anticipating shitting themselves.
I do the same thing with my ruger sp101. Load em with hot .357 and let people shoot em lol.
Betty the affirmative action fake Indian.

A frauds fraud.

Question I'd ask her is how many teaching at Harvard with a law degree from Rutgers?

We all know that answer.

View attachment 966677
Looks like "Indian" was written in after the fact, different handwriting and everything.

Pay attention to the Letter "N".

I hate that vapid white c*** more than any other vapid white c***, but that card is suspect.
OR.... OR..... come to the turkey shoots, stay for the pallet cutting party, and then play .500 Magnum roulette on whether you pull the trigger on a soft 300 grain load from Hornady or an 700 grain wrist snapper from Underwood. 5 shots, 3 are spent cartridges, 1 of each of real loads. Makes for a great video of people anticipating shitting themselves.
Where's this??
The N in American is different that the N in Indian, pay attention to the swoops and sharp lines pilgrim.
Shit, even the N's in Indian are different.

This is a Trump forgery.

She ran out of space. So you’re saying people classified their race as American in 1986 as opposed to Caucasian? Nope. Others see this as authentic and it was out there long before Trump. Bottom line is she did claim American Indian heritage (which was a common choice selection for race) going way back and the only reason someone with a law degree from Rutgers might be hired by Harvard. And I agree. F her at the top of my list with Maura a close second.
the sad part is that she is still getting re-elected and still is there to cause all the harm she can think of.
as it is what the majority of this state wants.
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