It's now on

The END is NEAR.

Did we believe otherwise when the women and minorities ruled the day and voted in El Presidente?

Campaign promises are made to be broken. We all knew that and we all know Democrats and their promises (and Republicans and their promises).

Quick, buy more hi-cap mags! Buy more high-cap guns! That's what we had to do in 1994.
What he supports and what he pushes for may be two different things. At one point, I believe W. said that he supported the then-existing assault weapons ban.

I certainly agree that Obama is a gun banner, but I think he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

He does have bigger fish to fry, but whether he will or not is unknown. He will have to capitulate something to masses that voted for him, but thankfully they are more worried about free money and houses than guns at the moment.

GWB said he would vote to affirm if it made it to his desk. Which is a pretty lame way of saying, 'I was against it before I was for it'. LoL, yeah right.

Personally, whether you are for guns or not, voting for AWB 2.0 makes it pretty obvious you have no idea what your doing. As the first AWB was useless as far as its intentions went.
Did anyone actually believe him when he said "common sense" gun control measures during his campaign[rofl][rofl][rofl]?
He's been very consistent all along, ignoring some random slips of the tongue here and there. That policy is pretty much a straight copy from his campaign web site, then it was on his transition web site, and now onto the official POTUS web site [puke]
Well when only 5% of gun owners in MA join GOAL and about 10% nationally join the NRA it just shows that most gun owners really don't give a rats ass what the .gov does to us.

Exactly. Everyone will piss and moan after it happens, but few will do anything about it before it does.
He said this:

A woman in the crowd told Obama she had “heard a rumor” that he might be planning some sort of gun ban upon being elected president. Obama trotted out his standard policy stance, that he had a deep respect for the “traditions of gun ownership” but favored measures in big cities to keep guns out of the hands of “gang bangers and drug dealers’’ in big cities “who already have them and are shooting people.”

“If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,’’ Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room.

So he tried again. “Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ he said. “This can’t be the reason not to vote for me. Can everyone hear me in the back? I see a couple of sportsmen back there. I’m not going to take away your guns.’’

So the question is, did he cynically say that a new Assault Weapons Ban is not actually "taking away your guns", because that is different than "not letting you buy new guns"?

Only time will tell.
"I promise to protect and uphold the Constitution, except the second amendment, and I reserve to right to delete and re-write the Constitution as I see fit, so that I may not be called a liar for upholding it."
So who here will take to a letter writing campaign, (not E-mail)? Who here will go door to door and organize? Who here will put pressure on elected officials, (local, state and federal)? Who here will put pressure on the NRA to not sit idly by again? Who here will take to the streets if need be - march on Beacon Hill, march on Washington? Who here will make their voices heard beyond the confines of your keyboard? Who here will at last prioritize liberty above a soccer game, or getting the time off work? Who here is willing to sacrifice? [wave]
What an a**h***.

Honestly I was willing to give him a chance. Today I told myself. "I am not fond of Bush. Obama has no experience but maybe things might be ok"

Then this. What an a**h***. I don't know why I expected more.

I would be up for a march for gun rights in DC.
BO might have bigger fish to fry, but Biden does not. Together they WILL push it through.

The best thing that can happen is BO finishes his term but trashes the economy so badly that he and Biden leave in disgrace. And frankly, that outcome sucks, too.
I did not want to think about this today. I wanted to put my fingers in my ears and yell na na na na na na while pretending it was not happening.
Move to New Hamp.... uhhhhhhh

That's the passive approach...and also the approach that is doomed to fail because so many people from MA are moving to NH that NH is becoming full of whiny dolts.

I say let's march on Washington and not wait until we turn into the UK.
On top of contacting our representatives, groups like the NRA and GOA are going to need members and they're going to need cash. All the folks who think that these are useless organizations can feel free to chime in with a better idea.
He's just going to end up selling MORE guns...

True more guns will be flying off the shelves but the prices are also increasing on guns and ammo.[sad2]

I was buying spam cans of Romanian 7.62x39 for $129. Right after the election it went up $10, now its almost $200.

Of course anything on the new proposed ban has gone up including SKS types. Last year a typical refurb Russian SKS went for $350. Now they're close to $500! Even Yugo 59/66 models have risen by at least $100.
I won't even get started on cheapie Romanian AK prices.

I don't get it. Distributors raise prices on guns and ammo that American citizens have been buying because they were cheap and affordable and make them un-affordable.[rolleyes]
A quick google search on Obama and AWB shows quite a few identical policy quotes. I agree that it sucks, and it's stupid.

But at least it's consistant stupid sucking. Yes?
Unlike the last time, though, we should have recourse through Heller. Hard to argue that ARs are not a firearm in common use, since they're probably the most prolific single long arm in civilian ownership in the US.

With the recent Obama panic buying spree that has been going on - most of which comprise "black rifles" from what I have heard - it will be getting harder and harder to argue that AR's are not in "common usage" as their numbers increase.

I have been hearing people argue for months now that there would not be a new AWB. Seems like we are going to get to find out if that will hold true.

As soon as I get a few other things squared away I will start another buying spree. I don't trust him - or the rest of the Demorats.
What he supports and what he pushes for may be two different things. At one point, I believe W. said that he supported the then-existing assault weapons ban.

I certainly agree that Obama is a gun banner, but I think he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

The problem with that viewpoint is that when he can't land the big ones - he will go for the smaller ones that he can land. Just to say he was successful when he went fishing.
So, if you tell a lie, but nobody believed your lie, are you still a liar?

I have other things I'd love to say, but I can't think of a way to say them without offending others that ARE truthful, honest, hard working, ethical, moral, etc.
With the recent Obama panic buying spree that has been going on - most of which comprise "black rifles" from what I have heard - it will be getting harder and harder to argue that AR's are not in "common usage" as their numbers increase.

The site reads that obama/biden support renewing the AWB and making it permanent. The AWB that they are talking about (No, not the one in congress right now because they can't be talking about renewing something that doesn't exist.) didn't ban ARs. It just neutered them and their attachments, accessories, and the like. It meant no mags with 10 round capacity, etc (I'm sure you are well versed in what the AWB meant). All of that seems to be okay acording to the Heller ruling and restrictions that justice Scalia's statement allows for. The Heller ruling is absolutely not going to save us and should absolutely not be relied upon to do so.
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