In your world is there any such thing as too cold to shoot???

I've personally shot in weather that was below freezing, took a training class with over a foot of snow on the range where part of the training was prone and have gone so far as to shoot in a snowstorm. You know what I like best about shooting in the cold? Nobody is ever at the range. I typically have the place to myself. Maybe it'll change when I get older, but for now I love shooting in cold weather. Extra bonus when shooting in the snow. Though when shooting at longer distances I can definitely see a POI difference over warm weather shooting. Come on snow!!!

Yes, I'm wearing gloves. It was 11 degrees that day.

i`ve done 2 hunts when it was close to -40deg. Celsius and Fahrenheit evens up at that mark. :)
it is not a greatest of experiences, but, you would remember for life how the pure 99% alcohol heats you up from a single sip. :)
I shoot all winter long. So whatever it goes down to is what I shoot at. Freezing isn't that cold. Its fun to see what works and what doesn't when it gets extremely cold. You find out a lot about your gear.
January at Ft. Drum at the range for qual, you have to pack Ruck with sleep system in case a storm blows in. We had a crosswind with flurries so we couldn't see beyond 100 yds so we shot everything we could see.
I went though AIT 3rd Brigade Ft Dix in 12/65-2/66. All I remember in our run to the rifle range was a screaming DI's boot up my arse. I traced the problem to my issue of XXXL long-john bottoms and being 5'6' and 130 lbs. When the gear goes to the ankles, things went South.
Effing loved Indo-China
I have a long standing issue where my fingers can get painful and sluggish and lose feeling when cold. So I have to be careful to keep my hands warm when shooting in extremely cold weather.
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