Iron Glock

You don't get it.

not at all, sadly.

i was so excited watching this shit come together that i fell off a porch and faced into some mulberries while twisting my ankle and spilling my beer.


public reps for more awesomeness right here, seeing this shit in person is a whole 'nother thing. the airsoft frame mod blew my mind further, comrade.
Boris, you mad evil genius!!!

Dude, well done.

I'm curious, what did you build in your high school science fair competitions???

I do get it. I was just observing that $200 for the kit seems to be an excessive price, though some may choose to pay it.
Ahhhm, receiver kit available?

That's awesome, great work just like the shovel. Wish I had the skills necessary to do this.
I'm meeting with him next week and giving him a 2003 Chevy Lumina, some plumbing pipe and fixtures plus some scrap sheet metal.

I expect to be getting a ww2 era T43 tank by the end of summer.

I already offered him my first born for a dictator. He's not interested.

I can only imagine what you could do if you didn't have a real job that takes up a bunch of your time.

His job is being a 100% Bad Ass.

Range report?

-Stalking via S3.-

Re-read the posts. You posted too quick because you're judgmental. Fix yourself, dummy.
EPIC. And to think I had the ATF up my ass for a group buy...(come on, someone had to say it.) [rofl]

These build threads are so damn epic it's not even funny. It takes me 3 days to put together a computer desk. This dude builds guns in 5 minutes. Unicorn guns no less. Awesome Boris. Seriously awesome.
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