It's now on

Well that didn't take long.

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.
My stomach is already churning enough from today - this is just icing on the cake. Not that I did not know that was their agenda from the start.
Unlike the last time, though, we should have recourse through Heller. Hard to argue that ARs are not a firearm in common use, since they're probably the most prolific single long arm in civilian ownership in the US.
Unlike the last time, though, we should have recourse through Heller. Hard to argue that ARs are not a firearm in common use, since they're probably the most prolific single long arm in civilian ownership in the US.

Yes that and statistical analysis of crime rates before, during, and after the previous AWB will also help us. However, there is a moonbat majority in the house and senate, they don't vote based on facts or evidence. It's all emotion based.
Well when only 5% of gun owners in MA join GOAL and about 10% nationally join the NRA it just shows that most gun owners really don't give a rats ass what the .gov does to us.

Bingo...Unless a fire gets started and people organize, are willing to step outside the box, (most important) and are motivated, history will be a repeat...Folks have to be willing to put themselves on the line for 2A, or just relegate themselves to whine through another one....
Yes that and statistical analysis of crime rates before, during, and after the previous AWB will also help us. However, there is a moonbat majority in the house and senate, they don't vote based on facts or evidence. It's all emotion based.

You and I both know that we could produce proven stats from the FBI data crime lab showing a drop in crime caused by local communities being armed and someone in Washington will still attempt a ban.

Locally, they will follow the DC gameplan until someone with deep pockets and a legal team can fight their strokes of a pen.
What he supports and what he pushes for may be two different things. At one point, I believe W. said that he supported the then-existing assault weapons ban.

I certainly agree that Obama is a gun banner, but I think he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Just freaking beautiful - this, the day after I wipe out my car, driveway, tax return, in one fell swoop. Given that this is likely to be passed, I guess I can add my chances of finishing a decent AR project to the list of things I'm not going to get done.

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