ISRA: Chicago Priest Calls for Murder of Gun Shop Owner

Nov 8, 2005
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ISRA: Chicago Priest Calls for Murder of Gun Shop Owner

ISRA: Chicago Priest Calls for Murder of Gun Shop Owner

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., May 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was
released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):
Nobody expected Saturday's Operation PUSH protest at Chuck's Gun Shop &
Range to be anything other than a circus of the bizarre. However, nobody
anticipated that an address by a Chicago priest would include a call for
the murder of a suburban gun shop owner and legislators who oppose gun
During an address at an anti-gun rally in front of Chuck's, Rev.
Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina's Church, exhorted the crowd to
"drag" shop owner, John Riggio, from his shop "like a rat" and "snuff" him.
Rev. Pfleger went on to tell the crowd that legislators that vote against
gun control legislation should be "snuffed" as well. As many know, "snuff"
is slang for especially violent murder.
The ISRA has a recording of Pfleger's remarks in MP3 format.
"Certainly Fr. Pfleger has offered Absolution to a murderer or two
during his tenure as a priest," commented ISRA Executive Director, Richard
Pearson. "That's why it's shocking to hear him actually advocate the murder
of a gun shop owner who has never committed a crime in his life. He then
compounds the problem by calling for the murder of legislators who disagree
with his personal political views -- something I suspect is a felony in
this state. Pfleger's comments were disgusting and dangerous. And, I seem
to remember that the Fifth Commandment frowns on murdering one's neighbor."
"This week, I'll be penning a letter to the Archbishop, expressing my
concerns over Rev. Pfleger's comments," continued Pearson. "I would hope
that the Archbishop would reply with words of comfort for Mr. Riggio, his
family, state legislators, and all others who were injured by Rev.
Pfleger's thoughtless, inflammatory remarks."
The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful, and
responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the
interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding firearm Illinois firearm owners.

SOURCE Illinois State Rifle Association
Another "Religion of Peace" a**h***. Does do a bang-up job of pointing out who the REAL wackjobs are though.

On the flip side, could you imagine if a bunch of these morons stormed this guys shop to "snuff" him, angry mob style? Stormed into a GUN STORE? With intent to murder premeditated?

WHHHHHOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOYYYYYYYYYY! It would look like the hallway scene in Dawn of the Dead in about three minutes at the door of the gun shop.

Talk about the right to defend oneself.
Anyone want to bet on whether or not the Rev gets spanked by the Archbishop? I'm betting not...

Maybe not. But a public exhortation to lynch legislators is bound to pique the interest of the Illinois State Police. Or at least it damned well should.
Another "Religion of Peace" a**h***. Does do a bang-up job of pointing out who the REAL wackjobs are though.

On the flip side, could you imagine if a bunch of these morons stormed this guys shop to "snuff" him, angry mob style? Stormed into a GUN STORE? With intent to murder premeditated?

WHHHHHOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOYYYYYYYYYY! It would look like the hallway scene in Dawn of the Dead in about three minutes at the door of the gun shop.

Talk about the right to defend oneself.

yeah too bad it wasn't a gun shop another man of the cloth incited a crowd to go murder the owner...
A quick confession and the priest is off the hook. He says, "Bless me Father for I have sinned. I advocated murdering a gun shop owner whose product is missused by criminals. I advocated murdering duly elected representives of the people who do not follow my will, which dear God must be your will as well. Justified murder. The same logic is used in advocating the murder of doctors who provide medically necessary abortions. For my penance, I'll say three Hail Mary's and One Glory Be. I'll make my Firm Purpose of Ammendment in my next confession right after I lied three times."
I hope the Bishop pulls this wayward shepard back to the fold before some believing, foolish sheep acts upon the words of "Jesus Christ's Representative here on earth"!
Anybody got an email address for this Archbishop? We should Zumbo this guy.

Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., is the Archbishop of Chicago. No listed e-mail.

Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry is the Vicar overseeing St Sabina Parish in Vicariate IV; no listed e-mail.

There is however, a website to report misconduct on the part of Diocese employees. Certainly the Reverend's actions in inciting to murder constitute misconduct.
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Anyone want to bet on whether or not the Rev gets spanked by the Archbishop? I'm betting not...

Ross, with some of the scandals the Catholic Church has had to deal with lately you could have chosen your words more carefully.

The proper reply to the ministers speech would be

" The recent comment by Reverend from the Catholic church at St. Sabina very simply shows the reasons why many of our citizens value so highly the right to bear arms. A person who is a public figure and in a position of authority has called for the outright murder of law abiding citizens who have nothing other than hold opposing views to that public figure. Behavior such as this has been exhibited down thru the centuries by other public figures - such as Adolph Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot - among many others - and it has always resulted in untold millions of deaths of innocent people. This recent speech by the reverend should serve as an example that these types of people - who would resort to murder to get their way - still exist in our world. And it is up to law abiding citizens - who have the right of self defense - to not allow the tyranny and genocide of the past to occur here in America.

Thank you very much Reverend for you recent speech - I can think of no better example of the purpose behind the 2nd Amendment than your recent speech calling for the murder of innocent people."

Sounds like this guy needs to be Zumboed.

ISRA Wonders Whether Saturday Gun Shop Protest Will See Father Pfleger Restore Dignity To His Vocation

CHICAGO, June 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released
today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):
The ISRA has learned that Fr. Michael Pfleger, Pastor of Chicago's St.
Sabina's Church, is planning yet another march on Chuck's Gun Shop, located
in south suburban Riverdale. Late last month, Fr. Pfleger sparked an
embarrassing controversy for the Chicago Archdiocese by urging those
attending a similar protest to "snuff" Chuck's owner as well as any state
legislator who votes against gun control legislation.
In a recent e-mail alert, the ISRA urged area firearm owners to attend
a counter-protest at Chuck's scheduled for Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 12:30
PM. The purpose of the counter-protest is to demonstrate support for
Chuck's embattled owner and to rally opposition to gun control bills
pending in the state legislature.
"Fr. Pfleger's last performance in front of Chuck's shocked the
nation," commented ISRA Executive Director, Richard Pearson. "Imagine
hearing an ordained priest calling for a legitimate businessman and sitting
state legislators to be "snuffed" because they do not subscribe to that
priest's social philosophies. The outrage over Pfleger's hate-filled
remarks was compounded by his refusal to apologize for uttering them, and
the fact that the mainstream press pretty much gave him a pass."
"The Pfleger situation brings to light an interesting double standard,"
continued Pearson. "Earlier this week, the ISRA released the results of an
investigation into the apparent harassment of gun owners by the Illinois
State Police. In these cases, gun owners were treated to visits to their
homes by state police detectives because they had sent faxes to Sen. Dan
Kotowski expressing opposition to gun control legislation sponsored by the
senator. Based on our investigation, there was not even the slightest hint
of a threat conveyed in the content of the subject faxes. Nonetheless,
these citizens had to bear the embarrassment of having the police show up
at their homes with the additional strain of having to answer humiliating
questions about their mental health and personal lives. In contrast, when
Fr. Pfleger publicly advocated the "snuffing" of state legislators, the
Illinois State Police turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. One would think
that Sen. Kotowski would be especially sensitive to threats against
legislators, yet his anti-gun alliance with Pfleger has left him totally
mum on the priest's dangerous remarks."
"Fr. Pfleger can rest assured that the videotape will be rolling when
he takes the stage this Saturday in front of Chuck's," said Pearson. "We'll
be watching and listening. It will be interesting to see whether he
displays the dignity and self respect that should accompany his calling, or
whether his identity crisis casts him once again in the role of an absurd,
yet malevolent, cartoon character."
The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and
responsible firearms ownership. For more than a century, the ISRA has
represented the interests of more than 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois
firearm owners.
CONTACT: Richard Pearson, Illinois State Rifle Association, (815)

SOURCE Illinois State Rifle Association
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