It's about DAMN time!!!

May 2, 2005
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
I came home last night and as usual I got that excited feeling in the pit of my stomach on my walk to the mailbox. That feeling I usually get that is quickly crushed and leaves me a little pissed off. The feeling I am talking about is of course the feeling I get when I get excited to FINALLY see that envelope from the PD containing my new license. Well last night was a LOT different. I opened the mailbox and what was sitting there on top?? the envelope I have been patiently waiting for since I applied for my renewal/upgrade since JAN!

I quickly opened the envelope to find my Class A LTC ALP!!!
I think I actually yelled out in excitement!

So I rushed inside dropped the rest of the mail on the kitchen counter and had a victory beer just sitting starring at my new license.

Of course after the beer I made my way to AG Guns and Ammo and a brand new Walther P99 in .40 S&W with the military O.D green frame followed me home along with a few different types of ammo to test out. I am soooooooo excited to FINALLY own this gun, and now to get out and actually have some personal 1-on-1 time with it!

Now for a question...
The personal protection ammo that was recommended for me to get along with this gun was Remington Golden Saber 180 Grain brass jacketed HP. Anyone else here use this stuff before? What else do you recommend?

I also got a couple boxes of range ammo I picked up some Remington UMC and a box of Wolf both 180 Grain.. What do you all recommend for range ammo?

Adam (one happy camper) :D
Stay AWAY from wolf, or at least thats what i hear
Ive heard so much bad about it, that I wont even try it in my Sig

I personaly use WalMart value-packs, 100rnds Winchester White Box f/ ~16$

I currently carry Hydra-Shocks, that will be changing soon.....
Adam, a few points:

- Most of us use 165gr HP, not 180gr. I have used some 180s and found them not to be more accurate, only increase recoil. Try both and see for yourself. [my experience is with an H&K USPc and P99.]

- Wolf ammo: Jury is out on this. Four Seasons was out of the .40 when I was there a few weeks ago, but I picked up .45 and have a few cases of 9mm (plus 1.5 boxes of new 9mm stuff).

I love the Wolf .223, both my AR15s eat the stuff with NO problem whatsoever. CAUTION: ONLY use it is "military spec" .223s. It will NOT work with target chambers (tolerances are too tight). [I've run at least 2K of Wolf thru my AR15s.]

Wolf 9mm (old style) didn't feed in my S&W 39-2. Talked to Wolf and they sent me (gratis) two boxes of new 9mm to try. Didn't work either, so I talked with S&W . . . answer is that the feed-ramp is too narrow on that old style gun, thus stick with brass cased ammo only. Next range trip I'll try the Wolf 9mm in two other guns I have and the Wolf .45 to see if I can use that in the defensive handgun course coming up in a few weeks.

Will report back on Wolf handgun experiences, probably after this weekend.
Thanks for the info. I guess it's like I was told yesterday at the shop. "You'll have to try a bunch of different ammo until you find what works for you". I will have to try some 165 as well as this 180 and see how the results come out for me.


First off, congrats.

Secondly, I've got that gun's American twin (Smith & Wesson model SW99) and I just LOOOOOVE it. Accuracy is good (usually better than I can shoot it, at least); it has yet [knock on wood] to FTF, FTF, or FTE after ~ 1,500 rounds; and equally important, it's a cinch to break down for cleaning.

I've talked to a couple other SW99 owners, and to a person they have all reported EXTREMELY positive experiences. In fact, one guy I talked to (and I agree) said that he was going to get the whole family - 9mm compact for concealed carry, .40 S&W for "winter carry", and .45 ACP for home defense.

I'm inclined to agree...

Also, I've shot mainly the Winchester White Box through my gun and it has done fine; however I've put a couple hundred rounds of Wolf through with no adverse effects.

The best part is, you've got to do all that shooting to figure out what's best... :)
Congratulations Adam!

I have a Glock 23 and shoot Winchester 165gr at the range and carry Federal Hydra-Shok JHP. I've put about 100 rounds of hydra-shok through the Glock at the range with no issues (I need to pick up more for further testing next paycheck).

Can't speak to the Remington rounds, but figured I'd let you know my experience with what I shoot in .40 S&W.
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will take a ride over and see Carl and ask his opinion and pick up some more ammo for testing.

I did TONS of research and a ton of drooling over this piece before I actually went for the buy. I have been following another board that is specifically for Walther firearms and asked questions and did lots of reading. I'm happy with this gun so far... And I haven't even made it to the range yet! I hope to get out this weekend and try it out.

Thanks again
Regarding the Hydra-Shocks:
Ive heard too many stories about people having to do mag-dumps on dog's to stop them with Hyrda's, and read a few home-research reports of people testing in water jugs, etc, that they're just not that reliable when it comes to expanding....

Never heard a bad thing about the Spear's , so i think my next defence load-up will be with those....h
Republic of Mass said:
Ive heard too many stories about people having to do mag-dumps on dog's to stop them with Hyrda's
WOW That's pretty sad!!
Everything I've heard about them is good...

What's everyone else's feelings about them?

Don't know anything except that the newest batches of them (.40 S&W anyway) have a slightly different bullet profile. Have not had any problems with feeding in my Sig, but I wonder if that change was done to improve expansion.

One of my reasons in using the Hydra-Shock as a carry round was that it's got enough of a history that it is an easy choice to defend in court. While there might be something better out there, from all the tests I've seen, the performance of just about any handgun round is pretty maginal at best. It really does come down to making good hits on your target.

Ive found Magtech to work well as a practice round. Specifically, the FMJ 180 grain. Fairly clean, decent price, and flawlessly reliable in my gun so far.
Since the discussion has been touching on bullet expansion and similar areas, I thought some of you might be interested in this site:

You're not going to get the answers to all your questions, but some of the photos are neat. It also give's me an idea for a new diversions should I ever get around to retiring.

Hollow point choices

First, congratulations on your license. Your PD violated state law by taking so long. I'm curious as to why you didn't follow up after the maximum 40 day waiting period. Sometimes they sit on someones desk for weeks unless you follow through.
Federal Hydra-Shoks, Remington Golden Sabre, or Speer Gold Dots are all great choices. As far as Hydra-Shoks not expanding adequately, Federal wouldn't have manufactured them for as long as they have, if they didn't, and they wouldn't sell in the volumes they do if they didn't function correctly. I use both Remington Golden Sabre's and Federal Hydra-Shoks in my carry guns. Winchester USA FMJ for practice. If anyone want's to stand about 25 feet downrange for a test trial of a Hydra-Shoks expansion performance, please step forward. You can bet I won't be volunteering. [roll]
I did follow-up after the 40 days... I was simply told that it was out of their hands and that they were waiting for the state to come back now. The person that does the licensing in my town seems like a pretty straight shooter (no pun intended) and both times I went in to follow-up about the license he flat out told me that he knows me and has been dealing with me for a number of years with licensing and he had no reservations about giving me the license I wanted and he wouldn't hold back at all, but it was up to the state to finish their checks. Oh well.. As annoying as it was to wait as long as I did I am just happy to have it now.

Adam_MA said:
I did follow-up after the 40 days... I was simply told that it was out of their hands and that they were waiting for the state to come back now. The person that does the licensing in my town seems like a pretty straight shooter (no pun intended) and both times I went in to follow-up about the license he flat out told me that he knows me and has been dealing with me for a number of years with licensing and he had no reservations about giving me the license I wanted and he wouldn't hold back at all, but it was up to the state to finish their checks. Oh well.. As annoying as it was to wait as long as I did I am just happy to have it now.

Adam, if you're a registered voter - call both your state Senator's office and your Rep's office and tell them you're still waiting. It's past the allowed 40 days and you appreciate it they would check to see why it's taking so long. That's what we PAY them for - time for them to earn their money in a constructive manner for a change.
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