It's time....and I need your help. *****UPDATE IN POST 1*****

Man those Support the troops Bridge banners we're/are pretty affective on getting a message out. Especially hung where traffic is both heavy during peak travel times, most high capacity State highways...Just saying...Bridge banners gone viral.

Sure.. get out the molon labe shirts and stickers, but mostly get out the people.
Well versed, respected people that represent us, talking to inform, instead of defend and scare off people that are on the fence about the issue.
I personally don't think LaPierre did a good job at all.
Someone with more likeability and charisma to give us an in touch instead of out of touch position.
We need good press.
Maybe we can ask eastwood to get out his chair again, joke...
I mostly liked what this guy had to say,
i recently posted it so sorry for the double, but i wanted to ask him if i could somehow get Boston globe or another newspaper to print all of it or some excerpts out of it for people to read.

Where mostly just preaching to the choir guys, almost always, time to think out of the box and ask yourselves what is it that
would be great for other people to hear. Politically, strategically what would be our best message?
Cause that is what were trying to do right? Get other people to be on our damn side for once..

Whats ever is going down count me in, I'll find the time to help out.
Sure.. get out the molon labe shirts and stickers, but mostly get out the people.
Well versed, respected people that represent us, talking to inform, instead of defend and scare off people that are on the fence about the issue.
I personally don't think LaPierre did a good job at all.
Someone with more likeability and charisma to give us an in touch instead of out of touch position.
We need good press.
Maybe we can ask eastwood to get out his chair again, joke...
I mostly liked what this guy had to say,
i recently posted it so sorry for the double, but i wanted to ask him if i could somehow get Boston globe or another newspaper to print all of it or some excerpts out of it for people to read.

Where mostly just preaching to the choir guys, almost always, time to think out of the box and ask yourselves what is it that
would be great for other people to hear. Politically, strategically what would be our best message?
Cause that is what were trying to do right? Get other people to be on our damn side for once..

Whats ever is going down count me in, I'll find the time to help out.

As much as I hate to say it, I'm of the opinion that marketing is going to be the make/break here. As was mentioned earlier, people are ****in lazy. It has to be simple, yet quick, not ****ing around, and _everywhere_. Even million-man-marches are quickly forgotten. If you can even muster that many people, which has been noted that you can't - they're all at work powering the welfare state we're working against.

It's gotta sell. It has to ****ing sell, or it's wasted effort. As they say in my industry, you can have an exceptional engineering team and mediocre sales team and still fail, but you'll never fail with an awesome sales team and any engineering team.
Which career politician is going to bring that bill to the table?

Probably won't come from a career politician. But I think you catch my drift. The only way to author a bill like this would be for a "rogue" Representative. Think of somebody on the Tea Party fringe like Mike Lee or Rand Paul. It could happen.

Back on topic: The other idea is just lone-wolfing it when it comes to guerrilla marketing. Get posters up on I-93, Rte 3, I-95, I-89, Rte 101, etc. Wear pro-gun shirts and hats, etc. There are a ton of ideas. I still believe in the power of the pen too. "The pen is mightier than the sword."

Others might think vandalizing public property with pro-2A stuff would be the way to go, or launching DoS attacks on anti-gun websites, but I don't think that would have the desired outcome. There might be a time where is the is the only semi-peaceable option, but we're not there. Yet.
A lot of great ideas in this thread and sadly also some Debbie downers...

That may be easy for you to say. Exactly how many pro 2A rallies have you attended? Were you at the infamous 'Million Gun Owner March'? I was and so was Mike. We rode for 2 days round trip on a piece of shit bus to the tune of a couple thousand people. The turnout was a joke. The support, (or lack) from the gun industry and the National Rifle Association was an even larger one. Hell - Fox News never even gave it a blurb - nothing. We've also seen 'rah-rah rally' threads come and go. We tried to whip one up a couple years ago and got: "Well my kid has a soccer game that night", or "I don't want to get in trouble at work". We asked for support from GOAL and they wouldn't even post in the thread a yes or no. Too dangerous. That doesn't mean we're 'downers' - that means we've been there...Have you?

Saturday rally? Would think it more effective if the legislature were in session...Playing to an empty theatre?
I really honestly believe the message needs to be more "**** with us and die" and less "please leave us alone".
This is why we need to act fast:

Looks to me like Executive order: reclassify semi autos as Title II.

Seeking expansive mandate

In addition to potential legislative proposals, Biden’s group has expanded its focus to include measures that would not need congressional approval and could be quickly implemented by executive action, according to interest-group leaders who have discussed options with Biden and key Cabinet secretaries. Possibilities include changes to federal mental-health programs and modernization of gun-tracking efforts by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Maybe we should try Sunday night 2am. Whose attention will you get on a saturday morning? Amd for us NH residents, well, ever been to CONCORD, where the gov. office is? Because if it's anywhere near to where the RMV is located, then the only way people will notice that we were there is because someone will have to pick up the left behind cigarette butts on monday morning. There's nothing but empty offices and a few underpaid securitas guards there on a saturday. Defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
I really honestly believe the message needs to be more "**** with us and die" and less "please leave us alone".

I agree with you, but 98% of the gun owners do not. It would be great to think however, that if 2% of the gun owners in this nation showed up in DC with exactly that message - or even one slightly less aggressive, what a powerful force that would be - figure: a couple hundred thousand people? Now that would be a rally. That was the larger message with the last one in DC. There were 'Come and Take It' flags and Gadsen flags everywhere. But everywhere constituted a scattering of people in a park - no one was armed. A Boy Scout troop on a parade float could have suppressed an uprising there.

Our message needs to be strong and professional not wreckless.

So what in your mind constitutes "strong and professional"? What message can we send out that will make people - who do not support the Second Amendment and want to see it either limited severely, or removed entirely, to suddenly shift their thinking, or even care? Do you think say, Gadsen flags and empty holsters will do it? I'm serious - I want to know what this message should be, because messages have been sent prior...

Maybe we should try Sunday night 2am. Whose attention will you get on a saturday morning? Amd for us NH residents, well, ever been to CONCORD, where the gov. office is? Because if it's anywhere near to where the RMV is located, then the only way people will notice that we were there is because someone will have to pick up the left behind cigarette butts on monday morning. There's nothing but empty offices and a few underpaid securitas guards there on a saturday. Defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

That's exactly my point. This is a weak attempt to draw numbers, because for some reason, folks don't seem to want to burn a vaca day or sick time for something that is supposedly important. Who in the hell is going to care on a Saturday? Perhaps the Chinese tourists will think it's a hootenanny...You want to have a rally? Do it on a Tuesday, when government is in session. Make getting to, into and out of the area and the building a 'challenge'... Make noise, make signs, make a plan. I'm not trying to muck up this thread. Hell, I hope it gets legs. I could use a day off...There's good street food in DC and maybe, just maybe - people will actually show up this time. If not, drgrant and I can go grab some chow off the food truck and make fun of the snipers lasing us from the rooftops... But take it from someone who's been there: No one gives a shit and certainly will give far less of a shit on a Saturday morning. We were there on a weekday and could not even get Fox News to show. You have to be willing to do something bold and have to be willing to risk...If you're not willing to get bloody, then really - there is no point....
Again I agree with Mark. I am ready again to do what I need to do. I am not trying to be a downer but when you go to a march and the state coordinator is too busy to come, the message failed. I will be watching this, and hopeful this will take off.

And there was nothing wrong with the nice purple bus
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Again I agree with Mark. I am ready again to do what I need to do. I am not trying to be a downer but when you go to a march and the state coordinator is too busy to come, the message failed. I will be watching this, and hopeful this will take off.

And there was nothing wrong with the nice purple bus
Unless Barney is on the side of it!
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OK, Here's my first attempt at a brief message--critique, edit, flame, whatever, I can take it.

We are gun owners. We are Americans. We are mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. We are your neighbors, employees, customers, coworkers, and friends. We are not the "gun nuts" or "baby killers" the gun confiscators label us to demonize our cause. We own firearms and use them responsibly for legal purposes. We believe in the Second Amendment’s affirmation of our natural rights. We recognize that the Founding Fathers did not create the Second Amendment to protect hunting or sporting rights, but to maintain a check against a tyrannical government. Unlike many of our elected representatives, we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We understand how firearms operate; we know the differences between different caliber cartridges, the differences between automatic and semiautomatic guns, the differences between pistols and revolvers, and the differences between clips and magazines. We recognize that evil exists in this world and must at times be met with force. We know that guns are inanimate objects and that of and by themselves are merely tools. We know that outlawing these tools is not a solution to violence. We have seen time and again that attempts to cure a symptom fail to cure the disease. We believe that more gun laws will affect only those who are law abiding; criminals by definition do not obey laws. We decry the hypocrisy of the elite who would confiscate the guns we use to protect ourselves but who in their lives are protected by armed security forces. We wonder why it is so logical to protect the president’s children with guns but so unthinkable to protect our own children with guns. We are opposed to new restrictions on every American’s Constitutional rights. We are 80 million strong and we will not go away. We are gun owners.
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I keep mentioning it but look at the Occupy movement. They are a group of somewhat like minded people, who have unified by using the various means of modern day communication to spread their message and communicate their movements. We need to do the same. Adapt or die.
You have to admit though, it does help when you have no where to go for months on end.... The entire occupy movement was a breathing organism that grew over weeks... Unfortunately we don't have weeks to protest. I use the term "we" as I'm sure most on this forum are busy living the American dream.

I'm still on board... I think we can get a good showing but we can't have a kneejerk date in mind.
OK, Here's my first attempt at a brief message--critique, edit, flame, whatever, I can take it.

We are gun owners. We are Americans. We are mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. We are your neighbors, employees, customers, coworkers, and friends. We are not the "gun nuts" or "baby killers" the gun confiscators label us to demonize our cause. We own firearms and use them responsibly for legal purposes. We believe in the Second Amendment’s affirmation of our natural rights. We recognize that the Founding Fathers did not create the Second Amendment to protect hunting or sporting rights, but to maintain a check against a tyrannical government. Unlike many of our elected representatives, we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We understand how firearms operate; we know the differences between different caliber cartridges, the differences between automatic and semiautomatic guns, the differences between pistols and revolvers, and the differences between clips and magazines. We recognize that evil exists in this world and must at times be met with force. We know that guns are inanimate objects and that of and by themselves are merely tools. We know that outlawing these tools is not a solution to violence. We have seen time and again that attempts to cure a symptom fail to cure the disease. We believe that more gun laws will affect only those who are law abiding; criminals by definition do not obey laws. We decry the hypocrisy of the elite who would confiscate the guns we use to protect ourselves but who in their lives are protected by armed security forces. We wonder why it is so logical to protect the president’s children with guns but so unthinkable to protect our own children with guns. We are opposed to new restrictions on every American’s Constitutional rights. We are 80 million strong and we will not go away. We are gun owners.
I like it... don't expect me to critique it because I'm dyslexic. Where are we putting this statement?
VFW's would probably have us wrt a meeting location.
This comment sparked a thought... I bet the majority of the membership of veteran's organizations would also support this idea. Here is a list of US Veterans Associations from Wikipedia:

Ok folks, just a brief update of my mind and where I'm at.

Yesterday was exhausting mentally. I was not prepared for the outpouring of support. I expected 10, 20 at most who would commit to helping. I'm near a hundred people who have messaged me and are ready to meet.

Everyone posting ideas, and links, great work, glad to see the brainstorming.


Let's rope it in. WE MUST STAY ORGANIZED one of the reasons so many groups fail, is everyone gets so charged up they run off half cocked and you're fighting the good fight as one. We must unify and fight as a group. If you feel strongly about these ideas you present, I URGE YOU, BEG YOU EVEN, that once we have a meeting scheduled in the coming days that you do whatever is needed to attend. I'm going to go clear my head and throw some lead, and come home and send a mass email to everyone who has sent me their address and get this scheduled.

I'm going to hammer this point home to all of you, and I want you to all engrain this in your brains.

There is no glory, without great sacrifice

If your not willing to sacrifice, we wont win this fight.

It's time folks.....
It would be interesting if a group like Anonymous got involved. They weren't very happy with the BPD after the occupy movement. Remember how they locked out the BPD computer system. Imagine if providence was next, followed by any other city that infringed.

Not all of Anonymous is Pro2A. In fact, I've seen some anti-2a stuff posted from the @YourAnonNews account and others that follow it.
OK, Here's my first attempt at a brief message--critique, edit, flame, whatever, I can take it.

We are gun owners. We are Americans. We are mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. We are your neighbors, employees, customers, coworkers, and friends. We are not the "gun nuts" or "baby killers" the gun confiscators label us to demonize our cause. We own firearms and use them responsibly for legal purposes. We believe in the Second Amendment’s affirmation of our natural rights. We recognize that the Founding Fathers did not create the Second Amendment to protect hunting or sporting rights, but to maintain a check against a tyrannical government. Unlike many of our elected representatives, we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We understand how firearms operate; we know the differences between different caliber cartridges, the differences between automatic and semiautomatic guns, the differences between pistols and revolvers, and the differences between clips and magazines. We recognize that evil exists in this world and must at times be met with force. We know that guns are inanimate objects and that of and by themselves are merely tools. We know that outlawing these tools is not a solution to violence. We have seen time and again that attempts to cure a symptom fail to cure the disease. We believe that more gun laws will affect only those who are law abiding; criminals by definition do not obey laws. We decry the hypocrisy of the elite who would confiscate the guns we use to protect ourselves but who in their lives are protected by armed security forces. We wonder why it is so logical to protect the president’s children with guns but so unthinkable to protect our own children with guns. We are opposed to new restrictions on every American’s Constitutional rights. We are 80 million strong and we will not go away. We are gun owners.

I wonder if any of the big 'news' papers would allow purchasing a spot to print this statement. I would certainly pitch in some $ towards this. ...just a thought.
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