Illegal gun confiscation news, good news.

SiameseRat said:
It's ridiculous that it even has to come up for vote. It should just be known fact that when TSHTF that we've got guns as back-up. [rolleyes]

one question that has been hanging around in my head since the whole issue of gun confiscations is--"in order for them to confiscate our firearms during a state of emergency,they'd have to know who owns them by ways of gun registration,right? or do they go by who has a CCW?"

if that's the case then i'm glad that NH doesn't require it.(at least that's what i was told by my local police dept)
that "we want this to be a gun free zone" is still pissing me off. How retarded and un-American can he get?
Sen Durbin talks of "snipers" excuse me but the reports of snipers, rapes etc in N.O.were all fabrications of THE MEDIA and have all been found to be false but then again what do you expect from a US senator comparing our military to nazis
and other types of Psychos
Coyote33 said:
Please tell me this didn't happen. Can't they just call in a tank or an air strike? Sheesh.

I've got friends that were on the ground in the area providing relief. Few if any problems were noted. And, I almost went myself, but got pulled at the last moment.
Well, the House just passed their version of this bill yesterday (HR 5103) by a margin of 322 to 99 (or 402-23, depending on which vote you consider). Unlike the Senate version that passed 84-16 earlier, this one prohibits not just using a particular source of federal funding to confiscate firearms, but prohibits any federal agency or any state or local agency that receives federal funs from confiscating firearms during an emergency. Given the overwhelming margins in both houses, it seems very likely that some version will be passed out of the conference committee. Let's hope that it's the House version.

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