Illinois AWB Challenge: 7th Circuit Declines to 'en banc' Case Cleared to SCOTUS

I wonder - just as it’s taken decades for anti-gun states to come up with “comprehensive” AWB definitions by feature(s), brands/models, function(s), might crafty legislatures simply dial back on the comprehensiveness to moot a case? Like, take a small unpopular set of firearms off the named list, or take thumbhole stocks back off the evil features list? It seems they could keep this going a long time…

SCOTUS might be on board with “shall not be infringed” but is certainly not “shall not be made tedious and inconvenient.”


The Supreme Court has failed to take up the case of Illinois’ ban on the sale, possession or manufacture of automatic weapons like the type used in a mass shooting at a 2023 July Fourth parade in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park.
The law bans dozens of specific brands or types of rifles and handguns, including .50-caliber guns, attachments and rapid-firing devices. No rifle will be allowed to accommodate more than 10 rounds, with a 15-round limit for handguns.
Those who previously purchased such guns must register them with the Illinois State Police by Jan. 1.

No grandfather clause on magazines.
I've yet to see SCOTUS accept or uphold an injunction for anything 2A related that was good for our side, but the one that I could see them doing it for is the lack of grandfathering mags as it's literally telling people either destroy or turn them in or you're a felon. Doesn't matter if local authorities enforce that, it's still what's on the books in those states.

When have we had a state make a law where they expressly banned a certain gun or type of firearm and gave no option for the current owners to maintain possession?
Prickler is not his name. His name is Commodius Maximus. He pulled toilets from his home during a renovation. Without toilets, the house was considered uninhabitable and therefore eligible for much-reduced property taxes. When the press got wind of this, Putzker scrambled to sweep this potential scandal under the rug, had the toilets reinstalled, and paid the back taxes. I also refer to him as Gov. Toilet-yanker.

As for Judge McGlynn, the 30-day stay sucks rancid monkey ass. The stay gives the 7th Circus court of appeals plenty of time to overturn Judge McGlynn's ruling. I believe this is ultimately headed to SCOTUS, but time will tell. If the MD AWB case is heard and the MD law rules unconstitutional, then maybe, just maybe, the MD decision can be ruled to be incorporated to the several states under the 14th. Fingers crossed.

Oh ... for good measure .. f*ck JB Toilet-yanker Commodius Maximus Fat-boi Pritzker, and all of his minions.
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Prickler is not his name. His name is Commodius Maximus. He pulled toilets from his home during a renovation. Without toilets, the house was considered uninhabitable and therefore eligible for much-reduced property taxes. When the press got wind of this, Putzker scrambled to sweep this potential scandal under the rug, had the toilets reinstalled, and paid the back taxes. I also refer to him as Gov. Toilet-yanker.

As for Judge McGlynn, the 30-day stay sucks rancid monkey ass. The stay give the 7th Circus court of appeals plenty of time to overturn Judge McGlynn's ruling. I believe this is ultimately headed to SCOTUS, but time will tell. If the MD AWB case is heard and the MD law rules unconstitutional, then maybe, just maybe, the MD decision can be ruled to be incorporated to the several states under the 14th. Fingers crossed.

Oh ... for good measure .. f*ck JB toilet yanker commodius maximus fat-boi Pritzker, and all of his minions.

From one commie infested outpost to another, good luck to you guys out there!

If the MD AWB case is heard and the MD law rules unconstitutional, then maybe, just maybe, the MD decision can be ruled to be incorporated to the several states under the 14th. Fingers crossed.
If SCOTUS grants cert, hears the case (not remand), and decides Pro-2A, the decision will cover all 50 states. AWB schemes will fall nationwide.
Fingers crossed indeed.
If SCOTUS grants cert, hears the case (not remand), and decides Pro-2A, the decision will cover all 50 states. AWB schemes will fall nationwide.
Fingers crossed indeed.
Thx for the clarification on the procedure. I don't believe SCOTUS has the testicular fortitude to hear the case. That said, I hope I'm wrong.
Anti 2a already figured out that awb is on its way out, this is why they are pursuing the next line of gun bans schemes:
1) make it prohibitive to own a gun. Training and insurance requirements. Taxes on guns and ammo. Annual excise tax, like cars.
2) red flag law expansion to allow elected law enforcement officials to red flag all gun owners in their jurisdiction "to fight the gun violence".
3) sensitive places to make it impossible to carry.
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